
How do Microsoft (and other software companies with a large installed base) manage patch dependencies?

OS (usually security-based) patches and hotfixes that Microsoft releases to the community normally consist of, in my understanding, a series of updated DLLs or other binaries. How does Microsoft, and other companies like it, ensure that that hotfixes don't clash with each other? Do they always go for a cumulative patch approach, where ...

What major applications does Microsoft sell which use the .NET framework?

As a programmer, I feel much safer knowing that the frameworks being 'sold' to me are actually in use by their creators to produce real applications, as this gives me some reassurance that they will actually solve some set of problems, and are not just architecture astronautics. I remember years ago in the days of .NET 1.0 and 1.1, ther...

Can I get DirectInput / XInput without the whole DirectX SDK?

I am developing an in-house app that would use XInput or DirectInput to read from the Xbox 360 controller. (I think it'll be the cheapest/easiest way to get multiple controls in the operator's hands.) I will need to source-control all source and tools, which means also the SDK's. I'd rather not take all of DirectX -- is DirectInput an...

Is it possible to build an email reader for the Zune ?

Is it possible to build an email reader for the Zune through XNA ? Version 3.0 allows us to connect to the Market place and download music directly from the Zune hence the nature of my question. Edit: Buy a ZuneHD ...

Is there a standard keyboard shortcut to build the current project in Visual Studio?

I know that Ctrl+Shift+B launches a solution build, but I would like a shortcut that just builds the current project. Is a custom shortcut my only option? Edit: Looks like a custom shortcut is my only option as Shift+F6 does not work for me. ...

Explanation of Oslo error "M0197: 'Text' cannot be used in a Type context"?

In Microsoft Oslo SDK CTP 2008 (using Intellipad) the following code compiles fine: module M { type T { Text : Text; } } while compiling the below code leads to the error "M0197: 'Text' cannot be used in a Type context" module M { type T { Text : Text; Value : Text; // error } } I do not see...

vc80.pdb - How do I make it go away and never bother me again?

When building static libraries with VS2005 I keep getting linker warnings that VC80.pdb cant be found with my library.lib. Apparently, as a result, the edit and continue feature of the IDE fails to work any project that incorporates library.lib What magic is needed to tell VS2005 to produce a static lib with edit and continue debug info...

Explanation of Oslo error "M2037: SQL Generation Internal Error: Missing generator for variable"?

In Microsoft Oslo SDK CTP 2008 (using Intellipad) the following code compiles fine: module T { type A { Id : Integer32 = AutoNumber(); } where identity Id; As : A*; type B { Id : Integer32 = AutoNumber(); // A : A; // } where A in As && identity Id; } where identity Id; Bs : B*; ...

How to host a Silverlight app in a Sharepoint 2007 Web Part

There has been a flurry of updates released to Microsoft's Silverlight over the past couple of months (Silverlight 2 beta 2 runtime + dev tools, RC0 + dev tools which broke beta 2 apps), and recently Microsoft has released the RTM. I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to integrate Sharepoint 2007 and Silverlight. Many of the sharepoint/s...

Converting to Open Source

If you are in a Microsoft shop doing ASP.NET, and the NEW boss figures it's better to move to open source alternatives (Linux/PHP/Python/Ruby), would you stay? ...

Microsoft XML Parser 3.0

There is an application where I work that uses the Microsoft XML parser 3.0. I couldn't find any documentation about it and that's becoming a problem, because we cannot use this web application with Firefox, Safari and etc. Am I wrong? Can we install the XML parser 3.0 in different browsers? Who can i find a documentation about it? ...

Microsoft Enterprise Search - FAST

Does it handle Sharepoint? ...

Is Microsoft BizSpark a good deal for startups?

I learned about Microsoft BizSpark the other day and started the sign up process. Has anyone else heard about it or had success with it? ...

Does Visual Studio have debug symbols available?

I'd like to track down a possible bug in Visual Studio, but that's awfully hard without the debug symbols for Visual Studio itself. Does Microsoft make these available? ...

Is there an easy way to get a list of files with version numbers out of ms vss ?

I often need to make a manifest of files with Microsoft Visual Source Safe version numbers on them. Is there a way to get a list of files with version numbers in a project? ...

Where is .NET "Isolated Storage" stored?

Where would the physical files be? ...

How to create forms in Microsoft Sharepoint?

Hi I want to create form on my site, which is run using Micrsoft Sharepoint. ...

Microsoft Sync Framework query performance

We're developing a product that relies on the Microsoft Sync Framework to keep the data on a client app and on the server in sync. What we have noticed is when syncing about 16 tables and ~2200 records it will take about 4 minutes, which is not acceptable. Using the SQL Server Profiler we found it is using sp_executesql to execute the ...

SQL Server 2005 Express in VMware causing very high CPU load

I'm having the problems described in KB937745 - very high CPU usage and the Application Log is reporting something like this: The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID SPID, which had been reset for connection pooling. I've downloaded the hotfixes and I can't run them - I suspect it is because SQL Server 2005 Express Edition ...

Is it possible to develop plugins for Microsoft Office Communicator?

Is it possible to develop plugins for Microsoft Office Communicator? If so, where does one start -- is there an SDK? ...