
CSS: text-transform not working properly for Turkish characters

Hi StackOverflow, The implementations of the major browsers seem to have problems with text-transform: uppercase with Turkish characters. As far as I know (I'm not Turkish.) there are four different i characters: ı i I İ where the last two are the uppercase representations of the former two. However applying text-transform:uppercase to...

Internationalization: Only key name is displayed instead of localized string in Simulator

Localization is working for other languages except of English pretty well. Every time I compile my app I see the key name instead of the localized string. Example: NSLocalizedString(@"WelcomeKey", @"") In Localizable.strings I have the corresponding entry: "WelcomeKey" = "Welcome"; In the simulator I always get the key name Welcome...

Localize dbms demo data

Hi everybody! I'm developing a windows mobile application which should work in multiple languages (English, German, French, Russian). This application is about to be shown to customers (Germans, Russians,...) and we would like to generate data depending on the culture it is setup for. So: has anybody thought of a way to create data w...

Open Source Projects for i18n à la Facebook

Hi there! Facebook has this unique and clever approach to localization of their site: translators (in their case users that help to translate the site voluntarily) can simply click on the not-yet-translated strings – which are marked with a green bottom border – in their natural context on the site. See

Normalizing/validation for international data sets in a database?

Lets say you are dealing with your normal contact database (you know... name, phone number, address, email, etc...). If you're concerened about this locally, it's generally not a big issue to deal with, but when we look at international sets it is. Looking at the phone number system, you would think it's simple, but it's really not. In ...

HTML encoding ° degree symbol extra space

<div id="a">°F</div> $.get("",{'TU':$('#a').text()}); IIS server logs show the following params: 99.5% of the time: TU=%C2%B0F 0.5% of the time: TU=%C2%B0+F server subsequently crashes because it doesn't know what '° F' is. Admittedly one of the flaws is that we are scraping text out of the DOM & sending it to our...

C++ equivalent of mbsrtowcs and wcsrtombs using locales and streams

Is there a C++ equivalent of mbsrtowcs and wcsrtombs type functions using std::locale and C++ streams functionality? I'm trying to figure out the best way to convert back and forth between std::string and std::wstring using the standard library. It seems std::locale can almost do this, but I'm a little iffy on some details, or on what l...

Location of currency symbol for a particular currency in java

I know the way to get the Currency Object and other details for a currency in java using locale and NumberFormat class. But I am not able to find anything in the API to know whether currency symbol is display at start or end E.g. 10 in US is $10 where $ is in the start of number) 10 in Zloty (polish currency) is 10 z (z to represe...

Add String to Drupal Translation Server without Resetting

I need to add some strings to my Drupal translation server but I don't want to reset the current translations. Is there any way I can do this? ...

Extract translation phrases from Magento

I'm relatively new to Magento and working on a site build for a client and they simply need a list of phrases used throughout the site to be sent to a translator. I'm a little surprised that there isn't something simple and built into Magento for easily pulling this stuff out, which is why I'm writing here now. Is there a relatively simp...

GAE webapp application internationalization with Babel

How would you go about internationalizing a Google App Engine webapp application using BABEL? I am looking here for all the stages: Marking the strings to be translated. Extracting them. Traslating Configuring your app to load the right language requested by the browser ...

rails3 I18n: can't override "1 error prohibited this packet from being saved:"

When i get errors on model Packet, i always see the first (english=not translated) line: 1 error prohibited this packet from being saved: Naam Gelieve het veld Naam in te vullen! The translations for the error for the single field is found! While i have the following in my nl.yml nl: activemodel: errors: template: ...

How to retrieve all translations from yml files in Rails I18n

I'm guessing that rails stores all the parsed translations yml files in a sort of array/hash. Is there a way to access this? For example, if I've a file: en: test_string: "testing this" warning: "This is just an example Could I do something like, I18n.translations_store[:en][:test_string] ? I could parse the yml file with YAML::l...

How can I programmatically find the list of codecs known to Python?

I know that I can do the following: >>> import encodings, pprint >>> pprint.pprint(sorted(encodings.aliases.aliases.values())) ['ascii', 'base64_codec', 'big5', 'big5hkscs', 'bz2_codec', 'cp037', 'cp1026', 'cp1140', 'cp1250', 'cp1251', 'cp1252', 'cp1253', 'cp1254', 'cp1255', 'cp1256', 'cp1257', 'cp1258', 'cp424', 'cp43...

localize android application where data coming from server.

Hi.. i have an application where it displays a list of items in ListView. These items(strings) are coming from the server which are stored in english language. I want to display these English characters in Chinese language in my application. Is it default if the user selects Chinese lang for their device or should i have to do some...

string literal to `basic_string<unsigned char>`

When it comes to internationalization & Unicode, I'm an idiot American programmer. Here's the deal. #include <string> using namespace std; typedef basic_string<unsigned char> ustring; int main() { static const ustring my_str = "Hello, UTF-8!"; // <== error here return 0; } This emits a not-unexpected complaint: cannot conv...

Is it always a bad idea to use + to concatenate strings

I have code as follows : String s = ""; for (My my : myList) { s += my.getX(); } Findbugs always reports error when I do this. ...

Cross-application I18n in Symfony

How can i use global i18n translations for all applications in a symfony project? ...

MsWord weird identification of language when reading UTF8 text file

Hi, I have to merge a document in MsWord 2003 that includes some Thai characters, to do it I dump the information using UTF-8 charcode. That kind of works ok. Problem is that when I open this text file in MsWord (as it is my DataSource for the merging), it identifies some english characters as if they were foreign language (so not bein...

Are email addresses allowed to contain non-alphanumeric characters?

I'm building a website using Django. The website could have significant users from non-English speaking countries. I just want to know if there're any technical restrictions on what types of characters an email address could contain. Are email addresses only allowed to contain English alphabets + numbers + "_" + "@" + "."? Are they al...