
Re-insertion of <script> tags

Insertion of a file's tag, thus executing the file's code. Removal of the file's tag. Insertion of the same file's tag. Firebug does not seem to acknowledge and does not show the reinserted tag when the file's has already been inserted before. It does upon new insertions, of course. EDIT: Is this a problem of some kind? (the file...

ajax indicator before complete loading

Hi to all. How can I display an ajax indicator before all the images within a website layout were loaded? Thanks in advance. ...

How to perform late loading of page content

Hello all, I am building a small web application, in my app I am loading certain types of data. Each type takes a different ammount of time. Now, I wouldn't like my whole page to load for years, instead I want my page to load immediatly, show my logo and basic css and then load each content tab separatly. What is the correct way to appr...

Concept of "Sticky" library on AIX ?

We have a problem when loading a dynamic library multiple times (>200) on AIX. The page : http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1IY93339 states a similar problem and the suggested solution is to "make the library sticky" to load it in memory a single time...But does the concept still exist on AIX 5.3 and above ? It does not se...

loading assemblies at runtime - plugin vs appDomain vs StructureMap vs MEF

I'm working on an application where users can create classes programatically at runtime. They have a UI screen where they fill out meta data which gets turned into classes. Basically, the data the user enters is used to generate properties in the .cs file. So, I need to be able to instantiate an object from the generated class file af...

So how I can control the page contents loading sequence in dojo

Hi there, I'm using dojo for our UI's, and would like to load certain part of page contents in sequence. For example, for a certain stock, I'd like to load stock general information, such as ticker, company name, key stats, etc. and a grid with the last 30 days open/close prices. Different contents will be fetched from the server separa...

iPhone SDK: I need a Subview initialized when loading, hidden when done

My Setup: In my iPhone app, I have a loading View (which is an UIImageView itself) and two subviews on the loading View, an UIIndicatorView and an UILabel. To view it, I call the [self.view addSubview:loadingView] method, and to hide it i use [loadingView removeFromSuperView]. In my app to refresh my data i have the method -(void)refre...

Ajax: wait X seconds before load

I have a search form that show live results in a specified div (look at there http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1856982/filter-results-with-jquery) I've modified the script a little bit and now when a user check one of the checkboxes the results div automatically refresh. The load function is handled by onChange event. Is there a way ...

finding class name conflicts and jar file version discrepancies and redundancies

Most of the time , the developers will be having hard time to debug the issues related to class loading issues for the reasons like 1 . the class path might have two different jars with the same class having different version. 2. class loading issues. Although we could use jar utility to delve into each and every jar , it is going ...

Dettaching Nunit from VS debug mode takes too long

I am using VS2008 and Nunit. My application uses Spring.NET Framework for dependency injection. I attached Nunit to VS to debug. Loading Nunit takes time and even worse after the test fails/success, I stop it. deattaching duration is more than 2 minutes. I tried to restart everything, clear the cache on "\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework...

Link Clicking Before Javascript Loads (Problem)

I'm using shadowbox for some html/iframe links, which effectively opens up the page in a lightbox. Everything works great - except when someone clicks before the javascript is done loading. Now, the obvious answer is to not use links as the targets of loading the shadowbox. But this poses usability problems if javascript is disabled. Do...

How to have AJAX trigger the browser's loading

Ok. I'm making an ajax-enabled lab scheduling program, and some of the ajax operations aren't exactly quick. In Gmail, when you go to your inbox, send a message, etc. the browser acts like it's loading (In FF the stop button becomes enabled, the progress bar appears), but it's not on a new page, it's done via AJAX. How do they do this? I...

Display loading animation while starting up a form in VB .NET

I understand this might be asked before : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/403202/show-a-loading-screen-in-vb-net But anyone can provide me something like : ' Show Loading Screen --> Do anything like initializing or updating UI ' Close Loading Screen In this case I can fire (Show Loading Screen) anywhere in the form I want, Li...

Loading gif for a winform

Hi, Loading gif for a winform, when i click a button i need to show loading gif then after some action it should not be displayed. I can find tutorial for web form, but am struggling to do the same for winform, pls. suggest some idea. Thanks, Karthick ...

jQuery "Please Waiting, Loading..." animation?

I would like to place a "please wait, loading" spinning circle animation on my site. I'm having trouble to find a plugin for it, so here I am asking a weird question :) Thank you for your help. ...

BlackBerry - waiting screen

Hello , i am developing one application in blackberry java development. I am requesting to http means i am connecting to web service .response of web service taking some time .That time i want to display some waiting screen. Could you tell me how can i do that.... Regards Pankaj Pareek ...

an alternative to progressbar?

could anybody knows any alternatives to progressbar? Inmy project im using progressbar..I would like to change it to something like a rotating gif image which indicates the processing or someother labels which prevents the user from interacting to the program.I tried to implement the gif image by using background worker but its hanging m...

jquery: for each request image load from URL, jquery not using already cached images

Hi guys i have wrote a small slideshow script and the problem is: Each time slideSwitch() function is called it loads images from server every time even when the image is cached in the browser cache. here is the code $(function() { playSlideshow = setInterval(slideSwitchTimed, 4000 ); }); function slideSwitchTimed() { $active ...

Image loading, C language and GTK

I keep getting a broken image (a red 'X' in a paper, it doesn't even start loading the one i want, I don't know if this is clear enough) and don't know why, here is what i tried: image = gtk_image_new_from_file("abc.png"); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), image); gtk_widget_show (image); gtk_widget_show (window);` I am a new...

Loading partial entities with Linq to Entities

I am trying to load a partial entity with Linq to Entities: Dim contacts = From c In My.Context.Contacts _ Select New Contact With { _ .ContactId = c.ContactId, _ .Name = c.Name } I tried it and I get the following NotSupportedException: "The entity or complex type 'CompleteKitchenModel.Contact' cannot be c...