
what is ivy? and how it is related to ant?

I have seen many ivy files in my application's build projects. What is Ivy, and its relation with ant? ...

Strange Ivy Error Message

Hi, I'm using ant with maven to build a multi module project. Until now everything worked fine but now ivy complains that it finds a"bad module". java.text.ParseException: inconsistent module descriptor file found in 'XYZ.ivy.xml': bad module found in XYZ.ivy.xml: expected='true' found='null'; I don't know what ivy want's to tell m...

Having a developer-specific configuration for Apache Ivy

I'm using Apache Ivy to manage dependencies in the project with several developers. They will share most of the Ivy configuration, but some pieces (like corporate proxy username and password) should be developer-specific. I've created a reference file for everyone to place in the ~/.ivy2/ivysettings.xml (this is where developer could spe...

Any best practices or tools for Ivy repositories?

we use Gradle for building Java projects and at the moment we have Ivy repositories to store third-party artifacts and also to publish our own artifacts into (repo is build using Gant scripts and the Ivy ANT tasks). but repo management is basic. Gradle is able to work with a maven repo as well, so switching to a Maven artifact manager l...

How to use ivy to build a war with out copying jars to a lib directory.

My goal is have my ant build script build a war file and include the jars that ivy knows this project depends on. The best code I could come up with at the moment is the following <mkdir dir="dist/lib"/> <ivy:retrieve pattern="dist/lib/[artifact].[ext]" sync="true"/> <war destfile="dist/${ivy.module}.war" basedir="build" includes="**/*....

Hudson doesn't like Grails

I'm trying to get our CI-Server Hudson to run grails tasks and installed the Grails-Plugin, but it seems like the dependencies with ivy could not be resolved... [projectx] $ /usr/share/grails/bin/grails prod war projectx.war Welcome to Grails 1.2.0 - http://grails.org/ Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0 Grails home is set to: /u...

Apache Ivy Source codes Older Versions

Hi, I am working on a Software Engineering project where we are analyzing the source codes of various versions of various softwares. For this i needed to know if i could get the Source codes of Ache Ivy versions 1.4 and earlier. The SVN repo seems to have codes only from Version 1.4.1 and latter. Am i missing something. Please help. Ch...

How to override the location of .ivy2 directory when using sbt?

I'm using the xsbt 0.6.10 launcher. I would like the ivy files and jar files to be downloaded under a different directory. What is the best way to do this? ...

Where can I find a single example expressed in Ivy, Maven, Gant, and Gradle?

I'd like to find a simple, non-trivial Java project that is expressed in terms of Ant + Ivy, Maven, Gant, and Gradle. I'm not interested in each tool's varied sample demos. Where can I find such an example, for reference? ...

Using Grails 1.2.0 and Spock 0.4-SNAPSHOT - Compilation errors

Using Grails 1.2.0 and the latest Spock 0.4-SNAPSHOT (as of 01/28/2010 10:18 EST) I'm getting compilation errors that the Groovy compiler is unable to find: org.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie and org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair No matter what I've tried (adding it as a dep in the plugin, adding it as a dep in the app) i...

How to create an Ivy dependency for local jars inside your project/lib?

I have a couple of jar files, (some of which depend on each other), and I'm trying to have ivy manage them for my project. I do not want to create a "local" (user dir based) repository, because I want other users to be able to check out my svn project and run it without local/shared repository setup. For a variety of reasons, I cannot ...

Saving a Linq to Xml file as ANSI instead of UTF-8 in C# (Ivy)

In C#, I need to create XML files for use with Ivy and NAnt, but am having difficulty in getting the right encoding in the output file. If I use XElement's .Save("C:\foo.xml"), I get the correct looking file, but Ivy and/or NAnt gets upset, as the file is actually saved using UTF-8 but I actually need to save it as ANSI in order to be a...

How does ivy:publish use the [classifier] attribute

in ivy:publisher the default deliverivypattern is ${ivy.distrib.dir}/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext] I try to set classifier in my ivy.xml under by adding attribute e:classifier="" to the element. But the [classifier] does not get set? When ivy:publish runs in my build.xml file it appears to be empty and thereby no...

How to build a project and it's dependencies using Ant and Ivy

Hello I have a WebApp with two dependencies as shown below. I would like to build a war file for deployment on Tomcat using Ant + Ivy. + +-MyWebApp // this Dynamic Java Web Application (deployed Tomcat and launches // a thread contained in MyApp) +-MyApp // this is just a vanilla Java Application +-MyCommonStuff // these ar...

lastupdate is not showing in maven-metadata.xml

Hi all, I have an issue with an artifact's maven-metadata.xml is not showing up. Here is the environment i am working on: Apache Archiva , Ivy, ant. Problem: When I am Deploying artifact via the Web UI Form, I am able to see all the attributes in maven-metadata.xml. <metadata> --<groupId>twitter-evt</groupId> --<artifactId>authenticati...

How to include a parent Spring project (using Git submodule)?

I'm currently developing multiple web applications using Spring. I'm using Maven for building and Git for version control. At the moment I'm trying to find a way to split development of some things used by all webapps, e.g. I have some helper classes that are the same for all projects. The problem is, I don't want to use only classes, bu...

Question about apache ivy dependency revision

hi, i want to achieve the following task: I want to configure ivy so that it fetches a war file from my maven repository. I have another project which will be deployed before doing this task so basicly it is guranteed that there is a folder with several files including the war. if i use the following example configuration everything wor...

Ivy loading unnecessary dependencies?

I'm migrating a maven project to ant + ivy (it's an arbitrary decision, and it has to be done ). The thing is that comparing both WAR files, the ant and the maven one, the former has a lot more 3rd party jars than the first one... At first I thought that they were transitive dependencies but when I run mvn dependency:tree they don't...

How to use Apache ivy to resolve dependency with multiple files?

Here is my ivy.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ivy-module version="2.0"> ... <dependencies> <dependency org="spring" name="richclient" rev="1.1.0"/> </dependencies> </ivy-module> And ivy-settings.xml: <property name="ivy.local.default.root" value="/home/---/dev/Java/_libraries/_ivy" override="false"/> <...

Resolving SNAPSHOT dependencies with timestamps from Ivy

I am attempting to resolve timestamped SNAPSHOT dependencies with Ivy. The environment is Ant + Ivy 1.2.0 + Archiva. Archiva itself is populated from Maven2 builds. Ivy is only used to resolve dependencies (from a single, non Maven2 project). How can Ivy be configured to correctly resolve timestamped artifacts from an Archiva or m2 re...