
Processing in suspended state

Hello all, In iOS 4 when an app is suspended by user then in that state can we do processing and if we can then are there any restrictions in doing that? ...

DSP on MACOSX and iOS4

Hello, I am a beginning electrical engineer(Analog) trying to understand the essence of DSP techniques. Things that interest me right now is filter implementations, FFT analysis on real time audio in general. I recently bought a MAC mini(OSX10.4 snow leopard) and inherited a jail broken iphone from my wife. I thought i could leverage the...

Photoshop/fireworks filesize for iPhone 4

What's the best way to design for iPhone 4 using either Photoshop or Fireworks? Essentially looking for dimensions and DPI to start with. Thanks! ...

Calling Facebook API method from iPhone SDK

I got Facebook Connect working and all and it's loading up the user's friends list with perfection. So now I have the logged in user's UID and the friend's UID. How would I go about calling their users.getInfo method from the SDK? The example below is what they give me to set a status, but I don't know how I can transform it to work with...

Xcode Renaming a Project - Malloc Error

Hi! I have an Xcode project for iPad which works (and compiles) flawlessly. I have been requested by my client to rename the project. Within Xcode, I selected Project > Rename and proceeded to recompile the project. Compilation goes through without errors, but when I try to test it on devices, the application fails to launch and dies w...

Developing cross platform mobile application

More and more mobile platforms are being launched and sdk's are available to developers. There are various mobile platform are available, Android,iOS,Moblin,Windows mobile 7,RIM,symbian,bada,maemo etc. And making of corss platform application is headache for developers. I am searching common thing across the platforms which will help to...

How register for UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification in iOS 4

This is a real newbie: Using IOS 4. How do I register for UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification in several objects? Thanks! ...

UITabbarController:Is there any way to Switch Tabbar Item(s) of Tabbar

Hi Huys, The senario is, I a TabbarViewController, which contains Tab {A, B, C, D}. After User clicked Tab:B, instead Tab {A, B, C, D}, I want show {E, F, G} as the Tabbar item on the Tabbar. Is there any way to switch Tabbar Item Set? I'm a newbie to iOS. Thanks! EDIT: I've also tried to modify self.tabbarcontroller.tabbar.items, but...

What can I do inside "location" background thread?

For the sake of this question, assume I plan to build a Google Latitude client app for iOS 4. my app needs to upload the user gps location every two minutes, and also download the user friends locations. - in the background! my app can't wait to be woken up by the OS on cellular tower switches (because they may only happen after 2 KM, w...

Is there a way to launch an iPhone app without user intervention at a given time/day on iOS4

I would like to launch an app into the background on a given day/time to perform some background task. Using LocalNotifications doesn't seem to cut it because the user has to respond to the notification in order to launch the app. Any ideas? Thanks ...

updating settings from within app in iphone 3.1 effective on re-launch of app - does not work in iOS4

Hi, I am working on an App for iphone OS 3.1. In the app I have 'settings' tab where user can update some values which are effective when the app terminates and re-launches. I have now built this app with Base SDK set to 'Device 4.0' and the deployment target to 'iOS 3.1', since I do not want to loose the iOS 3.1 user base. Running t...

App delegate and View Controller in iOS4

With multi-tasking in iOS4, the home button puts the app into background and when it comes back into foreground I want the View Controller to 'refresh' (and hence viewWillAppear to be called). I put this in the app delegate thought this should work but nothing happens - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {...

iPhone 4 gyroscope simulation

Is there any way to simulate CMMotionManager's gyroscope output in the iPhone 4 simulator? CMMotionManager's gyroAvailable seems to indicate that the simulator itself won't do it (which is understandable, given that it doesn't simulate acceleration data either), but I figured someone may have written a simple simulator drop-in for testin...

Retina display vs old style display, why not use @2x files for both?

Hi I'm currently developing an app for both 3.0 phones and the iPhone 4. My designer made a high resolution and a low resolution version of the design. Our app is now 6 MB which I personally think is a lot, so I was wondering: why not only use the high resolution assets for all devices? What are the cons of this technique? Thanks in ad...

UIWebView with Touch Event

Hi! I need to be able to catch touch events on a UIWebView and still be able to use the webview's contents (html links, etc...) I have subclassed UIWebView and implemented methods: - (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event; - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event; - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSe...

Multitasking in iOS4 : sending push data from background process

In OS4 the idea is sold to client is that the app is opened in background, and even if the user is on another app, the app can push data to server on regular basis (which would trigger push notifications btw) BUT on what i read on the internet is that IOS4 multitasking is a fake one : - it freezes the app, and doesn't leave it in backgro...

IOS4: AVFoundation: how to get raw footage from a movie

How can i access the raw footage from movies taken with my camera, so i can edit or transform the raw footage ( eg: make it black/white ). I know that you can load a mov with AVAsset make a composition with different AVAsset's and then export it to a new movie, but how do i access so i can edit the movie. ...

Replacing face time video calls iOS4 - iPhone

I would like to change what the camera 'captures' to something else during a video call. Lets say I have an image that I want to be seen on the other side instead of the video sent from the camera. I want to 'hack' the camera on the iPhone - get control on the data being sent. Is this feasible? ...

Bug with IOS 4 or anything wrong in settings

Hi All, I am facing an issue with IOS4. Sometimes i get a alert panel with my app Identifier as its title and with options Cancel and Call. Has anyone face this issue. I have tried searching forums but i am not able to find a solution can anyone help me. Thanks in advance ...

Can't use my iPhone 3GS for development after jailbreaking iOS 4.0.1

Hi Guys, does anyone has an idea why I can't use my phone for development after jailbreaking 4.0.1? I think I know why :) ... cause of the jailbreak but do you know how to enable the dev on it again without having to downgrade to 3.1.3? ... I need jb. because I've changed my provider ... That's what my Organizer says: The version of i...