
How to limit my app to run only on OS 3.0 family (or earlier) and not on OS 4.0?

Hi everyone, Is there any way I can limit my app on the store to say that is only compatible with 3.0 os family and not with 4.0 ? I've been searching on the store and all the requirements are only in the form "iOS3.0 or later". Can anyone tell me if this is possible? Thanks in advance. EDIT: I just noticed that some apps on the stor...

iOS 4 freezes app

Hi guys, I have an app that runs on iPad and iPhone running iOS 3.2, but when I try to install it in the simulator it freezes - unresponsive interface (a UIAlertView at this point), no console messages, no crash logged. When I step through, it gets all the way through applicationDidFinishLaunching and then stops with this list of calls:...

Subclassing TableViewCell, backgroundView and selectedBackgroundView mystifying me

I'm subclassing UITableViewCell and using Quartz 2D to draw the elements of the cells in the drawContent view method. In my table view delegate's tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath, I'm also inserting a UIImageView as a subview to the cell, but the image doesn't appear until the cell is selected. I'm suspicious of the backgroundView and s...

AudioToolbox framework supported for iPhone 4 Multitasking?

Hello all, i am using audiotoolbox to stream music from a URL on an iphone app. what i want is to enable multitasking using this framework. is their a special way of doing this or which method can i use to make this work. thanks. ...

Adjusting the volume of a playing AVPlayer

The only method for getting a volume change on currently playing AVPlayer items is to follow this process; Offload the currently playing AVPlayerItem's asset Grab the current playback time for that AVPlayerItem Load the asset into a new AVPlayerItem Replace the current AVPlayerItem with the new one Wait for the currentItem to change on...

question regarding retina display assets on older handsets running 4.x

So I'm building an app for 4.x devices and I'm wondering if I can just use one set of assets at double resolution instead of one set with a @2x id and another set without. Basically im asking can the older 3g and 3gs just use the @2x assets? and do the right thing with them? anyone have experience with this? Thanks ...

Make universal binary for IOS4 (iPhone 4) and 3G

How to make universal binary of one app, which can correctly run on 3G and support multitasking on iPhone 4? Thanks! ...

Running an older iOS version in the iPhone simulator

I want to test my application on older iOS versions. I am using weak linking for new frameworks and branches in the code for different OS version. But after some complaints from users running iOS 3.1.2, I need to do some testing myself. I don't have a separate iPhone for every iOS version. So, how can I run an older version of iOS in t...

iPhone 4.0 Playing Video after Audio Gives blank screen.

Hello, I have an app that has multiple tabs and in one of those tabs I load a page which contains jPlayer (HML5 audio player) in order to play background music for the user. On another tab I have links to video files. When the music is playing on one tab and the person clicks on the video link it initially starts up in portrait mode and...

Focus on Blur Substitutes for Touch Events on iOS4?

My Desktop Webkit enabled App uses the following: iframe.contentDocument.defaultView.addEventListener("focus", function(event) { }, false); iframe.contentDocument.defaultView.addEventListener("blur", function(event) { toolbar.hide() }, false); Is there a way to update this to support Touch Events on the iOS Safari Brows...

Why is my maximumRegionMonitoringDistance 0 meters with an iPhone 4?

[CLLocationManager regionMonitoringAvailable] and [CLLocationManager regionMonitoringEnabled] both return YES. performing [locationManager maximumRegionMonitoringDistance] returns 0. Why? (I have iOS 4.0.1, and this is using Ad-Hoc distribution) ...

Iphone's retina display in the simulator

I'm getting a bit confused on how to use the simulator to build applications that need to support the new higher resolution of the iphone 4. I would except when selecting the iphone4 simulator to run the app on that [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] would give me 960x640 back, but instead it still giving me the old resolution (480x320) ? ...

Access contents of iPhone SQLite database for app that won't start?

I'm currently beta testing an application I'm working on. I've entered data into this app that I don't want to lose, however the current state of the app is that it will not even start (doesn't even generate crash log or connect to debugger). I would be OK just deleting it and re-installing if I could get the data in the SQLite databas...

Play local notification default sound when displaying UIAlertView?

I'm writing a reminders app for iPhone that displays reminders using local notifications. If a reminder goes off while the application is running, the local notification isn't displayed. Instead, the didReceiveLocalNotification method is called in my app delegate, and I mimic the local notification dialog by displaying a UIAlertView wit...

Build iPhone App for multiple devices and versions

Im trying to upgrade my iPhone app from 3.0 to 4.0 Some of the API are deprecated in 4.0, if i use the new API, it might not work on 3.0 right? Therefore i need to have an old API and New API What is the best way to code for 3.0 and 4.0 for all the pro developers out there? I know i can check for model and systemVersion from UIDevice....

Disabling edit button in "more" view of tab bar controller does not work in iOS4

In my old app I could completely disable rearranging views in tab bar controller by doing: tabBarController.customizableViewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:nil]; But on iOS4, the Edit button is still displayed, although it displays no items. Is not it possible to hide the edit button completely? ...

What's the best way to store static data in an iOS app?

I have in my app a considerable amount of data that it needs to access, but will never be changed by the app. Currently I'm using this data in other applications in JSON files and SQL databases, but neither seems very straightforward to use in iOS. I don't want to use CoreData, which provides tons of unnecessary functionality and comple...

iOS 4 background HTTP Live Stream

I'd like to play an audio HTTP Live Stream in background. But how do I do that? I tried to add the key (an Array) "UIBackgroundModes" with value "audio" to the info.plist. Now I try to play audio with the MPMoviePlayerController. But as soon as the app goes into background, the audio Playback stops! I don't know of any other API to play...

maintaining compatibility with previous iphone devices and os's

How easy is it to revert an OS on a device, i.e. iphone or ipod touch? I know apple still makes sdk 3.1.3 available but what if you want to test it on a device that currently has version 4 of the OS? Apple seems to make this much more difficult than it should be given the number of people most probably using 3.x OS. Just testing for ...

Monotouch - fast app switching

Hey How is the above implemented in MT? How do I allow the app to open back up to the screen it was last seen in? w:// ...