
Query with Two Different DSN

I have a query: The "X" tables are from one data source and the "Y" table is from another...but there is join between the data sources. I can't seem to figure out how to enter the two different connection strings for this to run. Conne...

select multiple double side

hello, i want to do a select multiple double side like this : (Demo2) but i don't know how i can retrieve my data when i click submit button..? ...

WP plugin: How to split to multiple pages, automatically ?

Hello there. I'm writing a WP plugin, that shows DB records in a table. Because the list is too long, I'd like to split it to multiple pages, based on the same display. I can do that manually with handling URL parameters, and using PHP, but I wanted to know if there's a structed method to to that. --> records 1-20 h...

Add multiple hist fit to a figure, without the hist

Hello, I'm a matlab newbie, and i'd like to superpose some hist fit on a same figure. I know the function histfit, but unfortunatly i can't get to remove the hist and only keep the curve. I guess once i'll know how to do that i'll be able to add several curves using "hold on". Thanx for any answers or advices! ...

multple inner joins 3 or more crashes mysql server 5.1.30 opensolaris

when doing simple query on 4 inner joined tables, the server crashes with the output below appearing in the the mysql .err file. eg. select * from table1 inner join table2 on table1.a = table2.a and table1.b = table2.b inner join table3 on table2.a = table3.a and table2.c = table3.c inner join table4 on table3.a = table4.a and table3.d ...

XSLT: Transform XML files tree

I have the following file structure (XML files 'index.xml' in nested folders): index.xml foo/index.xml foo/sub/index.xml foo/.../index.xml bar/.../index.xml Now I have to transform each of this XML files with a given XSL stylesheet. The result should be the same folder structure (overwriting would be OK). What would be your approach t...

WPF/MVVM:Set multiple datacontext to ONE usercontrol

Hello, I have a UserControl with 5 small UserControl which are parts of the first UserControl. The first UserControl is datatemplated by a MainViewModel type. The other 5 small UserControls have also set the DataContext to this MainViewModel type. Now I want additionally that those 5 UserControls get a 2nd DataContext to access other...

MySQL where condition but not limited by it

Hello. I would like to run a query on my database like this: SELECT SUM( t1.value ) AS total1, SUM( t2.value ) AS total2, SUM( t3.value ) AS total3, SUM( t4.value ) AS total4 FROM pay1 t1, pay2 t2, pay3 t3, pay4 t4 WHERE = '2010-04-29' AND = '2010-04-29' AND = '2010-04-29' AND = '2010-04-29' I am genera...

How to set multiple cakephp projects on local computer?

Hi, I am new to Cakephp, and very excited to learn it. I read the docs, downloaded the files, place it on my www root folder. (I am using WAMP). My question is, can I download 1 cakephp and do for multiple projects, for example I put my cakephp at %webroot%, so my to call my projects: [http://localhost/cake/project1] [http://localhos...

how to access method from one ear to another ear on same app server

Hi, i have deployed two EARs on one server. i want to access one method in one java class in EAR to another java class in second EAR. what are different ways to achieve this. which one is best way to do. Thanks ...

Codeigniter: Select from multiple tables

How can I select rows from two or more tables? I'm setting default fields for a form, and I need values from two tables... My current code reads: $this->CI->db->select('*'); $this->CI->db->from('user_profiles'); $this->CI->db->where('user_id' , $id); $user = $this->CI->db->get(); $user = $user->row_array(); $th...

SQL select statement from 2 tables

Hi, I have a small sql question. I have 2 tables Members and Managers Members has: memberID, Name, Address Managers has: memberID, EditRights, DeleteRights EditRights and DeleteRights are of type bit. Mangers have a relationship with Members, because they are members themselves. I want to select all members id's, name and adress a...

How to call the previous querystring parameter in .aspx

Let's say I have a ActionResult method that has a pageNumber parameter and a category parameter. The user should be able to set the category he's browsing which would be a ActionLink to the first page of that category. However if I have an another ActionLink where I go to the next page the category parameter would go back to default. H...

Communication between multiple servers

How could a network of servers communicate with each other? For example, if Client A connects to Server A, how would the other servers be informed of this? I'm guessing you would need a "central" server, but how would it be implemented? I'm really dumbfounded on this, so any help would be nice :) ...

how to handle multiple profiles per user?

I'm doing something that doesn't feel very efficient. From my code below, you can probably see that I'm trying to allow for multiple profiles of different types attached to my custom user object (Person). One of those profiles will be considered a default and should have an accessor from the Person class. Storing an is_default field on t...

Adding date to multiple fields via datepicker

i have a form in drupal with jquery based date module. there are multiple fields with date picker enabled. i want to set the value of all of them (they all have class .date-popup-init) to the value of the first field (#edit-field, the 'from' date) when that field is set. my code so far: <script type="text/javascript"> var DatePi...

Python PLY zero or more occurrences of a parsing item

I am using Python with PLY to parse LISP-like S-Expressions and when parsing a function call there can be zero or more arguments. How can I put this into the yacc code. This is my function so far: def p_EXPR(p): '''EXPR : NUMBER | STRING | LPAREN funcname [EXPR] RPAREN''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[...

Simple Excel function that splits a numbered entered into one cell randomy and evenly over 3 others.

Hi all, I am looking for a simple function that will take a number entered into a single cell say 20 and divide it evenly and randomly over three other cells, none of the values can be 0. ie. A1 = 20 then B1=6 C1=8 D1=6 Thanks!! ...

Condensing multiple else if statements, referencing them from a table?

Hi I'm about to type some 500 else if statements into my code (PHP) which have the exact same coding each: if (color=White); rgb = 255-255-255; print rgb; else if (color=Black); rgb = 0-0-0; print rgb; else if (color=Red); rgb = 255-0-0; print rgb; else if (color=Blue); rgb = 0-0-255; print rgb; [the list keeps g...

php - regex - catch string inside multiple tags

Hi all guys! still on regex! ;-))) Assuming we have an html file with a lot of <tr> rows with same structure like this below, where (.*?) is the content i need to extract! <tr align=center><th width=5%><a OnClick="(.*?)"href=#>(.*?)</a><td width=5%>(.*?)<td width=5% align=center >(.*?)</td></tr> UPDATED maybe with a nice preg_matc...