
MKMapView not allowing user interaction on Ipod Touch OS 3.1.3, works correctly on simulator 3.2 / 4.0

Hi, I have been coding and testing an app which uses a navigation controller, tab bar and table views together as shown in this tutorial video: I have also coded a MapView page which shows custom annotations. This seems to work fine in every version of the simulator I have tried it on. This morning I have finally got the app running on...

memory leak discovered MKMapView

I have NSAutoreleasePool leaked object on a MKMapView. should I be concerned about this? I can't seem to get rid of it. I also noticed that the same leak occurs in apple's CurrentAddress sample code app link text thanks for any help ...

Mapkit showing annotation region

Hi, I have a MKMapView with several annotations. These annotations differ from varios location all over Sweden. What I want to do is to zoom the map so all annotations show. I do not want to position the map to my position (although I do want to show it), but want all annotations to show and center the map according those locations. I...

Adding a route to a MKMapView

I'm trying to add a routing feature to an app I'm working on. I found Craig Spitzkoff's article on how to draw lines on an MKMapView which works pretty good. But since I don't have the coordinates of the points on the roads that doesn't help me as expected. Is there any way to determine the coordinates between to given points, say my cur...

Using 2 different MKAnnotationViews on one Mapview, one for own Position, one to show sth.

How can i get it, that the current Location gets the normal Pin-Annotation and an Annotation made by own Software gets an Image as Annotation ? I could believe with an if in the -(MKAnnotationView*)mapView(...) viewForAnnotation: But on which property can i decide if its my own Annotation or if it is the Apple-Annotation ? ...

How to override "selected state" image in MKAnnotationView?

I've got annotation views with custom pin images on a map. When I tap and hold on a pin, my custom image disappears and is replaced by the default red pin. This default image appears in its selected (highlighted) state (it looks slightly darker). How can I prevent the selected state image from replacing my custom image? Many thanks. ...

Why is MKMapView putting me in the sea?

I have this code to set the map at the user's location: MKCoordinateSpan span; span.latitudeDelta=0.2; span.longitudeDelta=0.2; CLLocationCoordinate2D location=mapView.userLocation.coordinate; location = mapView.userLocation.location.coordinate; MKCoordinateRegion region; region.span=span;; [mapView setRegion:...

iphone create placemark from latitude and longitude

Hi there I want to place "pins" on my map. I've got the one for the user's location. Now I'm downloading a feed of locations from the internet. For each one I receive a latitude and longitude. I want to place these all on the map. I know I have to use a reverse geocoder, but I'm not entirely sure how to do this. Plus I read somewhere ...

MapKit problems with annotations

Hi there Ok, so I've got some issues with my MapKit annotations. First of all, I want a callout for each annotation. I can't find out how to do this at all! :( I have two NSStrings (name of the place and a short description). Then I need to be able to log the click on the callout - so I can launch a disclosure view. Secondly I want to...

MKMapView inside Tab Bar and Navigtion Controller hides Google branding

I just received the following message when submitting to the app store: In addition, the application displays images provided by Google Maps without the corresponding Google branding, we cannot post this version to the App Store I have a TabBar with a NavigationController inside. The Navigation Controller loads the map in ...

CG, lines are not being drawn on an MKMapView

I'm trying to draw some lines onto a MKMapView like in this example. But somehow the lines are not being drawn in my iPad app though it's pretty much the same as in the example. Are there some kind of common pitfalls I should think about? It's been driving me nuts for the last two days. Thanks –f ...

Mapview lat lon co-ordinates - incompatible types in assignment

I have lat lon coordinates stored in a database table and I want to have them displayed in a mapview like this: =; = place.lon; the lat and lon are stored as doubles in the table. this is the error I'm getting: **error: incompatible types in assignment** I hope that's enough ...

Google Maps curl animation in MKMapView / Map Kit on iOS4

Hi folks.. Anyone know whether (and if so, how) we can create the half-turned page effect Google Maps on the iPad uses to show the options to change the Map type?.. See below image to see what I'm talkin' about.. Incidentally, any pretty good Map Kit tutoria...

iphone mapview bring first and last annotation to the front

I need some code which can be used outside of the mk* functions. I need to run my custom function to bring the FIRST and LAST markers in an array to the front. (so on top of all the other markers on my screen). I have tried [self.view bringSubviewToFront:[[mapView annotations]objectAtIndex: 0]]; I have used [[mapView annotations]objec...

Gesture recognizer, mapType and Overlays interfere with each other?

I have a map view to which I added a long press gesture recognizer and Overlays. I came across a strange behavior. In case mapType is set to Hybrid and there is no gesture recognizer, the Overlay views are displayed but the map is of type standard. In case mapType is set to Hybrid and the gesture recognizer is added to the view, the O...

Subclass MKAnnotationView

Hi all again Did somebody ever override successfully the method setDragState in MKAnnotationView? If I try to google for it with "mkannotationview setDragState" I only get three hits! One of them is my other post on stackoverflow ;) The reference says that when subclassing MKAnnotationView the subclass has to care about the dragstate....

memory leak in uimapkit polyline

Hi, I'm practicing drawing polyline on the Map. I've adopted Sample code from download here. Here is the part that I got memory warning when I do build->Analysis MKMapRect routeRect = MKMapRectMake(southWestPoint.x, southWestPoint.y, northEastPoint.x - southWestPoint.x, northEastPoint.y - southWestPoint.y); // clear the memory allocat...

Add random annotations to MKMapView

I need to add 'xx' amout of random annotations to an MKMapView, within a certain range of the user's current location. But i can't figure out how to do it. Can some of you help me? ...

how to detect a touch on a region on MKMapview

i have a google map (MKMapview) which should be divided into regions (couple of sates of US is combined for each region and some regions composed from couple of adjacent cities) i have decided to use OVERLAYS to draw the region on the map so now in my application i have a google map with couple of Overlays now i need to detect if the ...

MKMapView inside a UIScrollView doesn't move with swipes

I've got a detail view with various labels and such providing information about a place (address, phone, etc.). The information provided is taller than an iPhone screen so they're all in a UIScrollView (itself inside a UIView) that allows you to swipe up and down to see everything. I also have an MKMapView inside the scrollview. When it...