
show loading icon while flash is loading - and hide it when flash starts

Hello, I am using a flash slideshow on a page that takes a little while to load - and while it is loading it looks like nothing is there as the div holding the flash element has a transparent background. How can I show a loading icon while flash is loading - and then hide it once the flash starts? I am using jquery in my page head fo...

Loading resource items in iphone via itunes

I have an app that has about 60 png files and a couple of cfg files in the main bundle. Runs great in the simulator, and when I download from Xcode to iTouch. But I'm stumped on distributing to my testers. I have their provisioning profiles, etc. But when I created the app and sent it to them, it showed up as a folder (NR1.APP) with ...

How do you know when flash movie has finished playing in a flex container?

I have loaded an swf into a flex application. It's been made a source of an control. I set the source of the image during the application's execution, upon setting the source, the movie plays, but I would like to know when it completes playing. Thanks. ...

What is the way to load an image on top of your webpage using a seethrough layer?

check this webiste: http://www.ramziarabi.com/portfolio/art-portfolio/ when you click on an image it opens itself on top of the webpage without hiding it or opening new page. I'm assuming this is done by JavaScript, but can someone explain how? provide some code I can use to do that? ...

Showing a loading image on page refresh

I have a javascript snippet that forces a page reload using .reload(true) once someone clicks on a particular link. How can I show a simple "loading" image while the page refresh is taking place? (Already using jquery on the page if that helps) ...

What is the general consensus on preemptively loading images on web pages?

So I've been wondering this for a while, I'm currently building a website which is very image oriented. What do people think of preloading images? How do they do it? (Javascript versus display:none css?). As users what do you think of it? Does the speed gained while using the website justify the extra time you have to spend waiting for...

jQuery Tabs Hide Until Loaded

I am using jQuery UI Tabs to control the presentation of content on a portfolio page I am implementing. The page consists of many large images and the tabs take about a second or two to fully load. I want to know if their is a way to hide/mask all content until the tabs are loaded. Optimally I would like to have a loading graphic appear ...

in asp.net mvc, how would i display a page while some code is running?

If I wanted to display a loading page while some script was running, how would I go about it? It seems that a view is rendered when the controller's code has finished executing, but I need there to be something displayed to the user as the code is doing a fair amount. Thanks for any pointers. ...

How to show ajax loading gif animation while the page is loading?

I try to implement AJAX in my website. When the content of the div changepass is clicked then it should load changepass.template.php. Here is the code im using for that. $(function() { $(".changepass").click(function() { $(".block1").load("views/changepass.template.php"); return false; }); My question is how to show GIF A...

C# Loading Icons in Runtime

Hi geeks, I'm having about 200 icons ,which I wanted to display in a treeview on Runtime. Can anyone suggest me the best way to do this. Do i need to store "relative path" of each icon in "app.config" and load?? or can I compile all the icons to a dll and extract from there... or any other best suited idea..? Thanks in advance. ...

JavaScript loading image freezes while making ajax call

Hi, I've built a page using jQuery that uses an async Ajax call. I'm trying to display a loading gif but for the life of me I can't get it to work. The gif never displays. Any ideas? function updateCityList(state) { $("#city-loading").empty().html('<img src="/Images/loading.gif" />'); $.ajax( { ...

Why php page keep loading ?

I am running php 5.2.6 with apache 2. On my localhost, some pages keep loading forever with Firefox. Konqueror works fine. From another computer using Firefox works as well. I looked at the network with ethereal and 200 ok is send and no more data is transiting. any ideas ? Thanks ...

Does removeChildAt() clear up cpu resources?

I am loading/unloading several swfs from one main swf. When I load a new swf I do something like this: contentContainer.addChild(the new swf); //add the new swf contentContainer.swapChildrenAt(0,1); contentContainer.removeChildAt(1); //remove the previous swf My question is, when I removeChildAt(), does the old swf keep "playing" and ...

Slow loading of images on IIS 6, Windows Server 2003

Hi, I have a Windows Server 2003 64-Bit VPS, and I'm experiencing a problem with pages, or rather more specifically images loading slow for all of the websites that are hosted on it. I have a shared hosting account with a particular company and also the VPS, and an identical site loads slower on the VPS. Initially I thought it was a c...

jQuery ui sortable loading indicator

Hello. I'm using this code: $(document).ready(function() { $("#test-list").sortable({ handle : '.handle', update : function () { var order = $('#test-list').sortable('serialize'); $("#info").load("process-sortable.php?"+order); }, }); }); I want a loading indicator (GIF animation if possible) to s...

Php.ini Causing Ajax To Load Slow?...

Strange bug here... ajax has been loading slow on this server since day one... we thought it was the internet connection, until yesterday. I accidentally added an invalid extension into the php.ini file (ie. extension=php_pdf.dll), and then all of a sudden, the ajax loaded extremely fast. When I took out that invalid extension, the ajax ...

ASP.NET web application - WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd files - Loading time issue

. Hi, We are building an ASP.NET application with C#.net as language. Here, when the IIS renders a page & when we analyze the page code with YSlow tool it shows many WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd files (as we are referring many script files in the page). Server-side code is executing fast but loading of these .axd file...

Is there a way of making normal links automatically load through ajax, rather than normally?

I haven't explained this well. But what i mean is, if I have an ajax script that loads the content of a page in a DIV element, through the function 'loadpage('whatever.php');, instead of going around manually doing this to all links, is there a way of having a script that automatically makes all regular links load through that ajax func...

ASP.NET - Loading controls at one time (on application load)

Hi, We are working on an ASP.NET application. It has 3- 4 forms displaying country list dropdown. Here we would like to avoid binding these dropdowns each time by getting data from database. Instead looking for a better practice of binding it one time, say on application load/some other. Would you please let me know how we could...

Spring context loading problem in Osgi

Hi, I'm using Spring's FileSystemXmlApplicationContext in Osgi activator. Unfortunately, it doesn't load any bean from the provided XML files. I'm sure that it finds the xml configuration files, because I was testing with incorrect name of my xml configuration file, and it threw an FileNotFoundException. Here is a snippet from my cod...