
The {{key}} interpolation syntax in I18n messages is deprecated. Please use %{key} instead.

I am running ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [i686-darwin10.3.2] with Rails 2.3.8 and I have to use that version. When I run 'rake test' I get The {{key}} interpolation syntax in I18n messages is deprecated. Please use %{key} instead. There was a bug but now should be solved:

Cannot get right results from postgre full-text search

Hi fellas, I'm developing a simple articles website in brazilian portuguese language. The search feature is based on a full-text search, but it isn't returning expected results. I made this on postgresql. Here is the simplified table: Artigos -id -title -- article title -intro -- article introduction -content -- article body -publishd...

Why does Django's time filter not pickup the TIME_FORMAT by default?

Using {{today|time:"TIME_FORMAT"}} correctly localises times when I switch languages in my Django 1.2.3 project. E.g. for English I see "12:19 a.m." and when I switch to German it changes to "12:19:25". As far as I can tell from looking at the docs and code ( and just using {{today:time}} should do the same ...

In GTK, how do I change the localized language text on the UI while it's running?

In Linux, is it possible to change the UI language on the fly which is created using GTK? I have a application which needs to change UI language on the fly. ...

Searching one array and displaying the value of another array at same index

Here is my plist: <dict> <key>ehindi</key> <string>ankamaal</string> <key>part</key> <string>n</string> <key>meaning</key> <string>hug</string> <key>hindi</key> <string>अंकमाल </string> </dict> Here is my code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]; NSString...

How VARCHAR/CHAR manages to store/render multinational symbols in SQL Server?

I have used to read that varchar (char) is used for storing ASCII characters with 1 bute per character while nvarchar (varchar) uses UNICODE with 2 bytes. But which ASCII? In SSMS 2008 R2 DECLARE @temp VARCHAR(3); --CHAR(3) SET @temp = 'ЮЯç'; --cyryllic + portuguese-specific letters select @temp,datalength(@temp) -- results in --...

Bullet Points Positioning with Arabic RTL direction

Hi there, I am using custom bullet points on a website. Now this site will also be available in Arabic. .post ul li{ color: #555555; background: url(images/ico-bullet_round.gif) no-repeat !important; background-position: 300px 6px !important; padding-right: 15px !important; padding-left:0 !important; direction:r...

Preparing a web site for international usage

I am preparing to develop a web application that will (hopefully) be used by an audience with many different native languages. What should I do to prepare my software project to have the user interface be almost entirely internationalized? Are there any software stacks that make this easier? ...

How to show arbitary characters in c?

warning C4566: character represented by universal-charac ter-name '\u2E81' cannot be represented in the current code page (936) Sometimes we need to display text in various languages such as Russian,Japanese and so on. But seems a single code page can only show characters of 1 single language ,how can I show characters in var...

stringstream and french locale (French_France.1252)

std::stringstream stream_french; stream_french.imbue(std::locale("")); // French_France.1252 stream_french << 1000; std::string value_french = stream_french.str(); This code will convert 1000 to string "1 000" but the value of value_french[1] is -96 and not 32, why is that ? value_french[0] = 49 value_french[1] = -96 value_french[2] ...

Rails 3 - How do I define ActiveModel translations for several attributes?

Hi, I'm trying to an activemodel instance with translations. I find that the only way validations work (with another locale) is by duplicating the error message for every field I defined int he model. So for this model: require 'active_model' class User include ActiveModel::Validations attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :email...

Internationalization of user data

Hi I have a client that wants to store data in a MySQL database with multiple languages (English, French etc) and be able to retrieve the data (in the same specified language). ie: we have an English description of a product (varchar), which we intend to rewrite in French, and then on the server side find the description in the locale t...

[Rails] I18n doesn't translate in models through cucumber

Hello, My cucumber scenario tests if my news can be create without a title. This must show "You must specify a title.". In my news model, I have: validates_presence_of :title, :message => I18n.t(:specify, :what => 'a title') and in my en.yml have got : specify: "You must specify %{what}." but when I run my test, the result is "...

JSTL : <fmt:setBundle> Illegal scope attribute without var

My jsp file has code line as below: <fmt:setBundle basename="blah" scope="blah"> I have two different environments. On one of the environments it complains about 'scope' attribute being used without using 'var' attribute. On the other environment, this does not complain. I doubt that it could be because of different version of JSTL. H...

Hibernate and Internationalization using Tables

Hi With regards to the answer on my previous post: Would it be possible to use Hibernate to link these tables together using annotations (or something else?) so that the existing models and database queries do not have to change? J ...

Determining user locale on server side in GWT app

I have implemented i18n on a GWT application to internationalize labels, buttons etc. Is there a way to determine the user locale on the server side of a GWT application. I have found a library called gwt_i18n_server_1.0.jar which I suspect allows me to do this but the documentation is a little thin. Is this possible? ...

Should I assume that ^[a-z]{2} will match any locale?

I'm implementing the routing and i18n part of my framework. I'm wondering if I should assume that ^[a-z]{2} Will be a locale, and if so use it. Or should I make the user populate a list with languages? Eg: supported = [ 'en', 'es', 'it', 'ru', ] So the developer has to manually define languages. And for the record, 90% of the sit...

symfony/propel: question about i18nTable and modules generated in the backend.

Hi, in Jobeet there is this part below of the schema: jobeet_category: _attributes: { isI18N: true, i18nTable: jobeet_category_i18n } id: ~ jobeet_category_i18n: id: { type: integer, required: true, primaryKey: true, foreignTable: jobeet_category, foreignReference: id } culture: { isCulture: true, typ...

Simple way to use parameterised UI messages in Wicket?

Wicket has a flexible internationalisation system that also supports parameterising UI messages in many ways. There are examples e.g. in StringResourceModel javadocs, such as this: WeatherStation ws = new WeatherStation(); add(new Label("weatherMessage", new StringResourceModel( "weather.${currentStatus}", this, new Model<String>(ws...

Adding translations for the models in the Rails application

Hi , I am new to ROR. I am trying add translations to my application. I have added translations for the controllers. Where to add translations for models as i am not having any /config/locales -> models folder ->en.yml file . In the model i am having lines like validates_presence_of :name, :message => "Name cannot be blank!" If i...