
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend anything else I'm missing?

So I know this has been beaten to death but I still can't figure out a solution. I have my UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend set to <true/> in the Info.plist and still both in the simulator as well as on an iPhone 4 device, the app goes into standby instead of terminating? Any ideas of what else could one do to get it to terminate? Perhaps ...

Best way to create a numeric pad as seen in Apples telephone app

What is the best way to create a numeric pad like the one Apple uses in the telephone app? ...

libcurl authentication on iphone?

Is there any way i can use libcurl library in Iphone to authenticate? ...

How to tell amount of hours since NSDate

I initiated an NSDate with [NSDate date]; and I want to check whether or not it's been 5 hours since that NSDate variable. How would I go about doing that? What I have in my code is requestTime = [[NSDate alloc] init]; requestTime = [NSDate date]; In a later method I want to check whether or not it's been 12 hours since requestTime. P...

iOS4 breaks HTTP requests (POST/GET)

Hey stack, I've had a working version of our codebase working on 3.1.3 and 3.2, and recently we've noticed a substantial drop in the traffic to the URL this request is hitting. After investigation, I noticed that there is no longer any traffic to this URL, subsequently breaking the app completely. This exact code will properly execu...

Test rig exited abnormally with code 134 with OCMock verify on iOS 4

I'm trying to add OCMock to my iOS 4 project. To test it out, I have a class Person with one method, -hello. When I run this test: - (void) testMock { id mock = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[Person class]]; [[mock expect] hello]; [mock hello]; [mock verify]; } Everything is fine, and the build succeeds. If I take away ...

Is jailbreaking required to execute certain types of apps / code?

As a developer I'd like to make a few little utilities for myself that use private methods, etc. as I have no intent to submit them to the app store. For instance, at the moment I want to work on an inter-device communication tool (including an iPhone MiFi type implementation). So the question is, does access to that particular functio...

best book / resources for learning iOS programming?

Which resources did you find useful for learning iOS programming? Books? website? videos? ...

Access iPhone Home Screen Background

Hello, I was wondering how I could access the iPhone's Home Screen Image so that I can use it as the background for my application. In short, access the NSImage that represents the home screen's wallpaper. Thanks. ...

IPhone 4 images Local vs Server?

So I have been doing some research on how to handle the different resolutions of iPhone screens. In the documention, found here: Th...

iOS/Android GPS battery draw?

I'm investigating the possiblity of writing an app for Android/iOS4/both that would use GPS in the background. I found the "Receiving Location Events in the Background" section of the iphone developer documentation, which recommends that I only register for "significant location change" events. I'm not aware of any such capability in th...

iphone-sdk: Adding a textfield to UIAlertview does not work in iOS 4??

hi, i am trying to add uitextfield to my alterview. When the user tries to enter text the alterview is supposed to shift up a little bit so the keyboard does not overlap and when pressing the done key the keyboard is supposed to disappear and the alertview should shift back. It all works fine when run it in ios 3.1.2 (and also in 3.2) bu...

How to show Hi-Res stretchable backround image in UIButton?

Hi. I'm setting up a custom button with an oval background image in UIView. In iPhone OS 3, [UIImage:stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight:] works fine. But, in iOS 4 with iPhone 4 (means Hi-Resolution), the background image doesn't stretch out. Here's the code in question: UIButton* btn = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTyp...

iPhone reading a broadcast transmission

Hi everybody, I have a server that should send a broadcast transimission, which I have to read in an iPhone App. I searched in the net, but I didn't find anything. I'm able to play a video starting from its URL, so my question is: how can I play in my iPhone a broadcast transmission? ...

Problems moving animation to iOS4 blocks

I have a working view animation, that curls up a container view, while the containerview.subviews changes. (before the animation a UITableView will be shown, after it is a custom view, name keypadView) [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:.75]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationTr...

differences in developing for iphone and ipad

What are the major differences between developing an application for iPhone and iPad? iPhone apps need to be aware of incoming cellular calls, and that will have an impact to developers who need to program an app related to making a call. I also know that the resolutions are different. What other real differences does a developer nee...

Xcode: must re-download all of Xcode to get iOS SDK?

Possible Duplicate: Way to update iPhone SDK without having to re-download Xcode? I installed Xcode 3.x from my Snow Leopard DVD. Then I spent a few hours downloading the update to 3.2.3 via Software Update. Then I noticed this didn't have the iOS SDK. Now all I'm finding on is a 2.28GB file of the full ...

Xcode: how to install the iOS documentation in Xcode?

I currently have Xcode 3.2.3 installed (sans iOS SDK). It seems to have automatically downloaded for me the (OSX) Cocoa dev library -- but not iOS (UIKit) documentation. In Xcode preferences, I see "documentation set" options for "Mac OSX 10.6 Core Library" and "Xcode 3.2 Developer Tools Library" (both already downloaded) -- plus some J...

use custom core data persistent store for getting data via webservices?

Is this a good idea? When is it a good idea, and when is it bad? Just heard about this in one of the WWDC videos, and I don't quite understand why would one want to do it this way. Seems complicated and I cannot see the benefit. ...

Back Navigation Button Not Showing up in Pushed View Controller

I have a problem where I can successfully push a new view controller from my root view controller (using the Navigation-based application using Core Data template), but the detail view, which is a separate xib file from the root view controller, doesn't display the back navigation button. I'm certain that I've done all of the proper conn...