
Difference between "terminating" an app , opening the "task switcher" and "auto lock"

Hi there, I'm aware of the fact that the title of this thread is substandard. Anyhow, here's the issue I'm facing: My App displays a tableView with time-relevant content (content can get "old") and therefor updates on a regular basis by calling a web service and parsing its xml answer. so, in order to not display "out of date" informa...

In iOS4 applicationWillEnterForeground may get called before applicationDidEnterBackground and it makes problem

Hi, In iOS 4, if I close & re-open my app rapidly then (after applicationWillResignActive invocation) there is a chance for applicationWillEnterForeground to be get called well before the applicationDidEnterBackground and results in a black blank screen as because the app entered into background state immediately after the foreg...

Base SDK Missing

I just upgraded my xcode directly from the website i.e. I downloaded the new version of xcode which came with ios4 - yet when I finished installing everything including the SDK it now says base sdk missing?!? ...

iPhone/iOS: How to list all files in a resource group?

I've got a bunch of resources -- images, to be specific -- which are all stuck in a resource group via XCode. I know how to load a specific image file from within that resource group by specifying the filename and using inDirectory to specify the "path" to the group it's in. But is it possible to obtain (programatically) a list of all ...

Settings Application Implementation - boolean values set to "no" by default.

The question, by itself, implies that the DefaultValue property in my Root.plist file was set to "no". This is unfortunately not true. To verify what my problem is, I am trying to use a section of the iPhone's Settings application. I am using this to show/hide certain on-screen items. By default, the "shown" property was set to "on."...

XCode ios4 UIWebView Code Problem

-(void)viewDidLoad { [webView loadRequest:(NSURLRequest) requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];]; } ...

UIImage created from CMSampleBufferRef not displayed in UIImageView?

I'm trying to display a UIImage in real-time coming from the camera, and it seems that my UIImageView is not displaying the image properly. This is the method which a AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate has to implement - (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer...

OpenGL died when I upgraded to OS4 an iPod Touch 2G device.

So.. basically, at work I'm developing a game and now I'm testing OS4 in all kind of devices, there were some problems but so far so good, that was until I deployed the game on a iPod Touch 2G... now ALL OpenGL are not updating, the game doesn't crashes, but, is like the renderer is doing nothing.... This is only happening with OpenGL s...

How to synchronize two UIScrollViews while zooming on iOS-3.2 / iOS-4.0 devices

I have two scroll-views on the same base-view. i want to synchronize their zooming. When anyone of them is zoomed in/out, remaining one will also zoom in/out with same zoom scale. ...

iOS4 SDK and iPod touch 1st gen

Hi, i've an app that is compiled with iOS4 SDK. i'd like to test on an ipod touch 1st gen (OS2.2.1) I've set the deployment target to OS2.0 and Base SDK to 4.0.1 BUT organizer tells me : The version of iPhone OS on “iPod” is too old for use with this version of the iPhone SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed b...

iPhone OS 3 SDK?

How can I install the iPhone OS 3 SDK beside the iOS 4 SDK? Is it possible? ...

MPMoviePlayerViewController issue after movie finishes

In iOS4 for iPhone 4/3GS, I have a tableview and one of the cells plays back a movie file. If the movie finishes playing back and the controls have disappeared the view comes back in under the status bar. Like in this image...that I'm too new to post. See it here... If the controls are on when...

An Important Question about NSString

The problem is after i press 2 buttons the App crashes and I can't figure out why Button1 is wired to button1 Button2 is wired to button2 ... Button5 is wired to button5 What am I doing wrong? Basically I want to check if the sequence of #'s is punched in correctly (55235) In my AppDelegate.H file, I've defined a variable called NSS...

iphone ios4 stats

Hello Does anybody know where can stats for ios be found? Percents of use for iOS4, iOS3 including per device/os version e.g. how many users have ios4 on iphone 3g, 3gs thank you ...

MapKit: How can I pan and zoom to fit all my annotations?

So I've got a bunch of annotations spread out on my map... everything is just dandy. Now I need to be able to set the map's position and zoom so they all fit perfectly. How can I do this? ...

Update title/subtitle for custom annotation on an MKMapView

I created a custom annotation to display my data. The data comes from moving vehicles and I've got to update their location on the map as well as their title (it shows the last update time). My first approach was to simply remove all annotations and recreate them. However this leads to a lot of horrible flickering (the map clears, and t...

Designing iPhone iOS4 application behavior: running in background vs. terminating application

We're developing iPhone GPS application for car drivers. As you probably know, iOS4 introduced multitasking, so our application can run in background - and it is. It's part of its functionality. The problem is with standard method of closing applications on iOS4. Here are two scenarios: 1) User wants to put application to background: ...

Core Data leaking strangely on device but not simulator

I've narrowed a memory leak problem down to this specific block of code: NSFetchRequest *req = [NSFetchRequest new]; NSEntityDescription *descr = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Capture" inManagedObjectContext:dataContext]; [req setEntity:descr]; NSSortDescriptor *sort = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"created_at" ascen...

CALayer or UIView backgroundColor UIImage on iOS 4

Good day all; I am not sure what has changed to prevent this from working. On iOS 3 SDK, the following code worked fine in a CATiledLayer class: - (void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)context { UIImage* image = [[ResourcesManager sharedResourcesManager] getUIImageFromArray:Image_Cell_Background Index:[mazeCell zone]]; UIColor* col...

Detecting call state in iOS4

I would like to know if there is a possibility to detect if the user is in call from an application that is currently in background. Or, receive a notification when the call is ended if the call was initiated from my app. Or, even more than that - is there a possibility to detect which app is in foreground? I don't believe that this is...