
Extend a figure 100% horizontally with a fixed height in LaTeX?

How can I insert a figure (i.e. graphic) that extends 100% of the viewport but with a given height? ...

How to display a content in two-column layout in LaTeX?

I am writing an article in LaTeX and I would like to display some content in two column layout. In the left column a matrix and in the right column a list of items. I have tried with tabular environment but it does not work as I want. My question is how to create a two column area in a LeTeX document (or something similar) and be able ...

References with text in LaTeX

In LaTeX you can easily reference a section by using \label{} next to a section and then \ref{} to create the reference. However, the reference only includes the number of the section, or the page with \pageref{}. I would like to insert a reference containing the text of the section. Example: \section{My Section} \label{section:my} Th...

Latex/Beamer, column environment. Horizontal alignment of overlays

I am trying to prepare a presentation using beamer. I want to have two columns that walkthrough some algebraic manipulations. On the left an explanation of the steps taken, on the right the results. \documentclass{beamer} \begin{document} \begin{frame}[t] Not in a column \begin{columns}[t] \begin{column}{0.5\textwidt...

Convert TEX files to PDF or DOCX?

I'm using Doxygen to build an API library from C# source code. Doxygen generates a library of TEX files. My client has asked for a PDF version of this API library so I need to convert the TEX file library into a single PDF or DOCX. I've been looking into tools such as LyX, OpenOffice, and ProText but still haven't found a solution. ...

Page margins change in pdflatex

I use a style file that specifies page margins. I cannot understand the style file, but I guess it specifies bottom margins by using commands such as \vspace, \vskip, \vfil. When I compile the tex document with pdflatex the margins, especially the bottom ones, change. When I compile the document first to ps then to pdf, the margins are ...

LaTeX renderer for .NET?

I'm curious as to whether a native .NET renderer for TeX/LaTeX exists. So for in my search the closest I have been able to find is a Java implementation, JMathTeX. I am tempted to port this to C#, but before I do so, I would simply like to check whether anyone is aware of a .NET implementation out there. My curent thuoghts are to use Mi...

LaTeX: How should I add an author subtitle under a chapter title?

Had trouble knowing what exactly to Google, so I'll ask here. I'm typesetting a series of annotations to papers. Each chapter will be on a paper, so I'd like to put the paper authors right under the chapter names (the paper titles). I can think of a hacky way of doing this, but I figured I'd ask the fine folks over at SO first for som...

Associate .Rnw with vim latex suite

This I am sure is really basic stuff. I am just beginning using gvim and latex-suite. However I would like latex-suite to load when I edit a sweavefile with.Rnw extension. my .vimrc looks like this " These settings are needed for latex-suite filetype indent on filetype plugin on filetype on let g:tex_flavor='latex' set grepprg=grep\ -n...

Putting citation text on same slide with LaTeX Beamer

By default, using \cite in the Beamer class of LaTeX places the actual citation information at the end of the presentation on a separate slide containing the bibliography. How does one get the citation information, instead, on the same slide as the citation (the expected, courteous practice for most presentations)? ...

how to replace latex macros with their definitions (using latex)

How can I replace all occurrence of user defined latex macros with their definitions? For example, given this file old.tex \newcommand{\blah}[2]{#1 \to #2} ... foo \blah{egg}{spam} bar ... how to generate the file below in an automatic way new.tex ... foo egg \to spam bar ... Instead of reimplementing latex macro logic with perl...

Drawing concurrency diagrams using latex

I would like to be able to draw a nice concurrency diagram in my homework for a class I am taking. An ascii version would look something like the following. Is there any way to do this using latex that would make it look really nice and clean? Thread A ----|=====read(7)=====|-----------------------------------> Thread B -------------|...

How to install a package in LaTeX

Hi, I'm fairly new to LaTeX, but have been using my own document template for a couple of years now to do basic typesetting. What I want to do is to add the pst-gantt package from PSTricks. I have never installed a new package before, but want it available to all of my projects. For the sake of completeness, I am running OSX10.6 and u...

Latex: How to make listings subfloats use listing counters, TOC, etc.

I have a macro that do side-by-side figures, below. It uses subfloats, and so it goes in a figure. \newcommand{\listbylist}[6][showlines=true]{ \begin{figure} \subfloat[ ]{ \lstinputlisting[showlines=true,#1]{#2} \label{#4:A} } \hfill{} \subfloat[ ]{ ...

XeTeX (via TexShop) font rendering partially broken on Snow Leopard

Certain elements (such as grqq{} quotes or decimals from the dcolumn package) are missing when rendering with TexShop and XeTeX on Mac OS X 10.6.1 (Snow Leopard). Switching to the dvipdfmx engine did not help, it only misses other characters. My TexShop version is 2.26 (latest atm. I believe). The problem persists for the couple of font...

verb/lstinline text flows out of the line margins without line break in Latex

The listings package supports line breaks inside lstlisting environment. But it doesn't produce automatic line breaks for lstinline environment. For example, in the following paragraph the first line flows out of the margins: The parameters \lstinline|base_rmr_brain|, \lstinline|base_rmr_fat|, and \lstinline|baseline_basal_rmr_of_lean_t...

TeX Font Mapping

I am using a package written on top of XeLaTeX. This package uses fontspec to specify fonts for different parts of your text: latin, non-latin, math mode, ... The package comes with several sample files. I was able to xelatex most of them that depend on regular ttf or otf files. However, one of them tries to set the font of digits in ma...

LaTeX: Are there any web frontends available?

As of now the workflow is something like, I import an SVN or a CVS repository and then compile a document locally on my machine to get either a ps or a pdf file. But I was wondering if there is a Web front-end to do all the stuff, like for instance, an editor using which you can edit the file online and then download just the pdf file by...

How can I build PDF LaTeX documents with ANT (or some other build system if you prefer)?

The team I work for manages a large collection of technical documentation which is written in LaTeX. Currently all the documentation we have is manually built by the editors and then checked into a version control system. Sometimes people forget to compile their documents so we have a situation where the PDF and .tex files are often ou...

How to make an equation span the whole page / line in LaTeX?

I have this equation and it's quite big (basically a FDM one) but it aligns with the text and then continues out on the right side to the nothingness. I've tried stuff like \begin{center} and \hspace*{-2.5cm} but to no avail. I want it to use the whole line not just from the left-margin and out to the right. How do I do it and do I need...