
Algorithm to recognise mouse movements

Hello, Am wondering if there has been any research/algorthms which specify the amount of deviation of the mouse while recognizing characters like say "?" drawn using the mouse. Something a sort of optical character recognition, but probably a simpler version. Is there some algorithm using which I can say that a question mark drawn by th...

Grab mouse movement

I am writing a little utill for me on ruby using qt. How to access global mouse movement and keyboard input events? ...

mouse double click is not working quite good ...

Hello everyone, I am using the following code to record screen, when recording, when using mouse to double click some item, for example double click a ppt to open it in PowerPoint, it is not very responsive. I have tried and it is much better when using screen recording function of Windows Media Encoder 9. Any ideas what is wrong? My e...

Point-triangle intersection in 3d from mouse coordinates?

I know how to test intersection between a point and a triangle. ...But i dont get it, how i can move the starting position of the point onto the screen plane precisely by using my mouse coordinates, so the point angle should change depending on where mouse cursor is on the screen, also this should work perfectly no matter which perspect...

How can I make the window scroll by using mouse position?

Hi, If I want to use the mouse to scroll the window when it gets close to one of the edges how can I approach this? So far I have it working fine, it checks the position whenever it moves to see if it is close enough to the edge to scroll. However, it only checks the position whenever the mouse moves, so if you moved close the edge, i...

C# moving the mouse around realistically

Hi, I am demoing a piece of software and want to build a mouse 'mover' function so that I can basically automate the process. I want to create realistic move movements but am having a bit of a mental block in the thought process. I can move a mouse around easily with c# but want it to be a bit more realistic than just the cursor appea...

Get the mouse position during drag and drop

Does anyone know how to get the correct mouse position during a drag-and-drop operation in WPF. I've used Mouse.GetPosition() but the returned value is incorrect. Thanks. ...

How can I handle a mouseMiddleDrag event in PythonCard?

I would like to use the middle mouse button to drag an image in an application written in Python and using PythonCard/wxPython for the GUI. The latest version of PythonCard only implements a "left mouse button drag" event and I am trying to modify PythonCard to handle a "middle mouse button drag" as well. Here is the relevant code from...

C# - Capturing the Mouse cursor image

BACKGROUND I am writing a screen capture application My code is based derived from this project: Note that the code captures the the mouse cursor also (which is desirable for me) MY PROBLEM Code works fine when the mouse cursor is the normal pointer or hand...

In Flash AS3, Is there anyway to detect a DoubleClick action without it detecting the MouseClick?

I have 2 seperate events that are not related to each other and each is attached to the Mouseclick and Doubleclick eventresponses respectively. However, during runtime, I find that even when I doubleclick, the Mouseclick action still gets activated. I've been trying to find a viable solution where the Mouseclick and Doubleclick can co-...

How can I detect when the mouse leaves the window?

Hi, I want to be able to detect when the mouse leaves the window so I can stop events from firing while the user's mouse is elsewhere. Any ideas of how to do this? ...

How to make a control "transparent" for the mouse or Route MouseMove event to parent?

I want to create a card playing game. I the use mousemove event to drag cards through the window. The problem is if I move the mouse over another card, it is stuck because the card underneath the mouse cursor gets the mouse events, so that the MouseMove event of the window isn't fired. This is what I do: private void RommeeGUI_MouseMo...

Show icons being dragged by the mouse cursor?

Hi, I would like to allow my users to drag a couple of interface items around. At the moment, only seem able to draw directly to a graphics object using the Cursor.Draw method. I'd like to be able to show items being dragged around the screen, in the fashion of dragging Windows icons such as folders, which can be dragged from window to w...

What does it mean to "Capture the mouse" in WPF?

On System.Windows.UIElement there is a CaptureMouse() and a paired ReleaseMouseCapture() method. In this WPF DragDrop sample they call CaptureMouse on MouseDown and release it on MouseUp. The documentation in MSDN is about as useless as it comes - "CaptureMouse -> Captures the mouse." In my head before trying it I assumed that it some...

How to Change Mouse Cursor in PythonCard

How do I change the mouse cursor to indicate a waiting state using Python and PythonCard? I didn't see anything in the documentation. ...

Modify Mouse Coordinates via "Control to Display Gain" ratio

Deal all, I made an application in C on Linux OS (ubuntu 8.10) to smooth the mouse movement. My application calculates Control to Display gain, which is used to smmoth the motion of mouse cursor. Is there any Linux API which we can pass this gain to modify the mouse position. As in Windows there is an API as "SetSystemInfo()", which ac...

Programaticly Move Mouse in VMWare C#

I'm writing a toy application that plays with the mouse cursor, and I'm trying to move it programmticly. Using either Cursor.Position = ... or Win32 interop calls work fine on a normal machine, but I'm having difficulties getting it to work under VMWare. Does anyone have any suggestions? EDIT To clarify: I've got a small windows for...

Emulate Key Presses On an App that takes no Win Messages

I want to send an Application Key Presses, To Automate some stuff that has to be done repeatedly and So I don't always have to cramp my fingers. In C#, it's nice to use SendKeys.Send(), but this won't work because the Application doesn't take Windows Messages. SendKeys.SendWait() does nothing at all. How would I STILL Simulate the Keyb...

Anyone know a mousehover trick/alternative which triggers when scrolling with keyboard

Is there an alternative method or a trick to the hover method which can trigger a function when the cursor moves from one div to another as the user scrolls the page. I have sort of got it working using some javascript (jQuery) on the hover event of the current post div. However, I've noticed the hover event only triggers when the mouse...

Should I learn Perl 5 OO or Moose first?

I'm still relatively new to Perl Programming, but I know how Perl 5 OO basically works. However, I have never created any project with Perl 5 OO, so I'm quite sure I will run into many pitfalls. Recently I discovered the hype about the Moose module. I checked out some documentation on CPAN and I found it to be quite interesting and help...