
trigger in sql server

can we create more than on insert trigger on a single table? if yes then how they execute and what exactly idea about for,After trigger and when they construct? if no then why? ...

How to insert X amount of rows at the beginning of a pre-existing table of data in sqlite

I am relatively new to sql, so I had a question about insertion. I have a table of data that I need to import above the existing content of another table. For example, the table I am bringing in has 100 rows, and the table I'm bringing the data into has 100. I need to make the table I am bringing new data into have 200 rows, and have the...

MySQL BLOB field INSERT syntax

Hi I'm writing a network server program in C++ which receives binary packets from network. Packets are then stored in std::vector< unsigned char > I've used MySQL 5.1 and MySQL Connector/C++ from ubuntu lucid to store packet information (field by field) into a table in a database. However, I also need to store the complete binary form ...

Efficient Multiple SQL insertion

Hey guys, What is the best/most time efficient way to insert 1000 rows into one table (jdbc/connector-mysql database)? (it is a buffer and need to be dumped into the database everytime it is full) 1- One auto generated/concanated SQL statement? 2- for (int i = 0; i<1000; i++) { con.prepareStatement(s.get(i)); } con.commit(); 3- stored...

Reason for inserting column value in SQLite database.

Friends, I am inserting the xml parsed data into database table,i have the following fields, name,price,image, Static insert of name addevent("name",price,image); it's getting inserted well,where i given name field has static. 2.Dynamic insert of names. But when insert the field data from xml parsed value (name) - String , it's be...

Hibernate: Value generated by SQL query

Hi, I want Hibernate 3.3.0 to generate a value by performing a SELECT query before INSERT (persist()). Which would work like this: @Generated(GenerationTime.INSERT) @GenerateSQL("SELECT RANDOM() * 2") private int number; I've had a look at @Generated(), that's good for TRIGGERs. I don't want to introduce a trigger. I also looked at ...

How to insert new line 3 white spaces or 2 words prior to specific character.

I was trying to format a chat log for a friend that looks like this: John Smith > hello Jane doe > hey how are you? John Smith > Pretty good thanks and she wants to format it like this: John Smith > hello Jane doe > hey how are you? John Smith > Pretty good thanks Simply entering a new line after > is not good enough as it would ...

how to insert this text in mysql

i want to insert some text in mysql but text have double quote "" in middle of the text then insert query failed what i do in c# to solve this issue Incorrect string value: '\xE0\xA4\x85\xE0\xA4\xAD...' for column 'colname' at row 1 ex: this is a simple "text" ...

Android set Album Thumbnail

I have retrieved some cover art for an album (I have the id and a Bitmap) and now I want to set it into the MediaStore. I tried a bunch of stuff: private static final Uri ARTWORK_URI = Uri.parse("content://media/external/audio/albumart"); public static void writeArtwork(Context context, Bitmap bmp, int albumId) { ContentResolv...

PHP mySQL not letting me insert into a table

Hey, I'm using the code: function insertV($deptx, $coursex, $secx, $isbnx,$titlex, $authorx,$usedpx,$newpx) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `$deptx` (`course`, `sec`, `isbn`, `title`, `author`, `usedp`, `newp`) VALUES ('$coursex','$secx','$isbnx','$titlex','$authorx','$usedpx','$newpx')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysq...

mysql ’ show up as ’

Hi there, when I try and run: mysql -u myUser -pPassword -D myDatabase -h myHost < toInsert.sql from my ubuntu desktop where myHost is a remote Red Hat server and toInsert.sql contains ’ they show up as ’ How can I resolve this? Note! ’ is NOT the same as ' When I run toInsert.sql from a windows machine with a mysql gui client I ...

Java JDBC Retrieve ID After Insert

Hi All, I use triggers to set PK column values of all tables so i do not do any operation about IDs in java but i need the ID after insert. How can i get the ID? stat.execute("INSERT INTO TPROJECT_PROCESS_GROUP(NPROJECT_ID,VDESCRIPTION) " + "VALUES(" + "'" + projectID + "'," + "'" + d...

c# datagridview adds rows after rejectchanges

I'm adding a new row to DGV DataGridGeneral, that is bound to BindingSourceGeneral. BindingSourceGeneral_CurrentItemChanged is run to save the row in the db. I try to launch RejectChanges() in case of error. BindingSource rejects the row properly, DGV rejects data, but 2!!! more rows appears in it! The coding: private void BindingSource...

Does Entity Framework 4 support Batch Inserts?

I found this similar question here, but this is really old. Was it implemented in the latest version? ...

Help with SQL Server procedure rollback

I need some help with this procedure: What its supposed to do is try to insert a new user if there is no other with same NAME. If there is a already an user, it should rollback else commit. But it doesn't work, it commits anyway. Any suggestions? SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[SP_USUARIOS_INSERT...

MySQL INSERT - SELECT syntax problem!

INSERT IGNORE INTO table3 (id1, id2) VALUES SELECT id1, id2 FROM table1, table2; What's wrong with the above SQL query? It shows me syntax error. ...

Insert into two tables from a single form

Insert into two tables from a single form. The first insert go in fine the second generates this error Duplicate entry '0' for key 1 any idea what is happening? $connection=mysql_connect ("localhost", "foo", "bar") or die ("I cannot connect to the database."); $db=mysql_select_db ("database", $connection) or die (mysql_error()); $query ...

Insert multiple rows in gridview.

Hello. I have the following code to add a new row into a datatable and then bind it to a gridview. I need to add a new row anytime i click the Button2. What do i need to change in the code so i can have multiple rows before i submit them to a database? Private Sub BindGrid() Dim DT As New DataTable Dim Row As DataRow ...

Increment and insert Integer values on Android SQLite Database

Hello, Im trying to insert values on Android SQLite Database. The question is, Iḿ trying to insert a word, the table has 3 columns, ID, WORD, COUNT. When I insert a word in the database, some method will verify if this word exists on the database. If yes, it will increment the value of COUNT for this word. Example. I have a word "Quest...

Insert a Hyperlink at a specified position in a WPF FlowDocument

I'd like to insert a WPF Hyperlink element into a FlowDocument programmatically. The objective is to create a toolbar button that would take a run of text within a RichTextBox and replace it with a Hyperlink. It's the same sort of interface you see on the web for creating hyperlinks on wikis or in blogs (or on StackOverflow). I can fi...