
Can I send locations to a server in background on Iphone?

Hello, I'm looking for the answer to my question but it's quite difficult for me. I would like to keep connected to the server in background sending location of the iphone with ios4. I`m really sad because I think that multitasking of apple is not real multitasking, in fact they only keep the state of the app but they don't allow it to...

What are the potential issues of jail-breaking to test the new background APIs on a 3G?

I've registered/paid for the iPhone developer program, which allows me to test apps on a device. I have an old 3G that I would like to use. However, I'm interested in using the significant change notifications as well as it working in the background. If I were to jailbreak to enable background processing and things like that, what issue...

Return Inputs to UITextfield with custom inputView

i created a UITextField and a custom View. after that i added this custom view as "inputView" to my UITextField. amountKeyboardViewController *amountKeyboard = [[amountKeyboardViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"amountKeyboardViewController" bundle:nil]; amountTextField.inputView = amountKeyboard.view; [amountTextField becomeFirs...

Is PhoneGap on iPhone pointed to local proxy possible and allowed?

Hi all, We are looking on building a project that would run on Android, iPhone and other platforms with Phonegap. The app would be fairly simply, making use of the camera and basic UI features. The first versions would simply point to a web service and load information from there. Over time, however, we want to improve the speed by: 1....

iPhone 4 not supporting in XCode 3.2

Hi all, I am haivng an iPod which recently updated to iOS4.0. It is working fine with the device. I am having the XCode version 3.2 installed on my mac. When I try to test the apps on my device it displays an error. No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected. Is there any way to make it working. Help needed. Thanks in advance, Shi...

iPhone iOS4- playing an alarm in the background?

I am working on an alarm app for the iPhone and I cant seem to figure this out. My question is regarding capabilities of backgrounding. Is it possible for a user to specify a certain time for an alarm to play in my app, say 7:00 AM. The user is using iOS 4, and exits the app, but it is still running in the background. Is there anyway for...

System ignore iPhone rotation

Hey all, Is there a function like beginIgnoringInteractionEvents in UIApplication that ignores rotation instead of touches? I need my app NOT to rotate just in an MPMovePlayerViewController that I present. Thanks [UPDATE] Here's my code -- MPMoviePlayerViewController *mpViewController = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWith...

avTouchController VU meter for iphone radio app

Hi friends, I'm trying to implement the VU meter code sample from in my iPhone Radio app. Until now no joy. My question: is it possible to implement this VU meter, from AVAudioPlayer class, in my code, that uses another object that parses the mms str...

iPhone push notification is not working 4.0 Os

Hi, When I am using my app with iPhone OS 3.1.3 APNS working fine with it, but when I am deploying my app on iPhone with OS 4.0 I am not at all getting the APN. Regards, Rv ...

How to change the preferred language of an iPhone app in iOS 4

Changing the language of an iPhone app has been discussed many times, but I'm stuck with this one: The provided solutions require the app to be restarted to make the changes take effect. But how do you achieve this on an iPhone 4? Pressing "home" sends the app to the background and clicking the app icon just brings it back. The user has ...

iPhone OS 4.0: NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification not providing callback at file-end

I'm a bit new to iPhone development, so be gentle! I'm supporting an app which loads a wav file from a URL file-stream, and plays it back through an AudioQueue. We run a continual loop in another thread, and stop the Queue if we detect that it has no buffers in use, and the input FileStream has reached its end. In turn, we detect if th...

My app crashes when I run it on iPod touch OS 4.0

Hi Guys, I'm currently developing an app for the iPhone/iPod. I started developing with the 3.1 sdk and switched to the new 3.2.3 for 4.0. Also, I upgraded my iPod to OS 4.0. When I run the app on the iPod and simulator 4.0 the app crashes on an IBAction (pushing a button) that creates a game object and subsequently calls an animation ...

app buttons fail on device

Egads, I'm completely perplexed! I have an iPhone app with keyboard input for a couple of fields. I've created a "giant invisible button" in the XIB to hide the keyboard after the user enters the data as well as a custom "done" button added to the numeric keyboard. If I "Build and Run" to the iPhone device in either debug or release c...

iPhone (iOS): copying files from main bundle to documents folder causes crash

Hi, I am trying to set up my application so that on first launch, a series of files located in the "Populator" folder in the main bundle are copied into the documents directory. My current implementation is as follows: - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { NSS...

iPhone in app purchase to credits to real life prize?

I want to make an app that is free to play but you would be able to purchase "credits" through apples in app purchase. When you use these "credits" and if you successfully complete a task you will then be able to get a prize mailed to you. Is this allowed by apple? ...

How do I avoid excess battery usage under iOS4?

I am using the 'location' UIBackgroundMode to receive GPS background updates when the user presses the Home button. As a result, if the app is left in background mode overnight, the battery is consistently dead the next morning. I have told the locationManager to stopUpdatingLocation, but to no effect. I understand Apple doesn't want de...

MPMusicPlayerController stops working after iTunes sync

I know there's a similar question MPMusicPlayerController stops sending notifications, but the answer to that question doesn't solve this problem. I'm using iOS 4, and this happens on both multitasking-enabled devices and non-multitasking devices. I've tested on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 2G, and iPod touch 1G. I have a project ...

Is it possible to record video with custom audio on iPhone?

So, is there any way I could record video but use my own audio for it with iPhone SDK? Thanks much for all your ideas! ...

iphone os 4 app is not working on ipod touch os 3+

after i complied my app on IOS4 my app stopped working on ipod touches. it is a first generation ipod touch, with os 3 on it. So i assume application for OS4 are not working on old ipodtouches ? but there was no warring from the app store and it is even listed for download for ipod touch too. any ideas ? base SDK is iphone device 4 an...

How to determine the x/y screen location of the blue dot representing your current location in iOS?

Playing around with MapKit and I'm wondering ... Is it possible to determine where on the screen (the x and y) the blue dot representing your location sits as you move the map around? I recognize it starts out in the center of the screen ... but if you start to move the map it sticks with it. Thanks -wg ...