
Apple's iOS ScrollViewSuite example code crashes- Low Memory

I'm adapting the third part of ScrollViewSuite to display a large map in my app. Unfortunately, it's sometimes very easy to crash Apple's unmodified sample code on my device- a 2nd gen iPod Touch. If I swipe and pinch many times and very quickly, the app will crash with low memory. If this happens, it can be consistently and quickly repr...

Why doesn't iPhone adhoc distribution in iOS4 (xcode 3.2.3) work?

Before iOS4 I could successfully build my App using the Adhoc distribution profile and send it to my clients for testing. Now under xCode 3.2.3 when I (and my client) drag and drop the .app folder into iTunes, the App does not appear among the list of apps and no message (error, warning, etc) is displayed. Is there a known problem wit...

Why do I need to do this and is there a better way? Animation blocks on iPhone app OS4...

So I have some animation blocks to create some very simple animations on my app (eg. a wheel spinning continuously). This is the code for the animation (I have changed if from the old commitanimations style block but was getting the same problem with that). [UIView animateWithDuration:30 delay:0.0 options:(UIViewAnimationOptionAllo...

'NSFetchedResultsController does not support both change tracking and fetch request's with NSDictionaryResultType'

I have an application that was running just fine under OS3+. But it does not work under OS4. I get the following error message : 'NSFetchedResultsController does not support both change tracking and fetch request's with NSDictionaryResultType' Does it ring a bell to anyone here? (NSFetchedResultsController *)fetchedResultsController {...

xcode error: there is no sdk for "iphoneos2.2.1"

So I downloaded a sample application and I'm guessing it was made before the iphone os 4. And when I try to compile it gives me that error. I don't know if the programming would be any different. Can someone tell me if there were any changes in programming between os 2.2.1 and os 4? How do I make this application compatible for os 4? ...

UIDatePicker will not animate

I have a view containing a segmented controller and a UIDatePicker that only shows 24-h time. I want to be able to set different times depending on what the segmented control says. So "Mon" would correspond to one time, "Tue" to another and so on. I have this working. However, I also would like to animate the picker when the user changes...

moving TTLauncherView from sdk3.x to sdk4.0 adds an ugly shadow to TTLauncherItem's badge

We are moving an app from iOS3.x to iOS4. Now a shadow shows up for the TTLauncherItem's badge, as show in the image. How to get rid of that shadow? ...

iAd randomly crashes

Hi, I got this iAd crash randomly in my app. What could I do to fix? I don't see any hints for me to fix it because on the simulator it never happens. Incident Identifier: CA4CBEB9-A081-459B-BAAA-C7D58A0E0ABC CrashReporter Key: e24b9614a897f92ee13ce00b76c71db307c61dcb Hardware Model: iPod2,1 Process: FooApp [737] Path: ...

JEFF LAMARCHE's Alert View with prompt is offscreen in iOS4

Anyone know why Jeff Lamarche's Alert View with prompt class produces a alert that is mostly off screen when used in iOS4? All the code in a downloadable project can be found here: His sample project out of the box, in the 3.2 simulator (running as an iphone app...

UIImagePickerController returned image woes

I have a UIImagePickerController that lets the user pick an image from their library, edit it, and then save the product out to disk. Before it saves, however, I need to update a UIImageView to hold the edited photo. But when I go to set the UIImageView's image property, the program crashes. It still can save to disk. The UIImageView is...

converting old iphone applications (ios2.2.1) to newer iphone applications (ios4)

Bill Dudney created a sample iPhone Bonjour application to demonstrate how to use Bonjour to discover and connect to two iPhones. Unfortunately, this application was made for ios2.2.1. Does anyone know how to convert this application to the new ios4? OR if someone knows of another example application that is made for ios4? ...

Compiling pjsip for iOS 4.0

G'day guys, I've been having issues with compiling pjsip for iOS 4.0. I'm using the latest trunk version from SVN and keep getting a portaudio error. When using the piedmontwireless guide: I get a missing separator error in my build.mak file, which would indicate a whitespace/ta...

How to use NSDayCalendarUnit in iPhone app

I'm trying to setup a UILocalNotification object's repeatInterval attribute. It works well with NSDayCalendarUnit, but I need to set a repeat interval of every three days. I've tried NSDayCalendarUnit + 3, but that doesn't work. Any ideas? ...

Picker not working well after upgrade to iOS4

I have been re working the iPhone 3 dev book to see if it all works in iOS4. All went well until I hit the Data Picker Is anything changed there? I was able to get Date Picker to work but nothing after that. ...

UIActivityIndicatorview freezes when application moves to foreground iOS4

Hi, I am experiencing an issue with activity indicator freezing when I move application to background and then bring it back to foreground. The application can be loading some data over the network when it is moved to background. Hence I display an activity indicator to the user. I have added the code to make sure that the task finishes...

Detecting discrete touch events

How do I isolate touch events from each other? For example, I have one method that should be called if the view detects a single tap, and another method that should be called if the view detects a double-tap. The problem with the way I'm doing it is that a double-tap is always interpreted as a single tap before it is intereperted as a do...

Resize UIImageView in UITableViewCell upon rotation

I'm setting a UIImageView into my table cells during - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableVw cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath They are stretchable images (created with stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth) How can I update their size when my table view is rotated to another orientation? ...

ios4 penetration

Are there are resources for determining the penetration of iOS4 vs 3.1? Similar to the way adobe reports on flash's penetration to help developers plan. ...

mapping a uiscrollview contentview position to its frame?

I have a UIScrollView where the content size is larger than the frame. I am displaying a UIPopoverController and want to use the frame of a UIImageView for the call to set where the popover will be placed: [popoverController presentPopoverFromRect: imageView.frame inView: self.view permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny ani...

NULL value from NSDateFormatter from XML

Hi guys, This was working fine before compiling with iOS4.0 and I can't figure out what's wrong. Here's the problem. I send my app scores from my database with a date/time on it. My goal is to store that in CoreData. When I use the code below I get a null value for the date. Code: NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatt...