
Is it advisable to send/return data in .plist format to/from an API being accessed via iOS?

We're deciding between using JSON vs. Property List (binary) for our API, which will be accessed by iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. Are there any speed advantages? ...

Is it possible to develop an app similar to the native mail app of iPhone iOS 4 that uses ActiveSync in synchronizing mails and calendar entries?

I understand the native app in the new OS is able to do synchronization. I am wondering if a third party app can also accomplish similar task, has its own settings page where a user can create and configure emails using Exchange server - independent of the OS's native mail and calendar app. Furthermore, is it possible that synchronizatio...

MailComposeViewController - when i press button "Cancel" i don't see the panel with "Draft" ,"Save Draft" and "Cancel" buttons

I am using the MFMailComposeViewController Controller like this: MFMailComposeViewController *picker1 = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; picker1.mailComposeDelegate = self; [picker1 setSubject:@"I have a pencil for you"]; UIImage *roboPic = [UIImage imageNamed:@"RobotWithPencil.jpg"]; NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepres...

Force UITextView to scroll down on specific context

Hi , i have UITExtView with (511 , 369 , 571 , 519) context , so my keyboard popups on UITextView and filled some space on the screen , when users type some notes , the UITExtView text moves under the keyboard , i was wondering how should implement specific context for textView to begin scroll down . i use this code but doesn't work ...

Using custom map with MKMapKit

Hi, I am creating an iPhone app for OS4.0, and I am attempting to integrate a custom map with a standard MKMapView. I have been provided a map in .eps format (vector image), and I want to somehow overlay this on an MKMapView in and restrict the scrolling boundaries of the map so users cannot scroll outside the boundaries of the custom ma...

UIPopOverController for iPhone (currently only available for iPad)

Before I implement something similar for the iPhone, I'm wondering if anyone has implemented something similar of the UIPopOverController for the iPhone. This is so far only available for iPad. ...

view not updating, but everything on main thread (iOS)

I'm trying to show a UIProgressView on top of a table view after certain user interactions. In my table view, if the user taps one particular cell, I slide up a UIView that contains a toolbar with bar items and a picker view (it very much behaves like an action sheet). When I do this, I'm adding the view offscreen to the current view, ...

iOS 4 Multitasking Tutorial

Hi, I've been looking on google and I've got to page 10 of the results and I still did not find any good guide on how to implement multitasking into my application. Anyone has a good one? Thanks ...

iPhone 4 App continues to run in background with debugger

Hi, on iphone with multitasking and iOS4.1, if i have the debugger connected i noticed that code is still being run in the background, my breakpoints are still hit, timers are running. This without any of the background modes set. Is it the case that having the debugger connected prevents the app from being suspended? ...

UIDatePicker & NSDateFormatter returning incorrect date

Hello, I have allready tryed solutions from a few posts, but no luck. The problem is that i'm facing is probably whit time zones. Both on device and simulator UIDatePicker and NSDateFormatter are returning incorrect dates, adding or substracting the difference from GMT 0, from the selected date (according to the current time zone set on ...

When are iOS keychain items removed?

I could have sworn this worked differently in previous versions of iOS, but as of iOS 4.0 it looks like my app's keychain items are not removed when the app is removed. However, it looks like some are cleared when the app is upgraded without first removing? Can someone provide a clear explanation of when iOS keychain items are removed? ...

Need very basic instructions on using cocoaasyncsocket for iPhone programming

So I've been teaching myself objective-c the past few months, building an iPhone app for my company. I started as (and still am) a complete novice, but until now I have had no problems easily finding answers to all my questions at various locations online. For the final, and most important, piece of my app, I need to send a simple stri...

UIImage after coming back to foreground (iphone multitasking)

Hi together, i have a problem with my app when i send it to background via the home-button. I'll try to describe it shortly but completely: I have an UIImage-pointer declared in @interface with following property: @property (nonatomic, retain) UIImage *pauseImg; This pointer is set to an image declared in viewDidLoad like this: pa...

How to make a universal app (iPad and iphone 4.1) runs on iPod 3.1.3

I am building a universal for iphone/ipad and I already set the deployment target to 3.0. It can run well on iPad 3.2 and iphone 4.1. However, when I build and run it on my iPod 3.1.3, the runtime automatically picks the iPad code path and tell me that it cannot find UIPopOverController and UIMenuItem. In my iPhone path code, I don't use...

can we make iOS4 style folders in our app

Hi frends, can we make iOS4 style folders in our iphone app? actually i want that there is a icon on my screen and when clicked on that icon the 4 other icons inside that icon will show like iOS4 style.i.e. the main icon treats like a folder in iOS4. is it possible??? Thanx ...

NSURLConnection and NSData leaking memory

Hello All, So I was wondering if this was a common problem to be leaking memory using NSData to store a connection reponse data. For example, I have this line to initialize my data object davData = [[NSMutableData data] retain]; And then when the connection errors or finishes loading, I release it. From my understanding, that shoul...

Icon/Images (@2x) for iPhone4 work on iPhone 3GS?

Icon/Images with more resolution (@2x) for iPhone4 work on iPhone 3GS or I have make images to 3GS too? ...

Anyone know iOS library or sample for drawing diagrams like mind maps/ visio/ gra

Anyone know iOS library or sample for drawing diagrams like mind maps/ visio/ graphing sw. Doesnt have to be full library or full example. Can be UIKit or OpenGLES I want to have a app that is like a tree structure with root topic the sub topic etc. Clicking on root will open subfolders and so on and they get laid out so they dont over ...

Application failed codesign verification. What do I do?

XCode gives me this warning when I build the app for release. Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011) Do I need to delete all entries from my keychain and redo getting a certificate, provisioning profile, etc? I can build and debug on the...

What steps are necessary to get an App into the AppStore?

Can someone please list the steps needed to get a project setup for the AppStore. Lets assume the following I do not have any certificates, provisioning profiles, distribution profiles, app id (whatever they are), etc. I have an iPhone and an iPad In addition, please specify 1. what I would need to do if I created a second App 2. If...