
MKMapView: Received memory warning. Level=2

I've got an app that caches a pretty decent amount of data in memory after parsing a csv file, and also displays an MKMapView. After scrolling across the country from one end to the other in the MKMapView, the app inevitably gives me one or more: Received memory warning. Level=1 Received memory warning. Level=2 and finally crashes due...

Smooth annotation movement on OS 4

Hi, To move custom annotations in my MKMapView class, I remove all annotations first and add them (which are placed in new locations) again every second. It was perfectly working on iOS 3 but when I updated my OS and XCode to version 4.0, the annotations blink instead of smooth movement they used to have in previous version. Any sugges...

while refreshing the MKMapView, current location pin should move smoothly or animate to its current position

I have one problem: while refreshing the MKMapView the current location pin is not moving to its current position smoothly. How can I make it to move or animate smoothly? ...

MKMapView problems after zooming into the map

I have a map that dynamically shows annotations as the user moves around. I am using the method regionDidChangeAnimated to know when the map has been moved and then I get annotations based on the new latitude and longitude. If the user zooms out then I am clustering the annotations. I want to have it so that when a user clicks on a ...

Using custom map with MKMapKit

Hi, I am creating an iPhone app for OS4.0, and I am attempting to integrate a custom map with a standard MKMapView. I have been provided a map in .eps format (vector image), and I want to somehow overlay this on an MKMapView in and restrict the scrolling boundaries of the map so users cannot scroll outside the boundaries of the custom ma...

[Fixed] Crash After Referencing Outlet To File's Owner

Hi, I've a problem with MKMapView. The Problem is that when I ran the app without referencing the MKMapView to the File's owner it works, but when I reference the MKMapView to the File's owner and I ran the app it crashes, and I don't know why. This is the view I'm using: And this is the code I have: InfoController.h #import <UIKi...

How to recenter map on zoom in iPhone

Possible Duplicate: I am using MKMapView in iPhone app. When zoomed the map center changes. I am using MKMapView in iPhone app. When zoomed the map center changes. I need to retain the center. Handling touches event seems a lot of work..... is there any other way? ...

How to recenter map in iPhone app on zoom in/out using MKMapView

I am developing an iPhone application in which I need to show an image at a specific Latitude & Longitude on a Map. The requirement is - Even if the user zooms in or out on this map screen, the map control should automatically center itself after the zoom, to the same Lat & Long. I am using MKMapView. I have tried to go through all avai...

iPhone MapView limiting to state of Missouri only

I am making an iPhone app that is designed for things that will be local to only Missouri. So my idea is to limit the map to only Missouri/regions close to Missouri. I have the map working fine, displaying the user's location, and if they update location then the pin will also move. Can I use something like a Custom Annotation to do t...

How to add a push pin to a MKMapView(IOS) when touching?

Hello, I had to get the coordonate of a point where the user touch on a MKMapView. I'm not work with the Interface Builder. Can you give me one example or a link. Thanks a lot ...

Iphone simulator mkmapview

hi all, this is karthik. I started to work on Iphone application. I would like to load mapview in my application. It loads only the current location with blue Dot image. But It does not show the map on background. Just I can see only that blue Dot Image. Can anyone help me?? ...

Loading MKMapView asynchronously?

Hi there. When I first bring up an MKMapView my app seems to pause while it loads. I am assuming this is because it doesn't load asynchronously. Is there any way I can get around this. While it loads you can't switch tabs or do anything. Thanks EDIT: here is my viewDidLoad method: CGRect bounds = self.view.bounds; mapView = [[MK...

Can't seem to remove any annotations.

I have some pins that the user can add. In the callout there is a button. When the user presses the button, I want a new pin to drop in that location, and I want to get rid of the pin that the user pressed (different types of pins). Basically the first pin is draggable, and when the user has found a proper location they will "lock" it....

l[20]ve: invalid chunk type?

Hi there I don't know why I'm getting this error. I'm also getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS issue from the following code. Any ideas why? Running breakpoints on the didRecieveResponse and didRecieveData and didFinishLoading shows the first two get run and mid way through recieving data the program crashes. - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection...

how can I do make MKMapView's pin moving on Photo Album Places view of ios4

In iOS4's photo album place, the photo-pins join and split each others when the map is zoomed out and in. It's awesome experience! and I want to use same thing on my apps. I guess, it should not be one of MapKit. does anybody know that how can i do this? ...

MKMapView - Always showing the last item (in my plist) in deatilview when tapping a pin

Hello, I have a mapview with a few pins on it. The pins are loading longitude and latitude from a plist. I've also added a detailview where you get more info about the pin that gets tapped. However my problem is that when I tap on a pin (discloseButton ofc) and get pushed to the detailview it's always the last items data that loads (fro...

how to manage drag and drop for MKAnnotationView on IOS ?

Hello, I'm working without InterfaceBuilder. I've an instance of MKAnnotationView with setDraggable on YES, In My MKMapView my annotation view is displayed and I can drag and drop it. How can I execute an method when the drop action is performed? In this method I need the new coordonates of my annotation view. ...

How I can open map with MKMapView?

Hi guys. First off, sorry for my english. I have a problem :( I want to open the map of the city. I can use following construction: NSString *opMap = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@""]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:opMap]]; [opMap release]; But, th...

MKMapView: message sent to deallocated MKMapViewDelegate

This is a mysterious bug for me. I suspect the issue is burried somewhere in IB or my code, but so far I haven't been able to find anything suspicious. Hopefully one of you more experienced developers have run across a similar issue and can point me in the right direction. I have a view set up in IB, and I have a subclassed MKMapView ad...

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl with mkmapview

HI I am bit new to the IPAD app developement. we have a requirement in our project, to display the google map exactly look like the goolge map application in IPAD. Could any one give me an example if you come across..? i have been searching for this from yesterday. could not fine any. PLease give me any links or ideas which has an e...