
How to "refresh" UIView

I have data being refreshed in a modalViewController and when that data gets refreshed, the parent controller needs to refresh its data as well. I tried doing a [tableView reloadData]; but it didn't work properly since the actual array values aren't being refreshed. Is there a way for me to reload a controller without the user seeing any...

Toggling UIWebView from Fullscreen back to UITabBarController

I'm going nuts trying to see what I'm doing wrong with this... I have an iPad app which runs only in landscape mode. I have a UITabBarController which holds a webview: [tabBarController setViewControllers: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:browserController, nil] animated:YES]; I have a UIButton that I want to be able to us...

Writing playlists to iTunes in iOS SDK

The Apple documentation on the MPMediaPlaylist class is pre-iOS4, so it definitively states that you cannot write new playlists to iTunes on the phone with the SDK. However, with the iOS4 update, users can create and save new playlists on the phone. Is this functionality offered to developers as well? If so, could someone point me to app...

How do you activate multisampling in OpenGL ES on the iPhone?

I'm experimenting w/ improving the "resolution" of an OpenGL ES based app. Apple mentions here ( that OpenGL ES in iOS 4 supports multisampling... and this can improve the graphics somewhat. How do you enable multisampling? ...

Hi-Res @2x image not being picked up for tab bar item

I have a TabBarController that sets the image for the tab like so, in the -init method: self.tabBarItem.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"tabImage.png"]; I have a [email protected] file in the resource. In the iPhone 4 simulator or the phone, the hi-res image isn't being picked up - the low res version is simply being scaled up. Any ideas w...

Drawing image at same position/size/rotation on a larger resolution image

I open an UIImagePickerController where the user can see "through" his iPhone and position a (product) image on top of the camera view with different gestures. The position, size and rotation of the product image can change. The user can then create a snapshot of the background image from the camera with the product image on top of it. ...

Is it ok to use exit(0) in "applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application" ?

My app crash on exit after upgrade to sdk 4, the error is bad memory access. I figured that if I put "exit(0)" in "applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application", the app would exit normally. However, is this ok? This is my only "solution" to the problem so far. NSZombie is not too helpful this time... ...

How to play sdp format video in iOS4 .

I observed that ,sdp format video are perfectly playing in iPhone OS 3.1 and earlier version. But,It is not playing in iOS4. Can anyone please suggest me how to play .sdp format video in iOS4 ? ...

need a specific JS framework to support all mobile os

Hi, I am going to transform my website to mobile phone supported. My website consists of lots of java script and ajax stuffs so looked for a specific JS framework to support all the mobile os (android,ios,windows and blackberry).I googled and found some frame works like phonegap, sencha touch,JQTouch and appcelerator titanium. Can you p...

How to stop HTML5 audio when iOS4 iPhone Web app is put into background?

I'm making a Web app (at for the iPhone that plays audio files for cricket chirp identification. The user can start and stop the audio by tapping screen buttons. But if the user taps the home button while a sound file is playing, it continues to play in the background (an iOS4 feature). I want to stop the audio in this case....

Push Notifications not working after update to iOS 4.01

Push Notifications for a clients app were working fine on iOS 4 but when users update to iOS 4.01 they can no longer register for notifications. It looks like the phone running under iOS 4.01 is unable to generate a Device Token to give to the app. The app still shows up under the Settings->Notifications menu as being ON. Google tells ...

Non-iAd App Submission Problem

I'm tring to submit my app to the App Store, but I keep running into the same problem. When I go to iTunes Connect and click "Manage Your Applications", I get a window that says "You have no Applications Uploaded." So, I assume I need to add a new application, so I click "Add New Application". However, when I do so, I get the followin...

Memory management when doing multitasking in iOS 4

According to Apple... apps should reduce their memory footprint as much as possible when running in the "background" (suspended mode). I reduce the memory footprint of my app by releasing a bunch of 2D textures in ApplicationDidEnterBackground and reloading the same textures in ApplicationWillEnterForeground. Everything works for the m...

can i make an iphone-app NOT deletable, like the preinstalled ons or some cydia-apps ?

at first: this app will NEVER reach the appstore, so apples restrictions are eglible. the app should only be for demonstration purpuose, but i want, that no mean person playing with the device can delete it. some apps in cydia show, that it is possible. second thing: i did only read something about the os4-features, because until this t...

What resolutions should iOS graphics be?

What pixels per inch settings do iOS 4 graphics need to be to support the high resolution display? Should I just use the standard 72, or should I specifically make images that are 320x480@163ppi and 640x960@326ppi? Or, should I just make images those dimensions and not worry about the resolution (i.e. leave it at the default 72)? I'm no...

MGTwitterEngine on IOS 4, check if token is valid and get user name from it (the token)

I incorporated MGTwitterEngine in my iPhone app, with basic authentication, and have since incorporated Facebook Connect's classes for iPhone. I'm now trying to move to XAuth with MGTwitterEngine and OAuthConsumer, and I would like the user to have the same flow when tweeting as when posting on Facebook. With Facebook Connect, I can use...

How can I prevent default double-tap behavior (zooming, panning) in Mobile Safari on iOS4?

When I double-tap near the edge of a page that exceeds the height or width of the browser window in Safari under iOS4, it zooms in or out and/or scrolls up, down, right, or left, depending on the size of the page and the current viewport position. How can I prevent this behavior, please? I'm working on a site where this is (very) bad; ...

iPhone Crash Log: Failed to Resume in Time

I am looking at my crash logs and noticed "failed to resume in time" Application Specific Information: com.myApp.MyApp failed to resume in time elapsed total CPU time (seconds): 0.680 (user 0.350, system 0.330), 7% CPU elapsed application CPU time (seconds): 0.130, 1% CPU How can I resume in time? ...

Is it possible to easily debug an iPhone serial-port app?

I'm now trying to connect my iPod Touch(iOS4 jailbroken) with Ecomote(a small embedded system) through serial port. I just followed this instruction: All things going well except that I need to move my application to /Application/ and chmod it to 777. However...

iPhone ios4 - Replacing iPod dock icon whilst playing background audio stream

Hi, I've figured out how I can get audio playing in the background on ios4, however I've noticed that some apps also replace the iPod dock icon with their own app icon. ( & Spotify for example). They are also able to use the dock media controls to pause and resume their streams. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks ...