
Crystalspace vs. Irrlicht vs. ..... ?

So, I use Linux, and I've been trying to find the time to get into game programming. I started out with Panda3d and had some pretty decent results and got a feel for many of the concepts in game programming. Not too long after that, I decided to step it up a notch and go to something more powerful and C or C++ based. I'm probably just r...

How do I start with 3D tile based game

Hi, I'd like to write a strategy game where it's map will be 3D tiled. I've read some articles on gamedev but most of them are trying to implement 3D in 2D space. I wonder how in nowadays it is implemented using 3D cards. I wonder if using Irrlich will be an overkill (it has a nice heightmap scene node). Thanks in advance, ternyk ...

"Access violation reading location" while accessing a global vector..

Hello there, -- First of all, I don't know whether the vector can be called as a "global vector" if I declared it under a namespace, but not in a class or function. -- I'm now writing a simple Irrlicht ( wrapper for my game to make things simpler and easier, but recently I got an "Access violation readin...

[C++] Web Browser in an Irrlicht application?

Hello there, I'd like to know whether I can embed a web browser control into my Irrlicht ( application. A simple HTML renderer or maybe a trick to embed an Internet Explorer ActiveX control into my Irrlicht application is just OK. Is it possible? If so, how? Any kind of help would be greatly appreciate...

MDX C# Loading Wavefront OBJs

I'm trying to load and display (EXTREMELY SIMPLY) a wavefront OBJ file. I have the parser working 100%... it loads the data from the files and stores them in structures in the program. Now is the part where I am utterly failing to find any information on, the target data structure. I have no clue how to use Vertex Buffers and Index Bu...

Techniques for generating a 2D game world

I want to make a 2D game in C++ using the Irrlicht engine. In this game, you will control a tiny ship in a cave of some sort. This cave will be created automatically (the game will have random levels) and will look like this: Suppose I already have the the points of the polygon of the inside of the cave (the white part). How should I ...

Done Some 2D Game Design, Now Want To Move To 3D.

I have used PyGame for a while now, and quite enjoyed doing so, but only 2D experience is not going to cut it when I apply for video game jobs, and besides, I have a number of ideas I want to try out in 3D. What 3D library should I go into first? I was considering Irrlicht, which will also force me to work on my C++ again, but I was also...

VS compiling Error 1256 ( integer overflow in internal computation ... ) during inheritance

Hi there, my problem occurs during compiling Irrlicht3D Engine in VS 2008. 1>Error 1256: integer overflow in internal computation due to size or complexity of "irr::IReferenceCounted" I'm currently merging a very old Softwaredriver I have written with the rest of the engine which is much newer. The main Problme is that I have tried to ...

How to make font semi-transparent with Irrlicht?

I'm having trouble drawing a font with an alpha channel: gui::IGUIFont* font = device->getGUIEnvironment()->getBuiltInFont(); font->draw(L"C'mon, be transparent, PLEASE!!!", core::rect<s32>(130,10,300,50), video::SColor(127,255,255,255)); As you can see, the text should have an alpha value of 127... but it doesn...

How to move multiple rectangles as collision response?

I'm trying to make a game (using irrlicht engine with c++) where you can trap your enemy using boxes. But I just don't get how to detect what should be moved when a collision between the user and one or more boxes is detected. Another thing is that there will also be some objects called bricks which will be able to block movements. Sinc...

Setting up CEDET/EDE to work with Irrlicht

I have CEDET 1.0pre7 set up with emacs 23.1, and I want to use it to manage irrlicht programs. I am pretty new at writing non-academic C++ code, and makefiles. I got the following makefile to work for me: game.exe: game.o g++ game.o -o game.exe -L "D:/irrlicht/irrlicht-1.7.1/lib/Win32-gcc/" -l Irrlicht game.o: game.cpp g++ -c ga...

Trying to compile a working irrlicht application on a mac with plain g++ or Xcode

Ok, here it goes: I managed to compile the .xcodeproj provided with the last zip achive into a .a library file (a static library then). I failed to build a working application that uses irrlicht as a 3D engine with Xcode, I don't really know to do it since I'm sort of unable to use an IDE. I tried to link a simple program with this li...

Block attatchment in 3D grid

I'm doing ray picking to find the scene node that my cursor points at. All of those scene nodes are equally sized cubes. I have the hit scenenode's position, the position of the ray intersection and the triangle that the node/mesh that were hit. What i want to do is to attatch a new block to the face of the collided scenenode block that ...

Manage falling using rays in Irrlicht

In my game i'm currently working on, i only need very basic physics, so i don't want Newton, ODE, Bullet or similar. I basically only want to fall as long as no node (all equally sized blocks) is beneath me. I tried to send a ray from the camera and 100.0 units downwards. But it gives false positives. selectedNode = NULL; //Falling...