
How to do 2d vector movement

my onscreen object has a var rotation (in degrees). how do i fix it so when i push up arrow it move forwards and not just x++ and y++? ...

moving a sprite causes jerky movement

I've got some jerky movement of my sprite. Basically, when the user touches a point on the screen, the sprite should move to that point. This is working mostly fine... it's even taking into account a delta - because frame rate may not be consistant. However, I notice that the y movement usually finishes before the x movement (even whe...

Ideas for jumping in 2D with Actionscript 3 [included attempt]

So, I'm working on the basics of Actionscript 3; making games and such. I designed a little space where everything is based on location of boundaries, using pixel-by-pixel movement, etc. So far, my guy can push a box around, and stops when running into the border, or when try to the push the box when it's against the border. So, next, ...

Is it possible to move the stage in actionscript 3.0?

Hi to keep it short and simple let's say I have a stage with 400x400 size in pixels, but I've drawn a map of 1000x1000 size in pixels. I want my player to be able to "walk" about the stage, but it appears stage.x and stage.y are read-only? Is there any method or way to have the stage "scroll" about, without having to move each object o...

Character Movement Animation

Hi Guys! I've read a lot around everywhere, but wasn't able to make a simple character movement animation. What I have is a PNG file and an associated PLIST file with all the frames for a "walking" animation of a character that I want to run when the user touches the screen. I want to loop that animation and also at the same time, move ...

send mouse movement via client-server application

I wana let the mouse appeared and move in client side as it moved in the server.For more explination my application is sending the server screen to the client side which appeared as a seperated window in the client .However, the screen is appeared but the mouse has not been seen the window as i wish . ...

Non laggy movement in Flex or WPF

I'm trying to learn something about 2D games programming. For this purpose I've downloaded many samples developed in: Flex and Microsoft WPF. I've noticed that all the animations / moving objects are kind of non-smooth. I've seen a Flex example with double buffering which solved the image flickering, but it was laggy too. WPF example t...

UIImageView movement What am I doing wrong?!?!?!

What am i doing wrong here?!?!! I get an error. I have the following code under a button touch down action. I am trying to make a UIImageView move to the right: = CGPointMake( += 1,; Please help. Thanks in advance, Bryce ...

UIImageView "Sprite Movement" How?

Hi all, I am trying to make a game for the iPhone/iPod Touch. I am somewhat new to iPhone programming and extremely new to iPhone game programming so try to bear with me if this is a stupid question. How to I make my character, a UIImageView, move to the right or left, along the x axis. Just a simple translation across the screen. Th...

add pause continue functionality for mouse movements recordings using jquery

how can i add pause and play functionality to the code in this link? currently here you can play and stop only. ...

track mouse movements on 800 x 600 and show on 1024 x 768

i am tracking the mouse movements of a user using javascript and storing it along with the browser resolution. Then i can check the user mouse movement in my browser which is 1024 x 768 resolution. But if the user is using a browser in 800 x 600 then the mouse movements are recorded wrt 800 x 600. And when i see the mouse movements in 1...

Move UIImage by touchmove in increment of 20 pixels X-coord or Y-coord.

Hi. I'm quite new to programming and i having a problem right now figuring out some methods on my program. anyways i cant figure out how to work out my touchmove event. I want to move a uiimage in x direction or y direction depending on the direction of the touchmove event but i want the movement to be in a grid type movement like by 20 ...

Fade in on mouse movement (like on

How do I fade in div content on first mouse movement, like on, using javascript? I don't want it to fade out again. ...

How do I make an object change it's direction smoothly?

I have a simple Javascript program that displays a small rectangle in a canvas. The rectangle moves towards the mouse position. When it changes direction, it does so with sharp corners. As in, if the rectangle left a line behind, when I move my mouse in a circle, the rectangle would draw a tilted square. What I'd want to happen, is that...

Character lurches when moving as if snapping into grid? is the URL to a test of what I was doing, all my code is there too. I want the movement of the blue box to be fluid, not so lurchy as if it's snapping into a grid, but I want him to be moving very fast. I'm not sure how to accomplish this. I wrote a gameSpeed variable but when increasing it the movement of the b...

XNA - Object Movement (?) gradually slowing down the game

Hello! I'm currently making a 2D game using XNA. I've made a class named GL_Object that contains my objects data (Sprite, Position, etc), and also contains a GL_Path object. GL_Path contains a GL_Motion. This GL_Motion object contains a list of GL_Movement objects. GL_Movement is a interface which holds two main methods, "ProcessMove",...

Duplicating finger movements Objective C

Hi, I was wondering how I would go about duplicating finger movements with a moving image view object. - ie. you move your finger and a few centimetres away from it, an image moves around the screen, mimicking the movements of the finger I'm sorry that I have absolutely no idea how to do this and I'm sorry if I'm asking for a lot of co...

Determining whether point A needs to cut a corner to get to point B

I am looking for an efficient way to check if an object will cut a corner to get from point A to point B or prevent the object from moving from point A to point B if there is a diagonal unwalkable position in between. What is known: Every point is a square of width and height 1 Every point has a list of its 8 adjacent points A point c...

Storing Animation Data in XML

Hi, so I'm trying to store animations in a way that I can reuse them with other images. I want to store the position of each node in a keyframe and use interpolation in the animator to make it look nice and smooth. I would use this for animating everything from walk cycles to weapon animations and etc.. The xml file for a simple ball mov...

Asteroids Game Movement In C#

I am trying to make the game Asteroids. My issue I have right now, is if you press the UP Arrow key, it will move the "ship" 10 pixels up. And if you hit the LEFT Arrow key, it will turn the "ship" 5 degrees to the left, the issue I have comes into play when you turn left, or right. And then try to move up. It won't move into the turned ...