
Latex: hfill to a certain width.

I'm currently doing something like: a\hfill{}b which puts 'a' at the far left, and 'b' at the far right of the page. However, I'd like 'b' to be exactly half way. Is there a \hfill equivalent where I can say \hfill{0.5\textwidth}? I don't know the width of 'a'. Obviously, I could use tabular, or maybe minipage, but the rest of the co...

Compile old LaTeX document

Recently I found an old LaTeX document I've written in 1994. It starts with a line \documentstyle[makeidx,twoside,german,bibgerm,a4wide,mydefs, equations,fleqn,psfig]{script} Now I tried to compile this document using an actual version of MiKTeX on my windows machine, but pdflatex complains about an undefined contol seq...

install language in texlive - hyphenation

I am a latex beginner so forgive this basic question: How do I activate danish hyphenation in latex? Output from the latest file below: thanks in advance This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6) %&-line parsing enabled. entering extended mode (./rks_prognose_metode.tex LaTeX2e <2005/12/01> Babel and hyphenat...

LaTeX: disable or turn off hyperlinking for table of contents?

I want a table of contents, but I don't want each line to be a clickable hyperlink. How do I do this? Details: I am using the \anothertoc command from the shorttoc package to "import" the TOC from another document. Works fine, except that all the links for the imported TOC are broken (obviously)... so, I want to de-linkify them. Not...

LaTeX - Description list - How to put the definition on a new line?

I have the following LaTeX code: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{description} \item[foo] bar \item[baz] bang \end{description} \end{document} and it produces the following PDF: I want the definition of the item (in this case the "bar" and the "bang") to be on a separate line from the item (eg the "foo" and the ...

Making a small modification to a LaTeX environment

I've been using \begin{figure} ... \end{figure} throughout my LaTeX document, but the default styling is ugly; namely, the figures are all left-aligned. Is there a way to redefine the "figure" environment so it automatically inserts some centering commands such as like this?: \begin{figure} \begin{center} \end{center} \end{figure} Sure...

Semi-transparent figures in beamer (pdflatex)

I am attempting to use overlays with figures to save myself from creating a different image for each slide. The overlay works with any text I include, but not with the figures. For example: \setbeamercovered{dynamic} \begin{figure}\resizebox{10.0cm}{!}{ \includegraphics{problem-a.pdf} Test A \pause \includegraphics{problem-b.pd...

How do I break a long equation over lines?

I am trying to add an equation in a new line. The problem is that the equation is too long for the line, and I need to break it manually. Otherwise, it just overlaps to the right column, or to the right margins (and looks ugly...). Is there a way LaTeX can brake the equation for me, so it seems nice? I'm attaching my latex code: \begin...

Latex minipage to align groups of text

I am trying to get two minipage sections to show up next to each other. They always show up one underneath the other currently below is an example of my .tex Example: \begin{minipage}[b]{1in} Hello World akdjfasljdfkjasjdfjsadkflkjksadflkaskjdfsadlflkjsafdalkjsfd \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[b]{1in} Hello World akdjfasljdfkjasjdfjs...

Which packages for many unicode-characters?

I'm trying to create a LaTeX document with as many as Unicode characters as possible. My header is as follows: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage{ucs} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} The Unicode characters which follow in the document-body a...

How do I fully-justify latex code on EMACS

Hi, I want to fully-justify latex code on EMACS so that my latex code will look better. For example, I remember my advisor sending me latex in fully justified way like this: In ~\cite{Hummel2004}, authors described an approach for harvesting software components from the Web. The basic idea is to use the Web as the underlying repos...

How to handle unicode strings in a XeLaTeX document?

Hi, an earlier question led me to XeLaTex (it was about LaTeX and Unicode). So I've got now this document: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[cm-default]{fontspec} \usepackage{xunicode} \usepackage{xltxtra} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Arial} \begin{document} গ a ä ͷ \end{document} With the font "Arial" only the a and th...

How to get one component of a tikz/PGF coordinate?

I'm trying to draw a horizontal line across my diagram. The Y coordinate of the line should be halfway between points a and b (a is below b). The left and right endpoints of the line are on the bounding box of the tikzpicture. Here's how I'm doing this now, using the intersection operator: \coordinate (h0) at ($(a.north)!0.5!(b.south)$)...

LaTeX breaking up too many words

I've written a document in LaTeX, using two-column format, 11pt, times font. Many of my words appear hyphenated, and for every description list item, I get a badbox warning (no problems visible in the output though). How can I fix this? ...

LaTeX equations in Ubuntu's MediaWiki

My Texvc seems to works, since texvc /home/wiki/tmp /home/wiki/math "y=x+2" gives Cdaa63ef966cc412541190bc8794731de<i>y</i> = <i>x</i> + 2<mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn> My LocalSettings.php at /var/www/wiki (source) $IP = ""; $wgMathPath = "{$wgUploadPath}/math"; $wgMathDirectory = "{$IP}/images/...

PDF to LaTex Linux

I know how make a pdf from LaTex. Is there a way to extract the LaTex from a PDF I created earlier? How about if someone sends me a PDF and I like the formatting. Can I extract the LaTex from it? ...

How to edit the BibTeX .bst FUNCTION {format.names} ?

After trying several .bst files I am still mostly satisfied with the layout of the ChicagoReedWeb.bst file. However, I don't like the handling of entries by the same author, eg: link text If have looked at the ChicagoReedWeb.bst file but only understand some of the basics. So how can I edit the code of the ChicagoReedWeb.bst file in su...

how to turn a DVI to tex?

Any idea how to take DVI files and turn them into tex? ...

latex escape chars

Hi, I want to prepare a text for the use in a LaTeX document. I wrote a SQL Function which does a lot of REPLACE. For example "_" -> "_" and so on. But there are so many special chars and sometimes I get errors... Does anyone know a sql-function or a java package for escaping text to LaTeX? greatings Uwe ...

why latex subscript prints signs

hi i am using latex and texmaker to do the following: $\mathcal{a( X, Y )= a_i \circ a_j}$ which i expect to get a(X,Y)= a subscript {i} circle a subscript {j} but instead i get weird signs instead for a's (on the right side of equation), i and j ...can you tell me why? thanks... ...