
unable to launch app on ipad simulator in sdk 3.2.3

Hello all i have an xcode project built from sdk 3.2.2 for ipad and iPhone. I have sdk 3.2.3. in my system when i run that project in 3.2 configuration the app launches in iPhone mode. While it should have launched in iPad mode. By analyzing the classes i came to know that there is only one appDelegate while in 3.2.3 in the universal app...

is there any new api to create functionality like iBook

Hi all. As we all knew that apple has put new iBook to read ebooks and for that they have provided so many good functionalities. my questions is have they provided any new api or sample to add such kind of functionality in our applications?? another things like page curling effect for the web views ,as it is not possible to give such ...

How do I use AVCaptureFlashMode

I'm making an app to allow me to stitch images together into a panoramic scene. I want to be able to turn the Flash LED on the iPhone 4 programatically. How can I do this? I read the documentation and discovered that I need to use AVCaptureFlashMode but I can't figure out how 2 use it? any help would be appreciated. Updated Code b...

I just want to turn the flash on for stitching photo's I'm trying to use AVCaptureDevice and AVCaptureFlashModeOn

-(IBAction)turningFlashOn:(id)sender { AVCaptureSession *captureSession = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init]; AVCaptureDevice *videoCaptureDevice = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo]; NSError *error = nil; AVCaptureDeviceInput *videoInput = [AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice:videoCaptureDevice error:&erro...

Local Notifications received, even after app is uninstalled?

Has anybody had the experience of Local Notifications being delivered from an app that has been uninstalled? I hesitate to ask since I can't reliably reproduce the issue, but we're receiving multiple reports of that occurring. We're having an emergency debug session here, and since we barely know where to start looking for answers on th...

fstat() broken in iOS 4

When rebuilding a perfectly working iPhone project on iOS 4 SDK, I found out that fstat() returns a bogus value in the stat.st_size field. Observed on iPhone 3 simulator with iOS 4. Looks like there's a discrepancy between the binary layout of the stat structure in the program and in the API. I've found a workaround (lseek() to the end),...

IPhone OS4, Cannot adjust volume's settings with SystemSounds

Hi, I am using the SystemSound's framework to play sounds in my application. For devices with IOS3 it is working correctly. But recently I've updated the operating system to IOS4 and I am having a strange problem with the volume. Now I can't change the volume of my sounds during the game, it seems that this framework is using the ring v...

iPhone app server communication XML or JSON?

Which method is easier and more efficient? XML or Json Where can I find a tutorial and code samples for each? ...

What's the Best Way to Support the Multiple Art Sizes Currently Used by iOS?

Currently iOS supports three different art sizes: art for the 480x320 original iPhone screen, art for the hi-res 960x640 iPhone 4 screen, and art for the 1024x768 iPad screen, which in my experience is usually not the same as for the hi-res screen because of the different demands placed upon the different aspect ratio of the screen. In ...

Moving from Xcode 3.2.2 to Xcode 3.2.3?

Hi All, I developed a complete application using xcode 3.2.2 and now want submit it to app store. Before that I need to compile it using xcode 3.2.3 for iOS 4.0. I opened the xcode 3.2.2 project in Xcode 3.2.3 and tried to run on device with OS4.0, It gives me an error.. "Error from debugger: The program being debugged is not bei...

Crash when running Leaks

Having recently installed the 4.0 SDK, I recompiled a client project to test how it would run under the new OS. (Previously testing with 3.1.3 had no crashes and only one memory leak, duly reported to Apple, who were unable to reproduce on 4.0 beta 3, and so closed.) Everything went very smoothly (no crashes during testing) until I deci...

Adding UIViewControllers to a UIScrollView

Right, this may not be possible but maybe it it... I have 3 UIViewControllers, each with their own XIB files which contain the layout for each slide of a presentation (each slide will contain video, images, other interactive elements). I have hooked them all up to a UIScrollView by adding them one by one, see below: page1 *vc = [[page1...

IOS4 UIButton Selected State Question (Error: Lvalue required as left operand of assignment)

In simple terms I have a view with three buttons; buttonOne buttonTwo checkButtonStatus if buttonOne is clicked it sets its own selected status to yes and buttonTwo selected status to no. Clicking buttonTwo does the opposite. Both buttonOne and buttonTwo by default are not selected. The third button (checkButtonStatus) should perfor...

locationManager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation: is recieved with a lag in iOS4 compared to IphoneOS3?

It seems that in iOS4 the GPS updates are recieved with a 3-5 sec lag compared to the behavior in iPhoneOS3. e.g I start changing my location and I only receive GPS updates after a few seconds. I stop moving and the location updates only stop coming after a few seconds. (GPS reception at its best. That's not the problem.) In iPhoneOS...

iOS 4 UIWebView Trouble with Javascript...

I have code that works great in 3.2 and earlier. The javascript from my UIWebView Load - never seems to execute... Any idea what changed with 4.0 that might cause a problem...? my current code has a bunch of javascript in the page to load and format - one of the things is a variable that indicates the javascript prep is done... I am ch...

Continue task execution in background

Am I missing something here with Multitasking feature. I know we can execute a task in background, but what I really need is that task continues execution when app goes in background. So what I need is different than starting a new task in background. If images are being loaded in a view and user presses the home button to make the app g...

iOS4 and iTunes Connect

I ran across a very strange issue today when trying to upload an update to iTunes Connect for an app that I am "certifying" as iOS4 capable. Keep in mind that this is my 6th update for this app and I have never had to do this before (and I know this question typically falls under the n00b category, but bear with me here). Apple kept re...

Is it worth only supporting the iOS 4 when making an iPhone app?

If I am creating an iPhone app, is it worth trying to make sacrifices with functionality (e.g. with MPMoviePlayer) in the application and support previous versions of the OS? Are the majority of iPhone users running iOS 4? Will I lose out on a big portion of the market if I only support iOS 4? ...

Which is better comparing iPhone and Android?

Hi all, I am iPhone application developer, many people told me to join with the android application development, as it's future is far better comparing to iphone. As I am iPhone developer, I prefers to be stay with iPhone , but in reality is it true that android is being far better comparing to iPhone ?? I can't say as I've never don...

How to implement an alarm with iPhone SDK 4.0

I have an idea for a pretty unusual alarm clock fir the iPhone. But as of now I have some thoughts on how to actually implement this. First off: forgetting about background services for now, how would I do the actual timer that fires the alarm etc? A separate thread? Or does the SDK include any nice alarm features I missed? Of cause I ne...