
OnLoad is beeing called when callin base.Onload(e) in Onload method

I have a view (userControl) and I am overriding it's OnLoad and OnLayout methods . When view is closed the OnLayout method is executed and the call to base.OnLayout(e) fire the OnLoad method. What is causing the OnLoad to be called and how can I avoid this behavior? Regards. ...

Question regarding parent/child relationships with dynamically generated checkboxes using jquery

I have a form of checkboxes, that is dynamically generated based on the users content. Sections of checkboxes are broken up by categories, and each category has projects within. For database purposes, the category values have checkboxes, that are hidden. IF a category has sub items that have checkboxes that are checked, THEN the categor...

How to change an HTML elements style, and then revert it onLoad() with JS?

Hi, I have a problem with a Lightbox type modal window not working properly with IE. I have identified the problem as being due to the style attribute of the hidden image as 'display: none'. This works fine in all other browsers. But for IE, I need to change the value onload to 'display: block' and then straight back to 'display: none...

How do I do a webkit transformation "onload" instead of pre-load?

I'd like to do a webkit transformation (rotate an image, specifically) after the page loads rather than getting it pre-rotated at load. I'm guessing I need to use some sort of "onload" event to apply it or something, but I'm not a javascript guy. ...

Checking for multiple images loaded

Hi, I'm using the canvas feature of html5. I've got some images to draw on the canvas and I need to check that they have all loaded before I can use them. I have declared them inside an array, I need a way of checking if they have all loaded at the same time but I am not sure how to do this. Here is my code: var color = new Array(); ...

[JavaScript] Synchronization: onerror events and n++

I'm just reading a bit into JavaScript and came over some code that handle the process of loading images: var n = 0; ... for (...) { ... image[i].onload = function { n++; }; } Is this piece of code safe or can there be any type of race while accessing the variable n? ...

On State Change

I have a button with a click event of "currentState='someState'". Is there a way to tell component to do some function like for example "Function()" when the state changes to "someState"? So execute a function when the state is changed. Thanks, ...

Fancy Box Within RadAjaxManager and RadSplitter

Spent 10 hours on this so far. Have searched every where and tried everything. I have treeview left hand side of splitter and thumbnail view right hand. I have an AjaxManager controlling the update of the thumbnail view as you click treeview. In Thumbnail View I have my FancyBox. When initially opening webpage and clicking FancyBox, it...

Grails: How do I make my page load a filter when the page loads??

On index.gsp I have this to redirect it to list.gsp so I'm imagining is should be something like this: ${response.sendRedirect("entry/list")} My filter is just one textField and two datePickers with drop down boxes (DD-MMM-YYYY) and they should be by default filtered from today's date to infinity. So it should show me only the events ...

How to process javascript function called onload in the background?

Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to process the code in a particular javascript function that is invoked during page onload in the background. i.e. few labels and textboxes are sent to the browser by the server. During onload, a function gets invoked to immediately hide them. But, I see that because of using it in onload, the ...

addLoadEvent is not helping with onload conflict

Hello I'm using the popular addLoadEvent as follows for all my JS loading: function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } } addLoa...

Is it okay to call canvas.drawWindow() from the "onload" handler?

The note at the bottom of this Mozilla wiki page currently says: "Using canvas.drawWindow() while handling a document's onload event doesn't work. In Firefox 3.5 or later, you can do this in a handler for the MozAfterPaint event to successfully draw HTML content into a canvas on page load." Which is fine, except that I tried it in Fire...

why can't i set window.onload in IE8?

i have the following function, which works fine in firefox, but will do nothing in IE8 function print(url) { var w =; w.onload = function() { w.print(); }; } i want to open a webpage and immediately open the print dialogue. ...

onHashChange running onLoad... awkward.

So I'd like my page to load content if a window's hash has changed. Using Mootools, this is pretty easy: $extend(Element.NativeEvents, { hashchange: 1 }); and then: window.addEvent('hashchange', function() {}); However, the hashchange event is firing when the page is being loaded, even though the specification require it not t...

javascript - document.write error ??

Hello, Consider the script.. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('TEST'); </script> </head> <body> Some body content ... </body> </html> This works fine and the word 'TEST' is added to the <body> But when <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function(){ document.w...

jquery check onload which radiobutton is checked

Hello, given following html <input id="IBE1_IBE_NurFlug1_RadioButtonList1_0" name="IBE1$IBE_NurFlug1$RadioButtonList1" value="Blue" type="radio"> <label for="IBE1_IBE_NurFlug1_RadioButtonList1_0">Blue</label> <input id="IBE1_IBE_NurFlug1_RadioButtonList1_1" name="IBE1$IBE_NurFlug1$RadioButtonList1" value="Green" checke...

Do Browsers cause Interrupts to their JS when receiving a response?

Assume, for whatever reason, that we have three inline scripts on a page. Each of these scripts are functionally the same, and all three will create a script tag, with the source set to a server-side script (each with slightly different parameters) which returns JS to execute. Assume this JS contains a global variable containing importan...

Drawing multiple images to a canvas using image.onload

I am running into problems when trying to draw a large 2D array of images onto a canvas. Using a separate program, I'm taking one big image file and breaking it up smaller, uniform pieces. I'm using the 2D array to represent this "grid" of images, and ideally when I assign the src of each element in the grid, that image would be drawn to...

HTML image loading problem

Hello, I have a site where I have to dynamically load images. I must know their width/height before laying them down, so I am using the onload event handler. What I found anyway, is that sometimes those values are 0/0 even in the handler (this happens on Chrome and as I am targeting webkit, this is the browser to use). Is there any way ...

Show jQModal window on page load using ajax

I saw this question: and works fine when my content is not pulled from a remote source using ajax. How can I use ajax in jqmodal on page load ? ...