
iPad Mapkit and Conical Projections

I read in the iPad mapkit is designed to use Mercator projection maps. It is possible to use this interface with Lambert Conical Projection maps? ...

How to add another annotation in the mapview a certain distance from current location

Wondering how to add another annotation in the mapview a certain distance from current location? ...

NSMutableArray = null in new view error

Hi, I'm trying to work out how to move data, parsed from an RSS feed into a UITableView into an entirely new view, for example a UIMapKit, but not having much luck. Each time I get "" (see below) = null. I have an NSMutableArray, called "Dogs". It's created in a "currentDogstableview" class - which downloads the data from an RS...

How to remove annotations added as MKAnnotationView objects

I am new to using MapKit framework. I am adding an image to MKAnnotationView object at specific lat-long pair on map, say at (latA, longA). For the next iteration, i need to remove the annotation added and add new annotation at different lat-long pair, say at (latB, longB). Let me know of any help. Thanks @dity@ ...

how to update MKPolyline / MKPolylineView?

I am trying to create a polyline (MKPolyline) overlay that updates periodically, to simulate the movement of an object. I can achieve this by removing the old overlay, updating the polyline and adding the overlay again, but this leads to flickering. For a point annotation (MKPointAnnotation) you can simply change its coordinate, and the...

adding ovelay on a map(objective c)

How to add overlay on a map in objective c? (has any body tried it in iphone os 4.0)? ...

How to have a user-movable MKPlacemark?

I would like to emulate the 'Drop Pin' feature in the Maps application. I have a mapview in my controller that I am able to add a MKPlacemark to. It doesn't respond to user action though. Can I emulate the dropped pin with stock classes or do I need to subclass an MKAnnotation View? EDIT2: Here's the code I'm trying, which I think shou...

SetNeedsDisplayInRect not taking effect immediately

When I call setNeedsDisplayInRect:, why isn't my drawRect:inContext method being called soon after? If I zoom into the unpainted area, then zoom out (I guess triggering a repaint) the image will be drawn. But if I leave it sitting there, no dice. Is there a way to force a repaint immediately? Just in case it matters, I'm really using Ma...

Calculate the radius in meters using mapkit

Hi I need to know the distance (in kilometers) from center map to the other side of the screen, (and if the zoom change the distance will change). I need to implement this feature in this function - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated{ } Any ideas how i can do this? Thanks ...

Cocoa-Touch UIButton isSelected clearification.

Hi all, i'm rather new to programming in cocoa but I've been working on learning the language quite diligently up until I hit this snag that I can't seem to circumvent/hack my way around, (not that I'd want to. I'd prefer to do it right!) Where i stand, In IB i have a toolbar that has a button and what I'm trying to do is mimic the map...

(iPhone) how to implement draggable pins using OS 4.0 MapKit?

Can anyone provide any sample code/instructions for implementing draggable pins in OS 4.0 using the MapKit framework? ...

How can I group MKAnnotations automatically regarding zoom level?

if the user zooms out on a MKMapView, i want MKAnnotations which are near to each other automatically grouped into one "group" annotation. if the user zooms back in, the "group" annotation should be split again to the unique/original annotations. apple does this already in the iOS 4 is there a common, "predefined" way to do ...

Calculate compass heading to a CLLocation - Haversine functions for iOS

I understand how to get the distance between 2 CLLocations. I need to determine the generalized compass bearing (N, NE, E etc.) from a CLLocation to another CLLocation. Before I implement something to derive the bearing with the haversine formula is there a generally adapted open source library or code fragment that you've found solves ...

either current location or destination but not together for iphone

i cannt add them together here is the code in viewdidload ///// show current location //mapView.showsUserLocation = YES; //mapView.userLocation.location.coordinate.latitude; MKCoordinateRegion region =mapView.region; = 1.3123;// mapView.userLocation.location.coordinate.latitude; = 103....

KML -> GPolygon -> MKPolyline?

So I've got a couple of (ginormous) KML's that I've successfully converted into 180 some-odd Google-Maps encoded polygons/polylines. Anyone have any experience or thoughts on how to take these and turn it into an MKPolyline object suitable for use on iOS4's MapKit? Here's what I'm looking at right now ..... var sw = new GLatLng(25.837...

How to determine the x/y screen location of the blue dot representing your current location in iOS?

Playing around with MapKit and I'm wondering ... Is it possible to determine where on the screen (the x and y) the blue dot representing your location sits as you move the map around? I recognize it starts out in the center of the screen ... but if you start to move the map it sticks with it. Thanks -wg ...

MKAnnotationView update title and subtitle with distance when event is received

Hello, I'm developing an iphone app using mapkit and CLLocationManager. I put lots of MKPinAnnotationView on map (about 100) and I want to update all callout's subtitle whith user distance when I receive it. How to do it ? Thanks, David ...

MapKit How to pass managedObject from mapView to mapDetailView

I am trying to pass a managedObject from a mapView with multiple annotation to a mapDetailView with only one annotation of the managedObject passed. This works great in a tableView to mapDetaiView. Any help would be appreciated. My code ... - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; if (self.managedObjectContext == nil) {

iPhone MapKit, get location of the dropped pin.

I'm creating an iPhone application that gets the user to drop a pin where ever they want. After they drop the pin the user then clicks on it and i want it to show the location of the pin in the call out as the subtitle. I have the mapview set up as well as the call out working and also the user is able to drop the pin where ever they w...

How can i change the simulator user position in Objetive-C MapKit?

I will the location update be harcoded in simulator to my real position... ...