
IE6, IE7, IE8 not displaying images inserted using jquery .html unless user right-clicks --> 'Show Picture' (Flash also on page)

Hi All I've got a strange issue which crops up in IE (6, 7 and 8) and when Flash is on a page: images display intermittently. Refreshing the page several times may or may not make the image display. Approximately 50% of the time the image displays If the image is not displayed there is space for the image and right-clicking 'Show Pict...

Internet Explorer and jQuery issues

I have a script that works in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. It just doesn't work in Internet Explorer for whatever reason. The code is fairly simple: <script type="text/javascript"> (function( $ ){ $.fn.tabSwap = function() { return this.each(function() { $('.current').removeClass('current'); $(this)...

Using JScript determine if user has administrative rights

I'm building a "diagnosis" page that determines various settings on a client's environment to help diagnose setup and connection issues. (e.g. cookies turned on, popups enabled, etc.) For a part of this page I'd like to check... if the browser is Internet Explorer, if the user has administrative rights or not... as they will be needed t...

JQuery MVC and Internet Explorer

Hey guys, i have a crazy problem. I have been running my webapp on firefox and it works fine. However, my client will be using internet explorer. I dont think it will work me just saying in order to use this, you have to use firefox so i am trying to correct this damn bug. I have 3 dropdownlists, a parent, a parent/child and a child. And...

JQuery animation in IE 8

I am making an animated opening for a site, no flash, very simple, animation of opacity fade up of background layer, then logo grows out of image into position, then I show (slide in) the remaining divs. For some crazy reason, I have been unable to get this to work in IE 8. Works fine in Chrome and FF on Mac and PC. I haven't tested in ...

Verify that a Silverlight app loads without unhandled errors?

I'm involved with developing a Silverlight application together with a few developers. We use Hudson to build and deploy the application to a test server, the process is roughly like this: Developer checks in changes. Hudson detects changes, checks them out and builds the solution. If the build is successful, the new application is dep...

Internet Explorer 7+8 jQuery Error with infiniteCarousel

Hai guise! I am having a spot of trouble with some jQuery I am using, this was previously working but I have made many developments since then and tried to track back to find out what the issue was, but I am unsuccessful - hence, my presence on here. Anyway, I am getting some JS errors in both IE7 and IE8 with the catch my frame jQuery i...

favicon is pixelated in IE

I have created a 16x16px favicon for a website, but I am getting complaints that IE pixelates it. should I have a larger size? is their a way to use multiple sizes? What is best practice? ...

CSS selector for label using "for" attribute in IE 6,7

I have a label in my web page as label for="title" How can i style this specific label element? ...

BEST WAY ??? automated-tests with powershell-scripts in internetexplorer (Windows7)

Hello, Currently I create a program, which shall automated-tests. To allow for this problem-free I must deactivate Silverlight (because my scripts don´t work in windows7 otherwise). Is there a chance to do this, without the user must admin-permissions have? If yes: what chance is it? If no: Can I create the program only for users with...

Changing scrollbar size in Internet explorer 6 by using Windows CE 6.0

Hi, I need to change the scroll bar's size of Internet Explorer 6 in Windows CE application. by referring to , I'm only able to change the scroll bar slider's size(by changing SBSizeV and SBSizeH value) but not the arrow button's size. Is there any way that I could change the size? Th...

Showing and hididng div's in Internet Explorer, why can't I use absolute and relative?

I frequently use 's on my site pages to hold additional 'instructional' information for a particular page. A user can click a button such as "Show Instructions" and the is then shown on the page. When a page is loaded, I have visibility set to 'hidden'. So then a user will click on a 'Show Instructions' button to show the . Hidden, t...

Error when trying to access web browser from windows application

I am trying to access open IE instance from my desktop application. Code is IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc; LRESULT lr; HRESULT hr; if ( SendMessageTimeout( hwndChild, uMsg, 0L, 0L, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, (DWORD_PTR *) &lr ) ) { hr = ObjectFromLresult( lr, IID_IHTMLDocument2, 0, (void**)&pDoc ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { IWebBrowser2 *...

In IE, how do I remove a filter?

I have a class .tab{filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#f5ffff', endColorstr='#e8f2f8');} and when one of the tabs is selected I want to remove the filter: .tab.selectedtab{/*what do I put here to remove the filter?*/} ...

Object Expected error in IE7 - problem with function scope?

Hi - I'm having what I hope is a simple-to-fix issue. Basically, I've got one block of javascript containing the function, and then I'm trying to call it from another block of javascript (within a jQuery $(document).ready function). Whilst it works fine on Firefox, I get an 'Object Expected' error in IE7. It's probably something to do w...

Re-download (no cache) same report image multiple times on single page in IE

Using the Microsoft.Samples.ReportingServices.ReportViewer, I am showing multiple instances of the same SRS report on the same aspx page using IFrames (which is what the ReportViewer renders as.) Each instance has different parameters passed to it, so the output looks different on each instance of the report. My issue is that in Interne...

Under What Circumstances Would Javascript Performance be Worse in IE8 than IE7?

I work for a company that built interactive seating charts using Javascript. Here's an example: In many ways they mimic the functionality of Google Maps. We're dealing with an odd problem--performance for the maps is fine in all browsers except IE8. I'...

Migrate website / application from IE6 to IE7 / IE8

At the moment I have to migrate a web-application (ASP.NET 2.0 with Masterpages) from IE6 to IE7/IE8. Where can I find hints and guidelines for this topic? The webapplication looks fine in IE6 but completely awful in IE7 and IE8. In IE8 I cannot see the compatibility button. ...

VML and opacity problem in raphael

Hi everyone, I'm working on a raphael based script that can rotate, resize, flip and flop an image. I've faced strange problem in IE: when the image with opacity is rotated on some angle and then is applied by matrix to perform flip, there are black areas on it. Image is rotated and flipped: See black...

Jquery doesn't work in ie

Ive made this jquery script quite basic really, but yet it fails to work in ie, but works in every other browser have tried it in chrome, opera, safari and firefox. I've uploaded the script so you can take a look ops wrong url this is the right one the code is following $(function () { $('#uploadf...