
Java multiple connections downloading file

Hello friends, I was wanting to add multiple connections in the code below to be able to download files faster. Could someone help me? Thanks in advance. public void run() { RandomAccessFile file = null; InputStream stream = null; try { // Open connection to URL. HttpURLConnection connection = ...

Use same project to create multiple applications on same device

For Android 2.1, I am deploying a reader application with it's document packaged in the asset folder. Any branding is done by dynamically generating XML and resources as appropriate. The application name itself is also generated. Since it is the <manifest> tag's "package" property that needs to be unique, I nevertheless have a problem ...

Returning the nearest multiple value of a number

Hi, I need a function by which I will be able to convert a number to a nearest value of a given multiple. Eg i want an array of number to be set to the neareast multiple of 16, so 2 = 0, 5 = 0, 11 = 16, 17 = 16, 30 = 32 etc thanks ...

Django - User account with multiple identities

Synopsis: Each User account has a UserProfile to hold extended info like phone numbers, addresses, etc. Then, a User account can have multiple Identities. There are multiple types of identities that hold different types of information. The structure would be like so: User |<-FK- UserProfile | |<-FK- IdentityType1 |<-FK- Identity...

Pass variable number of variables to a class in PHP

I need to pass a variable number of strings to instantiate different classes. I can always do a switch on the size of the array: switch(count($a)) { case 1: new Class(${$a[0]}); break; case 2: new Class(${$a[0]}, ${$a[1]}); break; etc... There has to be a better way to do this. If I have an array of strings ("variabl...

How to select non-consecutive options of multiple select using keyboard in IE

Using only keyboard, how can I select non-consecutive options of a multiple select element. On Firefox or Windows explorer, I can simply ctrl+Arrow to move the focus and then space bar to select. But I don't see any way to make it work on IE. Thanks ...

MySql insert data in multiple table at a time

hi, i have a query regarding to insert data in multiple table.. i have a two tables. one is item table and second is field table. itemid from item table reference in the field table. i want to insert data in both table with one query at a time. any idea about it. ...

Toggle problem pls help me

Hy I am a uber nube to jquery my question is like this: if I have multiple toggle on same page and the div I`m toggleing must be desplayed in the same div. For example I have in div 'box' 6 divs named '1' '2' '3' '4' etc and all are hiden if I click on a 'a' tag named 1 it will display content div 1 in div 'box' if I click tag 'a' na...

Can I submit iPhone applications with same Icon.png but differnt bundle name

Can some one tell me if it is possible to submit two different iphone applications which has same Icon.png but have a different bundle name? I am working on a travel guide app that is targeted for different cities. I want the users of different cities to download the app as per their cities. So I want to submit different apps for differ...

Passing different values from different form filed to javascript possibly on pressing enter

I need to pass a value to javascript from different form fields when the user hits enter, i.e.: a=form1.value b=form2.value etc. How can I do this? ...

Tomcat SOLR multiple cores setup

I have spend all morning trying to set up multiple cores on a SOLR installation that runs under Apache Tomcat server without success. My solr.xml looks like this: <solr persistent="false" sharedLib="lib"> <cores adminPath="/admin/cores"> <core name="core0" instanceDir="/multicore/core0"> <property name="dataDir" value="...

Multiple Sandboxes in the same JavaVM

Is there a framework or api to let multiple isolated sandboxes run in a single java vm? ...

MS Excel - Macros for consolidating values from multiple sheets into a single sheet

Hi everyone... Consider i have 4 workbooks with the following structure... 1. Main.xlsx Name Jan Feb Mar A B C 2. Jan.xlsx Name Jan A 3.3 B 6.4 C 5.3 3. Feb.xlsx Name Feb A 1.3 B 3.4 C 5.5 4. Mar.xls...

Multiple config files for spring security

Hello all, I'm quite new to all things spring, and right now I'm developing an application that uses Spring, Spring MVC and Srping Security. My problem is that I'm using two dispatcher servlets, one for /csm/*.html and another one for *.html and I'd like to have one spring security configuration file per servlet. Is this possible at al...

sql server 2008 multiple inserts over 2 tables

I got the following trigger on my sql server 2008 database CREATE TRIGGER tr_check_stoelen ON Passenger AFTER INSERT, UPDATE AS BEGIN IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM Passenger p INNER JOIN Inserted i on i.flight= p.flight WHERE p.flight= i.flightAND ...

Having two sets of input combined on hadoop

I have a rather simple hadoop question which I'll try to present with an example say you have a list of strings and a large file and you want each mapper to process a piece of the file and one of the strings in a grep like program. how are you supposed to do that? I am under the impression that the number of mappers is a result of the ...

Django Multiple Choice Field / Checkbox Select Multiple

I have a Django application and want to display multiple choice checkboxes in a user's profile. They will then be able to select multiple items. This is a simplified version of my from profiles.choices import SAMPLE_CHOICES class Profile(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True, verbose_name_('user')) ...

How to valiadate a xml document with Multiple xml-schemas

xmlns:m="" as localfile:"ma.wsdl" xmlns:m0="" as localfile:"MaTypes.xsd" how can i validate it. ...

Remote Control Software with queue for multiple users?

Is there a remote control software or a http-server available, which has a queue implemented, so that one after another client has the chance to control the screen on the host? Thanks a lot ...

.net printing multiple reports in one document (architecture question)

I understand how to print a single document via the PrintDocument class. However, I want to print multiple reports in one document. Each "report" will consist of charts, tables, etc. I want to have two reports per page. I've studied the few examples I can find on how to combine multiple documents into one; however, they always seem t...