
Using Unicode in fancyvrb’s VerbatimOut

Problem VerbatimOut from the “fancyvrb” package doesn’t play nicely with UTF-8 characters. Minimal working example: \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \begin{document} \begin{VerbatimOut}{\jobname.test} é \end{VerbatimOut} \input{\jobname.test} \end{document} Error me...

Using LaTeX Beamer to display code

I'm using the following LaTeX code in a Beamer presentation: \begin{frame} \begin{figure} \centering \tiny \lstset{language=python} \lstinputlisting{code/} \end{figure} \end{frame} Is it possible to select specific lines from my file rather than displaying it all? ...

Latex: page n of m for \frontmatter and page n of m for \mainmatter

I am working on a book in latex, which uses the \frontmatter, \mainmatter, and \backmatter commands from the book class. I am also using lastpage which gives me page n of m for the pages counted in the \mainmatter. How would I get the n of m page count for the \frontmatter using roman numerals? ...

How to create a project planning using LaTex ?

I am not looking for a GANTT planning. I am looking for a calendar with the deadline on it. Do you know what is the best way to do that with LaTeX ? Thanks ...

using the symbol font for Greek symbols in TeX via matplotlib

To annotate my figures with Greek letters in the matplotlib package of Python, I use the following: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('PDF') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rc rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Helvetica']}) plt.rcParams['ps.useafm'] = True rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-se...

Latex's verbatim: how to indent every instance?

Hello, I have a latex document with a bunch of verbatim text. I would like to indent every single instance of these. For example: This is regular text. \begin{verbatim} This is verbatim text. \end{verbatim} I want "This is verbatim text" to be indented a centimeter or two. How do I do this? ...

LaTeX \newcommand default argument: is empty?

I'm trying to write a simple example command that prints nothing without an argument, but with an argument it surrounds it with something. I've read that the default value should be \@empty and the simple \ifx\@empty#1 condition should do the job: \newcommand{\optarg}[1][\@empty]{% \ifx\@empty#1 {} \else {(((#1)))} \fi } \optarg %...

Need simple regex for LaTeX

In my LaTeX files, I have literally thousands of occurrences of the following construct: $\displaystyle{...math goes here...}$ I'd like to replace these with \mymath{...math goes here...} Note that the $'s disappear, but the curly braces remain---if not for the trailing $, this would be a basic find-and-replace. If only I knew any...

Doxygen latex fine-tuning ?

Hi, I've got 2 questions concerning the latex output of doxygen: How can one organize the related pages (those created by \page) ? (They seem to be organized according to the title of the page) How to specify which latex stylesheet to use ? (i've found nothing in the Doxyfile) I would like to get rid of the paragraph numbers for the cl...

How to manually equalize columns in an IEEE paper if using BibTex?

IEEE conference publications in two-column format require authors to manually equalize the lengths of the columns on the last page of the final submission. I have typically done this by inserting a \newpage where necessary -- which usually ends up being somewhere amidst my (manually entered) references. However, I have recently begun us...

In LaTeX, how can I place text over an imported graphics object?

I have an image in the eps format that I want to include in my document. The image contains only the geometry of the object; it does not contain the necessary text. It has some arrows, and I'd like to add the text in LaTeX so the labels (which include math) look clean. How can I place an equation at a particular location over an importe...

Two inequalities displaying side by side, but nicely spaced in LaTeX

In LaTeX, I have two ineqaulites e.g. a \leq b and c \leq d. I want to have a numbered line which has both of these inequalities on it: a \leq b c \leq d (1) Like this. What's the easiest way to get the spacing to behave itself? Which environment should I use? ...

How to have a fixed size number that depends on the slide in latex beamer / tikz ?

I have a tikz picture with a circle node which has a number inside. I want this number to change with the slides but to be of fixed size. (-> not mess up the circle). This one isn't working, the circle gets as big as if it has to hold all 3 numbers. \tikz[baseline] \node [fill=blue!20,draw,circle,anchor=base] (node1) { \only<1-3>{3...

Indented Word Wrap in LaTeX

I'm writing a document in LaTeX, and am encountering a problem when I have a line of text that wraps around. What I need is for the text, when it wraps around, to indent so that it matches the label (much like the \item[Label:] Text function, except I can't use a {description} context. Any ideas? This happens in the context of \newcom...

Combining a userdefined float inside a shadowbox

Is it possible to combine the "program" part in a shadowbox? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{float} \floatstyle{ruled} \newfloat{program}{thp}{lop} \floatname{program}{Program} \begin{document} \begin{program} ## FROM HERE \begin{lstlinsting}[basicstyle={\footnotesize},language=Java,showstringspaces=false,tabsize=4] class Hel...

How to hide the page number in LaTex on first page of a chapter?

How to hide the page number on first page of a chapter in LaTeX. ...

Insert lecture number and page number of lecture in footline

I am dividing a semester's worth of lectures via the \lecture command. I'd like to have in the footline (among other things) the lecture number, date, and page number of the current lecture. I would also like to use the default style footline, with the black box on the left and the blue on the right. So I define a lecture with e.g. \l...

Margin Figures in Latex

Hi, I would like to put some figures in margin in my latex documents. I want them to be non-float. Is there any package for it. thanks ...

[LaTeX] include the word "table" in List of Tables, "Appendix" in Table of Contents, etc.

I need to include the word "Table" at the beginning of each line in my List of Tables. That is, instead of: LIST OF TABLES 1 The first table ........... 10 2 The second table ........... 20 I need it to say: LIST OF TABLES Table 1 The first table ........... 10 Table 2 The second table ........... 20 Yes, I kn...

Inserting a page with a different paper size

I am writing a report in LaTeX and want to insert a page at the end containing a summary of the content. Of course the summary will contain a lot of data so I want to add a page with another paper size (A3,...). But I don't find any solution on the internet for that problem. Is there a solution to this problem or do I have to write an ad...