
Displaying Multiple RSS Feeds with PHP

Does anyone know how to do this? I know how to display a single feed as a simple list, but it gets more complicated. I want to display a list but have multiple sources, with each source having the list-style-image be specific. Example: (img1) This is data from rss feed 1 (img2) This is data from rss feed 2 Thanks so much for the hel...

Multiple Cookie Generation Issue

Hi all, jQuery newbie here. I need to be able to set multiple cookies within the code without have to change out this variable each and every time. Is there any way to make this code generate unique cookies for different pages? As it is now, I'm having to rename that variable for each page that the jQuery animations exist on. (sbbcooki...

Hosting multiple WebBrowser controls in one window causes sessions to "cross": any solutions?

I have a Windows forms application written in VB.NET where I host multiple WebBrowser controls in the same window. The problem I'm having is that the session for each WebBrowser control seem to get "crossed" when making asynchronous requests, such as when loading images. For instance, I have WebBrowser1 that loads an HTML document and ...

Multiple Linked List in C

I have a problem about Linked Lists. I already know how to create structures and linked list. But now I have to create arbitrary number of linked list which are also be kept in another structure. Which means : struct list{int x, struct list *next; }; struct parent{int x, struct list *head, struct parent *next;} And after lists are...

Customising Silverlight AutoCompleteBox with multiple filtered ListBoxes

Hi, How should I go about customising the AutoCompleteBox in Silverlight so that while typing I can filter multiple Selector ListBoxes. Basically I want a Popup that contains 'n' ListBoxes vertically stacked and when I type, the filtering operates on all of them simultaneously. I can then select an item from any of the ListBoxes. Thank...

posting to multiple scripts

hi, i'm changing an existing email signup form to use the feedburner signup (opens in a popup), but want to keep the existing one in place aswell. i was hoping this would work, but it display a blank page. the existing signup script returns complete page containing yet another form. $(document).ready(function() { $('#subscribe_fo...

UIScrollView with 3 UITableViews

I made a UIScrollView like the On the first page I've placed a UITableView which shows data loaded from a website. On the second and on the first page I also want to place a UITableView. The other two tables should also load data from a website, but from another URL. Now my question. How can I set up a UIScrollView with 3 ...

.htaccess or PHP protection code against multiple speedy requests

Hi, I am looking for ideas for how I can stop external scripts connecting with my site. I'm looking for the same kind of idea behind Google. As in if a certain amount of requests are made per a certain amount of time then block the IP address or something. I thought there maybe a htaccess solution if not, I will write a PHP one. Any id...

Iteration, or copying in XSL, based on a count. How do I do it?

I'm trying to create an inventory list (tab-delimited text, for the output) from XML data. The catch is, I need to take the line that I created, and list it multiple times (iterate ???), based on a number found in the XML. So, from the XML below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <library> <aisle label="AA"> <row>bb</row> ...

pywinauto: taking more than one app windows

I have a GUI application which can create many similar windows on desktop. All windows have same title. I have to enumerate all dialogs with same title and make some tests against each of such dialogs. If I call: dialog = app['Window Name'] pywinauto returns a WindowSpecification object which is useful along with accessing controls b...

how to return 2 values from a java function?

Here is my code: // Function code public static int something(){ int number1 = 1; int number2 = 2; return number1, number2; } // Main class code public static void main(String[] args) { something(); System.out.println(number1 + number2); } Error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable sou...

Rails: combining multiple find requests

What I want to do is something like this: searchid = 4 while searchid != -1 @a += A.find(searchid) @b = B.find(searchid) searchid = @b.parentid end The problem being the line @a += A.find(searchid) The error being something like NoMethodError: undefined method `+' for #<A:0x173f9a0> So, how do you combine multiple 'find...

Multiple selection with GtkCombo

Hi. Somebody knows if it is posible to make a GtkCombo which allows multiple entries selection?In affirmative case how can i make this? ...

Multiple map activies in an application

Hi, I'm having a bit of a problem with my Android application. I have 2 activities (among many others) which are Map activities. The problem is that whenever I call the 2nd map activity and if the map view changes from that which was on the 1st map activity, the app crashes when returning to the first. Well not really crash, since it's...

Visual Studio: Creating several projects in ONE solution?

Hello, consider a mvvm/wpf application, what advantage has it to do for example 3 projects (View, ViewModel, Model) in a visual studio solution? ...

upload 2 images at once in codeigniter

can anyone plz provide me a simple working code snippet of codeigniter for uploading 2 images at once (through 2 different input field ofcourse). I need 2 images to be uploaded at once, or one after another. and both of the images need to be in different location. I tried to make it myself by calling upload function twice but it return...

Python accessing modules from package that is distributed over different directories

Hi, I have a question regarding one single module that is distributed over multiple directories. Let's say I have these two file and directories: ~/lib/python xxx util ~/graphics/python xxx misc ...

Android. sent multiply-attachement email

Hi, I would like to send email via startActivity(Intent.createChooser(new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND))) I know that to attach file to email I need intentEmail.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, <Uri of file>) but I need to attach several files. How can I do this? ...

Multiple MPMoviePlayerViewController fullscreen movie init & switching issue - Fullscreen View doesn't autorotate and minor similar issues

Hello SO Friends, This is my first post at SO. I would like to thank all of the SO users, their contribution have helped me a lot in all of my projects. I am new to the iPhone Application development scene. Aim of the project is to have a custom interactive User Interface (UI) on top of Movie Player objects (*.mov files on device). Th...

Iterative text replacement across multiple files?

Disclaimer: Not a programmer by trade, but I've messed around a little in the past. Problem: I have a CLI program that generates an output text file from a text file list of inputs. I have been manually changing inputs in the text file to view the changes in output; however, this is inefficient. I would like to define a range of inputs ...