
MySQL - Best method to saving and loading items.

Hello, So on my older work, I had always used the 'text' data type to store items, like so: 0=4151:54;1=995:5000;2=521:1; So basically: slot=item:amount; I've been looking into finding the best ways of storing information in a sql database, and everywhere i go, it says that using text is a big performance hit. I was thinking of doi...

Openfire fastpath chat causing site to load slowly

We are adding openfire fastpath chat to our site. It will determine and indicate when live chat is available or not and display an appropriate image to indicate the current status and links for each state. The javascript call hit's a function that is on another box and this function uses document.write to output the html to the page....

jquery multiple load

Is it possible to load multiple items at once through jquery using $.load? For exmaple I may have something like this: <div id="test"> <div id="what"> </div> <div id="when"> </div> <div id="who"> </div> </div> Now say I wanted to load the div with the id of what and the id of when but not the who. is this possible? ...

Web page load before showing.

Normally a webpage load images is like scrolling down. I don't want the visitor's of my site to see it. I am looking for a script that will load my webpage and then it will show completely. I have already putted a fadeIn effect but the images loading is scrolling and also my background image. Questions: Is there a script for that? What i...

how to override base path parameter inside flex application

Hello, I'm having difficult time solving an absolute/relative path issues. When using as3 and embed my swf via swf object JS, one of the parameters that being transferred to the embed JS function is "base=http://www.mydomain.com" which needed in order to load external widget into application. Now, am also loading external assets like ...

question about joGL (glTexImage2D)

Hi everybody I was trying to load a texture using joGL library but it seems that something is missing when using this method glTexImage2D at : IOStream wdis = new IOStream(fileName); wdis.skipBytes(18); int width = wdis.readIntW(); // dis.skipBytes(2); int height = wdis.readIntW(); // dis.skipBytes(2); wdis.skipBytes(28); byte buf[] =...

Texture loading at joGL

hi I've been trying to load a bmp picture to use it as a texture at my program I've used a IOstream Class to extend DataInputStream to read the pixels at the photo with this code "based on a texture loader code for c++ " : //class Data members public static int BMPtextures[]; public static int BMPtexCount = 30; public static int curr...

Loading an object from a db4o database.

I am developing an e-commerce website that utilises db4o as the backend. All was well until last week when I came across a problem that I have been unable to solve. The code below is quite straight forward. I open a database file, save an object and then try to retrieve it. However I get nothing back. The "users" variable has a count...

Very large drupal page execution time

Hello again! I'm on VPS hosting with dreamhost and am experiencing very high page load times. Here is the output from Devel module for mysql queries. Executed 190 queries in 227.67 milliseconds. Page execution time was 21969.43 ms. Using the module profiling at http://2bits.com/articles/measuring-memory-consumption-by-drupal-bootstr...

Loading Resources Once in Java

Hi, I have a project in Java requiring to load large files (corpus for NLP) for every execution. Let's call it method load(), and this is only called once, and the method process(String text) can be called multiple times where these belong to the class Tagger. My problem is that whenever I need to tweak some code except for class Tagge...

What is happening between method call and method entry (C#)?

At the moment we have a problem with the startup of a middle-sized WPF-application. It takes about 15 seconds to load completly. We wondered what it takes that long. In the event Application_Startup of App.xaml a controller gets initialised. This controller lives in a separate 'business' assembly, which calls in turn to the 'data' assem...

NHibernate: Many-to-One - *Must* You Load the Parent Object?

Assume the following entity classes: public class Player { public virtual int ID { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual Team Team { get; set; } } public class Team { public virtual int ID { get; set; } public virtual string City { get; set; } public virtual string Nickname { get; set; } } Assume t...

load attribute of other class in hibernate

hi, These are my classes. public Class ClassA { int a; ClassB b; public int getA(){return a;} public ClassB getB(){return b;} } public Class ClassP { int p; int q; int r; public int getP(){return p;} public int getQ(){return q;} public int getR(){return r;} } these are my class. previously i was loading above using many-to-one m...

AS3: loading image dynamically results in error

Hello, I am trying to load an image in Flex (AS3) which already exists: <mx:Image id="Img"/> With this code: Img.load('http://www.path.com/image.jpg'); The path is verified to work, but I always get this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. I used the code from the documentat...

How to make my Java destop application show an image before it starts?

I'm using NetBeans IDE 6.8 (Mac Version). which tool of their GUI builder will assist me in doing this? What I want is is to show the user an image while my application is loading for couple of seconds before I show him the application. How can I do that? initializing ...

Iframe Loading problem.

Hi Everyone. The problem i am facing is .. I am using below code structure for presentation . its jsp page. Usually, during get operation on database records( in hundreds), the web page takes more than 3 seconds to load completely. I have injected an indicator bar ( something like cvi_busy), so that some javascript enable bar would b...

dylib for iPhone 3.1.2 is too short, wrong cputype/cpusubtype.

I've been trying to compile a dylib to use in a little prototyping experiment however dlopen() says that my dylib is Mach-O but that the file is too short. Should it be padded with something? I have the latest everything so that shouldn't be a problem. lipo spits this out when I try to merge the i386 and armv6 arch's together: lipo: s...

jQuery: Wait for entire page--including ajax--to load?

I'm using some jQuery tabs that load their content via ajax. I'm using $(document).ready() in conjunction with the following code: // Hide loading animation, show content container $("#content").show(); $("#loading").hide(); The purpose is to wait until the page is fully loaded, then show the content and hide the loading animation. H...

Jquery Block ui only show on ajaxStart of a function

I am currently using Blockui to block the page and show a loading gif when an ajax function is being performed. See here: $(document).ready(function() { //shows loading screen whilst posting via ajax $().ajaxStart(function() { $.blockUI({ message: '<h1><img src="../images/layout/busy.gif" /> Just a moment...</h...

NSTextView doesn't initialize when I call readFromData:(NSData *)data ofType:(NSString*)string

I have a refreshDisplay: method that calls the setString: method of an NSTextView. I can save, and load, but when I load even though my program loads the data, it does not display it on the NSTextView as it should. I did a check and that NSTextView seems to be nil when I load, which is why the setString: method does not do anything to it...