
Set maximum displayed rows count for HTML table

Have JSP page with dynamically generated HTML table with unknown number of rows. Have property on backend, that sets maximum number of rows, e.g: max_rows=15. How to limit number of rows for HTML table to max_rows value? Other part of table should be accessible by vertical scroll,it means that user see 15 rows and if to scroll down, th...

What is the maximum application filesize for Blackberry App World

We are planing to program an application for Blackberry and wondering if there is a maximum App size. Searching the App World there were just very small Apps. Our App will have hundreds of Images and Audiofiles. It will have about 40 to 50 MB. Is this possible for Blackberry? thx for your answers! ...

How much memory (RAM) can be allocated by an App on Blackberry

Hi guys, we are planing an app for blackberry app world and will have to load lots of textures and audiofiles. so we need to know how much memory the app can really allocate for a smarthphone with 64MB (RAM) thx for answers! ...

In Ruby, what is the cleanest way of obtaining the index of the largest value in an array?

If a is the array, I want a.index(a.max), but something more Ruby-like. It should be obvious, but I'm having trouble finding the answer at so and elsewhere. Obviously, I am new to Ruby. Cary ...

List minimum in Python with None?

Is there any clever in-built function or something that will return 1 for the min() example below? (I bet there is a solid reason for it not to return anything, but in my particular case I need it to disregard None values really bad!) >>> max([None, 1,2]) 2 >>> min([None, 1,2]) >>> ...

Finding a certain value below the maxima in Matlab

Hi there, I have 2 800x1 arrays in Matlab which contain my amplitude vs. frequency data, one array contains the magnitude, the other contains the corresponding values for frequency. I want to find the frequency at which the amplitude has reduced to half of its maximum value. What would be the best way to do this? I suppose my two main ...

Why does my Perl max() function always return the first element of the array?

I am relatively new to Perl and I do not want to use the List::Util max function to find the maximum value of a given array. When I test the code below, it just returns the first value of the array, not the maximum. sub max { my @array = shift; my $cur = $array[0]; foreach $i (@array) { if($i > $cur) { ...

What is the maximum length of an array in .NET on 64-bit Windows

I heard from someone that the maximum array size in .NET is 4 GB? Just wondering if that is true. You wouldn't dream of doing this on 32-bit .NET but on a 64-bit system with 12 GB of RAM, maybe, just maybe you might want to do this. :-) ...

Maximum values in wherein clause of mysql

Hi friends, Do anyone knows about how many values I can give in a where in clause? I get 25000 values in a where in clause and mysql is unable to execute. Any thoughts? Awaiting for your thoughts ...

Maximizing the number of true concurrent / parrallel http requests in Silverlight

Hi all. I'm using SL 4 beta and my app needs to do a lot of small http requests to the server. I believe that when exceeding the number of allowed concurrent requests, the subsequent requests are put in a queue. I am also aware that SL 4 has both a http browser stack and a http client stack, with both different limit in terms of the num...

Calculating the maximum distance between elements of vector in MATLAB

Let's assume that we have a vector like x = -1:0.05:1; ids = randperm(length(x)); x = x(ids(1:20)); I would like to calculate the maximum distance between the elements of x in some idiomatic way. It would be easy to just iterate over all possible combinations of x's elements but I feel like there could be a way to do it with MATLAB's ...

Maximum Year in Expry Date of Credit Card

Various online services have different values for maximum year of expiry, when it comes to Credit Cards. For instance: Basecamp: +15 years (2025) Amazon: +20 years (2030) Paypal: +19 years (2029) What is the reasonable maximum here? Are there any official guidelines? ...

Set UITextField Maximum Length

Hello, Is there any way to set the maximum length on a UITextField? Something like the MAXLENGTH attribute in HTML input fields. ...

Nested query to find details in table B for maximum value in table A

I've got a huge bunch of flights travelling between airports. Each airport has an ID and (x,y) coordinates. For a given list of flights, I want to find the northernmost (highest x) airport visited. Here's the query I'm currently using: SELECT name,iata,icao,apid,x,y FROM airports WHERE y=(SELECT MAX(y) FROM ...

Force maximum width and height for PHPThumb images

PHPThumb provides two great variables setting the output maximum width and height BUT "This is always overridden by ?w=_ GETstring parameter" $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['output_maxwidth'] = 720; $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['output_maxheight'] = 720; You can also set defaults, and for landscape/portrait: $PHPTHUMB_DEFAULTS['w'] = 720; $PHPTHUMB_DEFAULT...

Getting the submatrix with maximum sum?

With the help of the Algorithmist and Larry and a modification of Kadane's Algorithm, here is my solution: int dim = matrix.length; //computing the vertical prefix sum for columns int[][] ps = new int[dim][dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (j == 0) { ...

Php trapping maximun execution time error

Is there a way in PHP to trap the fatal error when the max execution time is reached and give the user a better message? ...

Is there a way to change the maximum width of a window without using the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message?

I want to change the imposed Windows maximum width that a window can be resized to, for an external application's window (not my C#/WinForms program's window). The documentation of GetSystemMetrics for SM_CXMAXTRACK says: "The default maximum width of a window that has a caption and sizing borders, in pixels. This metric refers to the e...

Limiting the maximum number of concurrent requests django/apache

Hi, I have a django site that demonstrates the usage of a tool. One of my views takes a file as input and runs some fairly heavy computation trough an external python script and returns some output to the user. The tool runs fast enough to return the output in the same request though. I would however want to limit how many concurrent re...

Make an image fit in a rectangle.

Hi, If I have an image of which I know the height and the width, how can I fit it in a rectangle with the biggest possible size without stretching the image. Pseudo code is enough (but I'm going to use this in Java). Thanks. So, based on the answer, I wrote this: but it doesn't work. What do I do wrong? double imageRatio = bi.getH...