
Maximum Row in DBMS

Is there any limit to maximum row of table in DBMS (specially MySQL)? I want create table for saving logfile and it's row increase so fast I want know what shoud I do to prevent any problem. ...

Is there a better way to check if a value is bigger than of type double?

double x; cin>>x; if( x > 1.7976931348623157e+308 || x < -1.7976931348623157e+308 ) { cout<<"value not in range"<<endl; exit(1); } Is there like a DOUBLE_MAX or DOUBLE_MIN and would I need to include any header files? ...

What is the easiest way to get a key with the highest value from a hash in Perl?

What is the easiest way to get a key with the highest value from a hash in Perl? ...

What algorithm to use for optimization af a function of N variables?

Given the function y=f(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6), I'm trying to find the values of x1..x6, where the function reaches its maximum. The function is quite well behaved, continuous, with a single peak with the value of 1 and low-level, noise-like values around it. The function is quite costly to evaluate, so I'm looking to limit evaluations to a m...

SQL Server 2008 maximum size on FAT32

Hi all, I am running WinXP with a FAT32 file system. Does FAT32's max. file size limit of 4GB apply on the max. database size I can have? (I have SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition, I know the free editions restrict DB size to 4GB, having nothing to do with the file system) Thanks for any info ...

HTML CSS take as much height as possible

Hello, I have quite an interesting situation. I have a table with two columns. In The left one, I have a lot of text, it is HUGE. In the right column, I have a marquee with a very long list, longer still than the content in the left column, but, for it is a marquee, the height is quite little. Is it possible to set the marquees height t...

Algorithm to locate local maxima

I have data that always looks something like this: I need an algorithm to locate the three peaks. The x-axis is actually a camera position and the y-axis is a measure of image focus/contrast at that position. There are features at three different distances that can be in focus and I need to determine the x-values for these three poi...

Algorithm to find the maximum sum in a sequence of overlapping intervals

The problem I am trying to solve has a list of intervals on the number line, each with a pre-defined score. I need to return the maximum possible total score. The catch is that the intervals overlap, and of the overlapping intervals I can use only one. Here is an example. Intervals - Score 0- 5 - 15 4- 9 - 18 ...

maximum float in python

Hi, I think the maximum integer in python is available by calling sys.maxint, whereas the maximum float or long, what is it? ...

R solver for non linear constraints

Is there R solver function similar to solve.QP but for non linear constraints? Also, is there another generic solver for cubic or higher degree contraints and minimum/maximum functions? ...

finding roots, minima, maxima using excel solver

The excel solver works for some functions but does not work for other simple functions. For example, f(x) = SQRT(A1^3-1), excel solver does not find roots. But other similar function works for example f(x) = A3^3-SQRT(A3)-1. Do you see any problem with the first function? Is it supposed to be expressed differently? ...

Maximum number of attributes a node has in a XML document

We are interested in finding maximum number of attributes a node has in a XML document. My code is below using C#: XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(@"C:\ABC.xml"); XmlNode root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; int nodeAttrCount = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in root) ...

Weighted Interval Scheduling problem & Dynamic program

Hi guys! My question is related to this other discussion. I'm trying to implement that algorithm using the dynamic program into a recursive call. Problem statement: Job j starts at sj, finishes at fj,and has weight or value vj. Two jobs compatible if they don't overlap. Goal: find maximum weight subset of mutually compatible jobs. ...

Getting 2d array maximum in a more Rubyish way?

Background: In Ruby I have a 2d array like the following: count[[english_word, french_word]] = ... pp count {["my", "une"]=>0.0, ["my", "voiture"]=>0.2, ["red", "maison"]=>0.9, ... } (The reason I did this rather than count[english_word][french_word] was I wasn't sure how to get around the Undef errors, and I saw this syntax suggest...

maximum number of mutexes per process/thread in windows

Is there a limit in the maximum number of mutexes per process/thread in a application? Just in case the target operating systems are: Windows XP Pro, server 2003/2008 and Windows 7 in the near future. Usually the website is deployed in an App Pool. ...

Maximum(:created_at) does not give the timestamp in local time format

Maximum(:created_at) does not give the timestamp in local time format but in UTC. I am using Rails 2.3.8 Is there another way to get the latest created_at in local time? ...

Finding maximum value in a dictionary containing mixed items in Python

I have a dictionary with either a integer or a tuple of integers as value. How do I find the maximum integer present in dicts' values? Example: x1 = {0:2, 2:1, 3:(1, 2), 20:3} should return 3 and x2 = {0:2, 2:1, 3:(1, 5), 20:3} should return 5 ...

Finding the maximum value in a column using GQL

How do I find the maximum value in a particular column of a table in the GAE datastore using GQL? ...

Maximum packing of rectangles in a circle

I work at a nanotech lab where I do silicon wafer dicing. (The wafer saw cuts only parallel lines) We are, of course, trying to maximize the yield of the die we cut. All the of die will be equal size, either rectangular or square, and the die are all cut from a circular wafer. Essentially, I am trying to pack maximum rectangles into a ci...

[python] get numbers from user & print maximum and minimum (w/o using built-in function)

I'm reviewing a python exercise which does the following : reads list of numbers til "done" gets entered. When "done" is inputted, print largest and smallest of the numbers. And it should be without directly using the built-in functions, max() and min(). Here is my source. Traceback says, "'float' object is not iterable" I think my...