
Linq query problem

I have the following information var details = Details.Where(d => d.isActive); I would like to query another table, Authorizations, that has a FK to Details, and get the sum amounts of the authorizations that are contained within the details object grouped by the detail and a FundCode. Details (1 to many) Authorizations Seems si...

Linq to Sql statement for multiple aggregate values in single expression

How would I write a linq to sql statement for the following tsql? select count(*), sum(Amount), avg(Amount), min(Amount), max(Amount) from TableName ...

Linq to SQL - How to verify a record doesn't exists before inserting

I'm working on a little side app for a client whereby they provide me with a list of cities and I have to insert them into the database and associate them with their parent records. Example: ID | PID | Region 1 0 California 2 1 Los Angeles 3 1 San Fransisco Now my code looks lik...

No supported translation to SQL

We have this code: private IList<InfoRequest> GetBy(Func<InformationRequest, string> func, string searchby) { var requests = _dc.InformationRequests .Where(x => func.Invoke(x).Contains(searchby)) .OrderBy(y => y.RequestDate); return Mapper.Map<InformationRequest[], InfoRequest[]>(requ...

How to get comma-separated values in Linq?

I have the query below: var users = (from a in dc.UserRoles join u in dc.Users on a.intUserId equals u.ID join r in dc.Roles on a.intRoleId equals r.ID where r.intClientId == clientID select new UserRoleDetail ...

Linq-to-SQL and Performance.

HI, I am developing mvc site with linq-to-sql we are having 1000 cocurrent users and we are having performance problems. I have found that stackovewflow is also build on linq-to-sql? So can anybody know how they improved performance. Without line performance was good each page are loaded in 3 seconds but after migrating to lin...

Cannot add an entity that already exists.

Code: public ActionResult Create(Group group) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { group.int_CreatedBy = 1; group.dtm_CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; var Groups = Request["Groups"]; int GroupId = 0; GroupFeature GroupFeature=new GroupFeature(); foreach (v...

A member that is computed or generated by the database cannot be changed.

I am using LinqToSql as you've seen on subject. I've a table and some colums in it. There is one colum to show the state of record. 0 : Not approved yet 1 : Approved 2 : Deleted When the record inserted at first, its value is 0 (default value). When user approved it its value is changing to 1 but i'm getting this error: Value of me...

DataContext.CreateDatabase() says file already exists - but it doesn't

This might be a Windows 7 issue, but calling using (var context = new DataClassesDataContext()) { if (!context.DatabaseExists()) { context.CreateDatabase(); } } Results in the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was unhandled Message=Database 'C:\Temp\SmallBusinessManager.mdf' already ex...

How to mass insert/update in linq to sql?

Hi How can I do these 2 scenarios. Currently I am doing something like this public class Repository { private LinqtoSqlContext dbcontext = new LinqtoSqlContext(); public void Update() { // find record // update record // save record ( dbcontext.submitChanges() } public void Insert() { // make a dat...

How to get rank from full-text search query with Linq to SQL?

I am using Linq to SQL to call a stored procedure which runs a full-text search and returns the rank plus a few specific columns from the table Article. The rank column is the rank returned from the SQL function FREETEXTTABLE(). I've added this sproc to the O/R designer with return type Article. This is working to get the columns I ne...

LinqToSql - ChangeConflictException. when submiting child and parent

This problem drives me crazy. All I'm trying to do is writing some child record and update the parent with some basic increment. When I submit the changes an ChangeConflictException is thorwn.. Here's the code using (BizNetDB db = new BizNetDB()) { var dbServiceCall = db.ServiceCalls.SingleOrDefault( x => x.ServiceCallID ...

How do I add a where filter using the original Linq-to-SQL object in the following scenario

I am performing a select query using the following Linq expression: Table<Tbl_Movement> movements = context.Tbl_Movement; var query = from m in movements select new MovementSummary { Id = m.DocketId, Created = m.DateTimeStamp, CreatedBy = m.Tbl_User.FullName, ...

Linq is returning too many results when joined

In my schema I have two database tables. relationships and relationship_memberships. I am attempting to retrieve all the entries from the relationship table that have a specific member in it, thus having to join it with the relationship_memberships table. I have the following method in my business object: public IList<DBMappings....

Error using Dynamic Data Filtering: missing datasource

I am trying to use the ASP.NET Dynamic Data Filtering project, but I'm running into a problem during the configuration. I'm following the instructions on the author's blog, and everything works like described. Then it tells me to change the datasource using the designer view. I am told to select the "GridDataSource" in the "Configure da...

LINQ display row numbers

I simply want to include a row number against the returned results of my query. I found the following post that describes what I am trying to achieve but gives me an exception "An expression tree may not contain an assignment operator" In MS SQL I would just use the ROWNUMBER() fun...

validate linqtosql mapping to a model

I have generated a LinqtoSQL mapping xml file, which I have a valid XSD schema that I check to make sure the XML is correct. Now I want to check that the field type match the Model/Interface for example: checking that the nullable fields are nullable that int are int etc anyone got any ideas if I can do this? ...

How can I do this with LINQ?

All I'm after doing is this: SELECT CallTypeID, Count(CallTypeID) as NumberOfCalls FROM [Helpdesk_HR].[dbo].[CallHeader] WHERE CallHeader.DateOpened <= GETDATE()-7 GROUP BY CallTypeID in LINQ. But I can't work out a way of doing it and getting it to work. I would use Linqer, but my company won't pay for it at present. Any help is gre...

Linq to SQL - Error handling

I have a linq to sql statement that inserts records in the database. If there is a duplicate, it throws Primary key violation . after this happens, whenever i try to execute any other statement, it repeatedly shows this error. Is this a problem of transaction not getting closed. Also how to handle transactions in a more reliable way in ...

How to write this query in Linq2Sql

I have a table company which holds the company_id, company_name and other details. I have a table subcontracts which has a company_id column that maps to company.company_id. How can I write a select statement to get all active companies which have not been assigned to an active subcontract? IE The company_id cannot be found in subcont...