
What is the best way to diagnose and profile MySQL in live production server?

What tools/methods do you recommend to diagnose and profile MySQL in live production server? My goal to test alternative ways of scaling up the system and see their influence on read/write timing, memory, CPU load, disk access etc. and to find bottlenecks. ...

Logging SMTP traffic on Windows Server 2008

I am trying to log outbound email traffic on an IIS server. I installed a tool called "IIS SMTP Monitor" that seems to have received favorable reviews, and the tool is also recommended on the Microsoft site. It essentially monitors the SMTP pickup folder. We never get anything to show up in the log except for the first email. Maybe the ...

Java real-time service monitoring framework

Got to create some kind of "counters" for online service monitoring - i.e. Foo_Request_Total, Foo_Request_DB_error, Foo_Request_Timedout, Bar_Request_Total,... Also, some kind of alarm has to be generated when counter passes a pre-defined limit (for example SNMP trap if more than 5 requests per hour were timed out). Could you suggest ...

Is there a RRDTool .net equivalent

I need to monitor a lot of data, and i know that RRDTool is a good option, but entire app is c# so ill prefer some Microsoft way or .net port. Is there a .net way of doing the same as RRDTool? ...

How to have a FileSystemWatcher thread run forever?

I need to have a FileSystemWatcher run in an infinite loop to monitor a file for changes, but this file will only change every few days, and maybe only once a week. In the MSDN sample of a FileSystemWatcher, there is a loop while the user doesn't enter q at the console: while(Console.Read()!='q'); I don't want this to be constantly a...

oracle 10g - Monitor large row deletions

how can i monitor rows being deleted(say 20 rows)? consider, i am a dba and monitoring an oracle database.. i have to get an alert if someone deletes more than 20 rows.. i should avoid a trigger since it is costly.. is there any other way around? how can i parse the redo log and trap the sql that might have caused a bulk row delete? m...

Software to monitor events fired from code

I'm having trouble within a block of code that I believe is related to a mouse click event but I cannot seem to capture the exact event within my code. I've used the C# debugger to step through my code and after the end of one of my events the code simply locks up. The purpose of my post is to ask if there is any software that will watc...

What are the best practices for tracking warnings/errors in long running processes?

Our team has a number of processes which we run manually but which may run for many days. The processes do various things to large numbers of entities (web pages, database rows, images, files, etc). Obviously from time to time there are failures and we have to design or processes to handle these failures gracefully and move on so the ...

Query for system (not JVM) uptime in Java

Is there a OS-neutral method of querying for system (not JVM - I am aware of RuntimeMXBean.getUptime()) uptime in JavaSE 6 ? Thanks ... thread monitoring from another page

In 2.0 , c#. Is it possible to start a thread from a page, for example when a asp:button is clicked and from another page, check if that thread has exited? Reason: We have a page that starts a long server-side script when a button is clicked. However, since we don't want to wait the ending of the script on that page, we thought...

Java-based monitoring application

Hello,all. Imagine the next architecture: We have Java application over Spring framework (let's call it Manager). It accepts requests and can launch other applications to handle them (let's call them Containers). These Containers exists for a long time. They has rather complex structure and consist of several different applications, ...

how to use nagios or munin to query stats from within external application/server

I have a couple of linux (ubuntu) servers that work together every night to do some heavy processing. Say. I have 2 worker servers and 1 big indexing server. The worker servers feed the indexing server. The indexing server operates under a high load (based on input it's getting from the worker-servers.) I would like to be able to let ...

Periodic Windows Server Based Processes

I have some custom programs I've written to do various maintenance/monitoring tasks that I run periodically (some every few minutes, some as little as once a day). Is it a better practice to run them out of the task scheduler, or to run them as a windows service (triggered by an embedded timer object)? ...

Can a webserver determine if its the active node of an HA failover system without hard coding anything on the server itself?

I can think of a few hacks using ping, the box name, and the HA shared name but I think that they are leading to data leakage. Should a box even know its part of an HA cluster or what that cluster name is? Is this more a function of DNS? Is there some API exposed for boxes to join an HA cluster and request the id of the currently act...

Online service to monitor website latency?

We're using Pingdom to monitor our site availability and it's working well. Is there a similar service to monitor website latency? We want to make sure the site not only returns, but is running at a reasonable speed. We've made some internal test pages for monitoring, etc. but it'd be nice to have an external service to verify (especial...

Share your conky tips / scripts / .conkyrc

I've just started tinkering with conky, and I'm hoping the StackOverflow crowd can share some of the cool things they've done with this tool. Scripts and .conkyrc files specifically geared towards developers would be especially good to see. Some good examples of developer-centric functions would be repository-monitors or heck, even some...

Monitoring internet activity

I'm looking into writing a small app (in Python) that monitors internet activity. The same idea as NetMeter except with a little more customisation (I need to be able to set off-peak time ranges). Anyway, I've been having a little trouble researching these questions: Does Python have an API to monitor this? As far as data collecting g...

Get heap dump from a remote application in Java using JVisualVM

I run JVisualVM (Windows XP, Sun Java, 32 bit client VM) to monitor a distant application (Linux, Sun Java, 64 bit server VM). Before starting the actual remote application, I launch on the remote machine jstatd using an all access policy: grant codebase "file:${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" { permission java.securit...

Website currently being viewed

I have 50 machines in a LAN and each of these have internet access. Can a program be developed using vc++ which will tell what are all the websites which is being opened by users in each machine? ...

a web service monitoring tool

anyone knows of a simple monitoring tool which can periodically send a request to a web service and alert me when it doesn't get a response? nothing fancy, just scheduling and reporting. ...