
ant cpptask with ivy

A company I am working for, has some c binaries build with ant using cpptask. They use ivy to retrieve shared c libraries every time we start a build which wastes a significant amount of time comparing the revisions and downloading, when then only need to be download if the header files have changed. I have added a target which sets a va...

Ivy configuration for springsource repo

Hi, I`m trying to set up ivy to get jars from the springsource repo. So far I have for my ivy.xml:- <dependencies> <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.core" rev="3.0.1.RELEASE"/> <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.aop" rev="3.0.1.RELEASE" /> <dependency org="com...

Managing conflicting ivy repositories (in eclipse)

I've got eclipse workspaces for my full time job and my home test work that are both set up with ivy (and using ivyDE). However, I'm finding that I'm getting strange behaviour and conflicts between the different workspaces - issues like not being able to find certain dependencies, or not compiling etc. Is there a way in ivy or ivyDE to...

Ivy/gant include BlazeDS jars that aren`t in a public repo and have no version

Hi, Ive been trying to figure out the best way to include the BlazeDS jars in my Gant/Ivy build. Ive been unable to find a public repo for these jars and Im new to ivy. Obviously with Maven youd just do a local maven install to your local repo. Whats the best way to do something similar with Ivy? Do I have to create a separate Ivy.xml fi...

Is there a pre-made Continuous Integration solution for .NET applications?

From my perspective, we're constructing our own 'flavour' of NAnt/Ivy/CruiseControl.Net in-house and can't help but get the feeling that other dev shops are doing exactly the same work, but then everybody is finding out the same problems and pitfalls with it. I'm not complaining about NAnt, Ivy or CruiseControl at all, as they've been b...

Gradle directory stucture

I am working on a java Ant+Ivy based project that has the following directory structure: projectRoot/src projectRoot/classes projectRoot/conf projectRoot/webservices this works perfectly well in Ant but I am looking to migrate to Gradle. Is there a way to define a non-maven directory structure in gradle or should I be looking to mave...

Ant: project dependencies in a flat project layout with ivy

Hello, I have two (Eclipse-) projects. Project A depends on project B, but the projects aren't nested i.e. project A is not a subproject of project B. Apache Ivy is responsible for the dependency management. When I run the compile task in Project A, is there any way to trigger the compile task (in project B) automatically (for example ...

How to assemble a multi-project ant build system

At my new gig, they use Ant and cannot be persuaded to move to Maven. I've looked everywhere for a decent example of how a multi-project ant build system should be assembled. The apache site falls short. I'm looking specifically for best practices to: Automatically build local projects that are dependencies of a project Share artifac...

How to avoid copying dependencies with Ivy

I'm looking into using Ivy to manage dependencies but wow - that thing really likes to make multiple copies of jars! It spreads like the ivy in my back yard and is just as undesirable! Is it possible to have Ivy simply define a classpath (for a specified profile) that references the resolved dependencies so my javac can reference them ...

Ivy resolve not working with dynamic artifact

I've been using Ivy a bit but I seem to still have a lot to learn. I have two projects. One is a web app and the other is a library upon which the web app depends. The set up is that the library project is compiled to a jar file and published using Ivy to a directory within the project. In the web app build file, I have an ant target...

Using IvyDE with different workspaces on different branches

I am having problems using IvyDE when I have different workspaces for different branches. I have "Resolve dependencies in workspace" switched on. But everytime I change to a different workspace I have to remember to manually clean the caches out. This is because IvyDE always uses the default cache for resolving dependencies within a w...

Ivy: Publishing all artefacts in a directory

I'm looking to move to Apache Ivy for dependency management on one of our existing projects. The project publishes many artefacts, and the artefacts it produces are likely to change in the future, so I don't want to enumerate all of the publications in the ivy.xml file -- I'd like Ivy to just publish all the files in a given directory. ...

Grails - attempting to include HTPPBuilder - Linkage error

When I run grails install-dependency, I get this. java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader (instance of <bootloader>) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "org/xml/sax/SAXParseException" What's wrong? I've not used grails dependency management before, and this is rather cryptic. reposi...

Maven/Ivy: Identical artifact with different name in dependency

Currently I am using Ivy for dependency management. And quite often I come across problem of getting identical jar files with different name due to transitive dependency. Example: <dependency> <groupId>javax.mail</groupId> <artifactId>mail</artifactId> <version>1.4</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apac...

can I use 2 ivy files?

I'm creating a build environment for third party developers. I want to provide them with an ivy.xml which a 3rd party shouldn't change and also a ivy-custom.xml which they should change. <target name="resolve" depends="download-ivy"> <ivy:resolve file="ivy.xml"/> <ivy:resolve file="ivy-custom.xml"/> </target> This doesn't see...

Ant calling child project parent project ivy.xml overriding child project ivy.xml

We've got a parent project and a child project java builds using ant and ivy. The child project needs to be able to build independently. When the parent project calls the child project the antfile command - the parent project's ivy.xml overrides the child project's ivy.xml Does anyone know how to keep the child project using its own i...

ivy resolve dynamic dependency

I am using Ivy to resolve my dependencies. We have a big share space where all the libraries we use live and are retrieved from as needed. Very occasionally we need to add some additional files to an existing library version. For example we recently started to use the charting components in a UI library. We hadn't previously needed t...

Does Ivy's url resolver support transitive retrieval?

For some reason I can't seem to resolve the dependencies of my dependencies when using a url resolver to specify a repository's location. However, when using the ibiblio resolver, I am able to retrieve them. For example: <!-- Ivy File --> <ivy-module version="1.0"> <info organisation="org.apache" module="chained-resolvers"/> <dependen...

Issues using ivy

Hi, I am new bie to ivy. I am using packager resolver and that packager resolver resolves the zip file, unzip it, extracts the jar file from it in temp build file, but it stays temporarily and only the jar file which i specified as a module name gets copied to destination rest of all are ignored. Is there a way i can get all the jar ...

Problems with type and ext attribute of artifact

Hi, I have following definition in ivy.xml <dependency org="southbeach" name="ego" rev="4.3.1" conf="properties->asterik" > <artifact name="ego" type="conf" ext="conf" conf="properties->asterik"/> </dependency> I have files with either extension conf or properties which i need at runtime, in ivysettings.xml, i have following: <fi...