
Why my iPhone app has a delayed loading?

I noticed some iPhone apps give you the title screen instantly. Then there are some apps that gives you a black/blank screen for a brief moment. I have the latter issue, but its lasting about 2 seconds. I would like to display a PNG image (over 200 KB size) and a loading indicator view. My app is based on UIView. The specified a custom...

Hide WPF Window Until Fully Loaded

For my WPF application, I am storing several user settings like window position, window state, and whether or not to display a welcome dialog. The problem is that while everything is loading up, I see a lot of flashing and flickering as the windows are loaded in, and then more flickering when the window is maximized after reading in the...

Flex 3 loading background color

During loading of a Flex 3 built application, it always shows this blue-grayish background color. I've tried a handful of tips, building preloaders etc, and all that works, but even before the preloaders kick in, that blue-grayish color is displayed. I've tried lots of ways to change it, like editing compiler options, setting background ...

Run ajax while main page is loading

I got this php script that generates reports that take 20 to 30 seconds to complete. I would like to add a progress bar, and I have the progress updating in my DB correctly. The problem is that I cant use jQuery to $.post or $.get while the main page is sitting there loading the report. I can run javascript, like popup a window that sa...

Blackberry - Application loading screen

Hi all.. my application contains lots of images..so it takes some time to load the application..i want to show a loading screen whhile the application is being loaded...how is it possible..?? ...

How to lower loading time of DirectX?

I am making a C++/Windows/DirectX program that requires the functions d3d = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION); and d3d->CreateDevice(...); when I run the program, these to init functions take particularily long to work (not long, but noticible). Is there any way to shorten the loading time of these? The basic structure of the prog...

Java TGA loader

Hello, I am looking for a small and free TGA image loading class or library for java. Ideally the result is a BufferedImage. Yes, I have already googled, but most results are outdated, or are quite big libraries that contain a lot of other stuff i dont need. I am looking for something small and simple that reads just TGA images. Thanks...

What's the best way to show the user something is loading on the iPhone?

Recently I've been looking to create some way of showing a user that something is being loaded. I'm sure anyone with an iPhone has seen this is apps before but what is the best way of doing it? I started using UIProgressHUD, however it was pointed out to me that you shouldn't really use private (undocumented) API's. I then I moved onto...

WYSIWYG editor and loaded content trouble

Hello, I have a wysiwyg editor ckeditor. It has a textarea. Okay, everything works fine, but until I'm trying to load content which already has inputs elements (textarea). So, we have: <textarea id="ckeditor"> ... Loadable content ... <textarea id="some_other"></textarea> </textarea> As you see loadable textarea is closing ckedit...

Assembly Manifest loading error (.NET and C++ dlls)

My application (pure DotNET 2.0) is referencing another pure DotNET 2.0 dll which is PInvoking into an unmanaged (C++ 2005) dll. On some computers this works fine, on others there is a consistent error message: Could not load file or assembly 'C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\rhcommon_c.dll' or one of its dependenci...

Ajax - loadable php-script

Hello, I'm dynamically loading different content from db, using ajax. So, when I'm loading plain text - it shows correctly, but when there is a php-script in content, it wouldn't be interpreted by php-server, so I can see a code at the page. Could I load php script like this way? ...

NHibernate many-to-one loading alternative?

I have a Parent/Child object/mapping as follows: class Parent { int Id; string name; List children; } <bag name="Children" cascade="all" lazy="false "> <key column="ParentId" /> <one-to-many class="Child" /> </bag> class Child { int Id; Parent Parent; string Name; } <many-to-one name="Parent" column="ParentId" /> O...

Silverlight PRISM loading an external XAP module

Hi, I'm not sure if this is possible, but I am currently loading most of my modules from within the main application assembly, I am trying to now load external XAP modules. I have something like this: ModuleInfo themeModule = new ModuleInfo(); themeModule.ModuleName = "Theme_External"; themeModule.ModuleType = "Theme_External...

JQuery-code on different content pages

Hello, I have a site with menu, which reloads content. Content is dynamically loadable, using ajax and php-script. At different content pages I need in different jquery-plugins. But If I'm writing including need plugin directly in some content page, I get a big lags during loading. So, now I'm includgin all plugins into main page... And ...

C# - Display loading 1-100% within 4 seconds.

I have a label on a splash screen that is displayed for 4 seconds. I am trying to make the label display the loading process as a percentage. Obviously, this is just to show the user that the program is actually starting up and not actually "loading" anything. Is there a way that I can have the label display the percentage (going from...

php progress bar?

Is there a way to show a progress bar in php? I like to let the user know what the php script is doing. Here's an result example from my website http://www.bestsellprice.com/search.php?itemnum=0&amp;keyword=harry+potter+book I have a static loading image with some text that says "Loading...", when the page is fully loaded, I hide the l...

codeigniter site, swfobject not fully loading swf

I am having a strange problem. I have a view that is supposed to load a swf. The swf was compiled with Flex and the mxml preloader displays but it loads a blank screen. When I path directly to the file it loads fully and works fine. Other possibly relevant information: The swf makes calls through GET requests to the database the si...

Jquery Loading problem on first load / hard refresh

hey everyone, here is the site SEE BELOW I have a slight jquery problem and I cant seem to figure out how to debug it. the strip of thumbnails is supposed to scroll when you hover over it. When the page loads, or it loads on a hard refresh, they dont scroll. If I refresh the page (normally, not a hard refresh), it works fine. Any ide...

UIWebView finished loading Event

Hello, is it possible to start an event when an UIWebView (Iphone) has finished loading the URL. How can i find out, the current URL of the UIWebView? Best regards, Andreas ...

Re-executing JavaScript files

I asked this sort of question before ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1309694/application-fails-to-dynamically-reload-javascript-files ) but I couldn't quite resolve the problem (if it has any solution), so I will put this in another fashion, a simpler one: Can one unload a file from the browser's memory for posterior reloading? (Re...