
where do you put ivysettings.xml?

I'm trying to learn how to use ivy and would like to setup a local repository of the .jar files I've downloaded. Where do you put the ivysettings.xml file? Does it go in the ant library directory? ...

good ivy tutorial for local repository?

Can anyone point me at a good tutorial for making & using a local repository with Ivy? (Please don't point me at the Ivy docs, the tutorials are rather confusing) I need to make a local repository to include .jar files that aren't necessarily available through the public maven repositories. ...

Using NAnt and Ivy to build a VB6 project...

Hi there, I am working on a continuous integration system for both .Net and VB6 applications using Subversion, CruiseControl, NAnt and Ivy. The .Net side of things isn't too much of a problem, but I need a little guidance with the VB6 side of things, more from the 'DLL-hell' side of things! My current set-up is getting all dependent f...

How to override the location of Ivy's Cache?

I am using Ivy as part of my continuous integration build system, but I need to override the default location that Ivy's local cache area is. ...

Add Jars to Grails Project Using Ivy

I'm following the Grails Mail tutorial: http://grails.org/A+simple+EmailerService and it mentions "Then copy two jar files into the application local lib: activations.jar and mail.jar.". Though I can do the manual copy, I was wondering if there's some way I could update my Ivy configuration file to do that pulling automatically instead. ...

Large Java System Dependency Management

We have a large (>500,000 LOC) Java system that depends on 40-50 OSS packages. The system is built with Ant, and dependency management is handled manually at present. I'm investigating Ivy and/or Maven to automate dependencies. We looked at Maven as a build automation system last year and rejected it because it would require totally r...

Use Ivy to manage directories instead of jar files?

Is it possible to use Ivy, or some other dependency-management tool, if your dependencies are directories instead of files? I'm creating a PHP web site, so my shared "libraries" aren't jar files or any other archive format. I'm aware of .phar files in PHP 5.3, but I really would prefer these to be directories, so the web server can serv...

Ivy failed to resolve dependency : What to check, what to do ?

Hi everyone, I'm using Ivy to resolve dependency in my very small project. It's the first time I'm doing that and it's more to learn as my project is very small. I had a problem 5 minutes ago, when trying to download log4j. My configuration is very basic, I have an ant task : <target name="resolve" description="--> retrieve dependenc...

What is a configurationmapping in ivy?

I have stuff like this: <configurations defaultconfmapping="build->default;compile->compile(*),master(*);test,runtime->runtime(*),master(*); statistic->stistic(*)"> in my ivy.xml and I don't understand the concept of a 'configuration mapping' Who gets mapped to what? Why? What does the (*) mean? ...

Apache Ivy multiple resolvers

Trying to get IvyRoundUp packager repository and cukes maven repository to work with chain resolvers in apache ivy using the following <settings defaultResolver="roundup"/> <resolvers> <chain name="resolvers"> <url name="cukes" m2compatible="true"> <artifact pattern="http://cukes.info/maven...

Sourceforge org property for Ivy and Nexus

When trying to use the following settings: <dependency org="net.sourceforge.artifact" name="artifact" rev="2.0"/> and: <artifact pattern="http://localhost/nexus/content/repositories/releases/[module]/[artifact]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" /> Nexus expects http:// ... net/sourceforge/artifact/artifact/revision/artifact....

Deploy Artifacts from Ivy to Archiva

Is there anyone have tested how to deploy artifacts within Archiva which security enabled. I have the following configuration My ivysettings.xml <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="archiva"/> <resolvers> <ibiblio name="archiva" m2compatible="true" root="http://localhost:8080/archiva/repository/i...

Ivy, ant and start scripts

Hi all, I have a project that uses ant to build and ivy for dependencies. I would like to generate the start scripts for my project, with the classpath, based on the dependencies configured in Ivy, especially as the order of dependencies may be important and needs to be preserved from the order in the ivy config. Has anyone done this ...

Building Apache Hive - impossible to resolve dependencies

I am trying out the Apache Hive as per http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Hive/GettingStarted and am getting this error from Ivy: Downloaded file size doesn't match expected Content Length for http://archive.apache.org/dist/hadoop/core/hadoop-0.19.0/hadoop-0.19.0.tar.gz. Please retry. This error repeats 4 times for 4 different versions of ...

How to include a file in ivy.xml?

I have a fairly large ivy.xml containing a number of configurations which are the same for a number of projects. I would like to break out this large repetitive section in to a common include file. Somehow I can't find any documentation describing that this can be done. Anyone who has an idea whether this is doable? EDIT: After some f...

Sharing common Ant targets between projects

Is there a well-established way to share Ant targets between projects? I have a solution currently, but it's a bit inelegant. Here's what I'm doing so far. I've got a file called ivy-tasks.xml hosted on a server on our network. This file contains, among other targets, boilerplate tasks for managing project dependencies with Ivy. For exa...

apache ivy - what to have in the ivysettings.xml

I have been playing with the basic Ivy Tutorial and have gradually extended to a state where I now have a seprate ivy.xml defining my dependancies and with the ivy jar inside the apache ant installation. I have also managed to define a shared repository to stop ivy popping off to an external repository. This has been done by defining pr...

Avoiding re-building prerequisites in Ant

I have an existing Ant project and would like to speed up the build process by avoiding re-building components that are already up to date. Ant permits you to specify that one target depends on another, but by default every prerequisite is always rebuilt, even if it is already up to date. (This is a key difference between Ant and make....

Ivy setup with Git?

I've used Ivy http://ant.apache.org/ivy/ with SVN to manage dependencies for Actionscript projects in the past. The library I used was ivysvn: http://code.google.com/p/ivysvn/ It seemed to work pretty well, the svn repository hosted versioned binary .swc files for each Actionscript library and I would pull them down into individual proj...

Ant-Ivy-Scala Template: any suggestions on improvements?

I just created a template project for Scala using Ant and Apache Ivy. I want to get the communitie's input on any improvements to the Template so it can be improved. The Environment effectively consists of 3 files: build.xml ivy.xml ivysettings.xml running ant init will create all needed directories. I was wondering if there are an...