
how to print background image on printer as watermark

i have one image background of table with following syntax style="background-image(URL)" the problem is when i print it on printer it did't print. can you please tell me how to get this image background also get it printed on paper as watermark. i need any code not to ask every user to change the browse settings. Thanks ...

Making firefox refresh images faster

I have a thing I'm doing where I need a webpage to stream a series of images from the local client computer. I have a very simple run here: The code is extremely simple setTimeout ( "refreshImage()", 100 ); function refreshImage(){ var date = new Date() var ticks = date.getTime() $('#image').attr('src',...

Using javascript to print images

Hi all, I would like to know if it's possible to use javascript to open a popup window containing an image, and at the same time have the print dialog show. Once someone clicks on print, the popup closes. Is this easily attainable? ...

How can I tell xCode to recheck project resources that have been modified?

I'm working with a designer friend on an iPhone app and he likes to refine all sorts of images relating to the project we're working on. All these images have been added to the project previously (and added to the project folder by xcode) and then are modified in their new location. When I preview the images in xCode, the updated images ...

android - looking for image that goes around a contact in the contacts aplication

Hi In the contacts app, from 2.0+ , in the list you can see a border around each contact image. (look at the image) I have looked around the source code for the contacts app ( [;a=sum...

Browser timing out attempting to load images

I've got a page on a webapp that has about 13 images that are generated by my application, which is written in the Kohana PHP framework. The images are actually graphs. They are cached so they are only generated once, but the first time the user visits the page, and the images all have to be generated, about half of the images don't load...

would have only saved the resized images

I want it to only saves the resized images so have tried to do so it deletes the original image again after it has been uploaded but can not because it says the image is being used by another process please help. and can not simply remove where it stores the original because it uses it to resize i Use this code to save the fils string ...

Does anyone know what is the 32 character string before the product image filename in Magento ?

I ask this question, since I am trying to get the images I have just copied from Domain A to work in Domain B, (which is using the same database). http://DOMAIN_A/magento/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/0/b0041-1.jpg I think knowing what the 32 character string is, which help me find a good explan...

Problem in Setting image in imageview inside ListView in Android?

Hi, I have a listview which includes 2 textviews and 1 imageview. Now, the image in imageview will be set on certain conditions otherwise it should be left blank with no image. The problem is the images are not coming in proper rows. Say, for eg the image should be displayed at row 3 but its displayed at row 4. And, in some cases each...

Wpf image browser with images from stream

Hi, I have Dictionary(string path, Image image) from wcf service My question is how to display this in wpf ? Do you know some useful links ? ...

Images in the project NOT adding to array - don't know why.

Hi there, I have to sets of images. Each set has 16 images. One set is called 0.png through to 15.png the other is a0.png through to a15.png. In my app, it loads each one dependent on a variable (which by logging, I have proved it works) here is the code [MemoryManager sharedMemoryManager]; NSLog(@"THEME: %@", [MemoryManager shared...

Actionscript image download open custom viewer

Hi Gurus, i am downloading tiff images from WAMP server using our Flex AIR client. Using the following code for that. public static function requestDownload(id:int, defaultName:String):void { //POST params var urlVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); urlVars.action = "download"; urlVars....

How can I use images provided by the iPhone OS?

Hello all, First, let me state what brought this question about: I saw the green checkmark icon in this post and I would like to use it in my own application. However, since it looks so much like the UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton my assumption is that this green checkmark icon is provided by the iPhone OS in some form o...

Show image from clipboard to defalut imageviewer of windows using

I am using below function to make a image of current form and set it in clipboard Image bit = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height); Graphics gs = Graphics.FromImage(bit); gs.CopyFromScreen(this.Location, new Point(0, 0), bit.Size); Guid guid = System.Guid.NewGuid(); string FileName = guid.ToString(); //Copy that image in the clipbaord. I...

Reading Images only from Camera

I wanted to read images only from the Camera folder of the device. Since the folder might be different for different devices, how can I write a simple application for it). So far I have written the following code, which does read from Camera folder, but it also reads from other places on sdcard as well. Cursor childCursor = managedQuery...

Finding An image tag using the alt text

I would like to know if it was possible using Javascript to find an image tag by its alt text. For instance I have this tag: <img src="Myimage.jpg" alt="Myimage"> would there be a way to obtain the tag by looking for the "Myimage" alt attribute? ...

Image/"most resembling pixel" search optimization?

The situation: Let's say I have an image A, say, 512x512 pixels, and image B, 5x5 or 7x7 pixels. Both images are 24bit rgb, and B have 1bit alpha mask (so each pixel is either completely transparent or completely solid). I need to find within image A a pixel which (with its' neighbors) most closely resembles image B, OR the pixel that...

Python FTP grabbing and saving images issue

EDIT: I got it working it just won't download anything... So here is my code simplified now: notions_ftp = ftplib.FTP(ftp_host, ftp_user, ftp_passwd) folder = "Leisure Arts - Images" notions_ftp.cwd(folder) image = open("015693PR-com.jpg","wb") notions_ftp.retrlines("RETR 015693PR-com.jpg", image.write) send_image = open("015693PR-com....

Pop up to save image in

Hi All, I am using 3.5 and C#. I have a image which I want user can download. Like, there would be a download button or link. When user click on this link he will be prompted with a pop up to save that image to his desktop. I have tried with <a href ="path" > </a> but it is opening the image in other page, I want user to ...

I need some help cropping an image in PHP (GD) Using that image as an example, here's what I need to do: Crop the blue square to have the same proportional ratio as that of the black square From doing that, I should then be able to resize the blue square to fit into the black square without stretching it - It'll retain its proportions. Note: The blue...