
Cross-platform fonts in WxWidgets GLCanvas

Hi, I'm developing a cross-platform app w/ wxWidgets and opengl... I'm not sure what the best way is to have fonts work in the glcanvas. I've tried using FTGL but I think the version included in Fedora 11 must be broken or something since I can't get the example code on the web site to compile. I could try using GLUT or SDL but I'm not...

How to draw a solid circle with cocos2d for iPhone

Is it possible to draw a filled circle with cocos2d ? An outlined circle can be done using the drawCircle() function, but is there a way to fill it in a certain color? Perhaps by using pure OpenGL? ...

How can I find the angle between two points on a bezier curve?

In my current OpenGL project I am trying to make the links of a chain hug the contours of a Bezier curve. How can I find the angle between two points on the curve so that I can position the links of the chain so that they follow the curve. Here is a picture of the curve and chain, I need some way of rotating the links so that they follo...

Catmull-Rom splines - how do they work?

From this site which seems to have the most detailed information about catmull-rom splines: it makes mention of needing four points to create the spline. However it does not mention how the points p0 and p3 affect the values between p1 and p2. Another question I have is how would you create ...

Text rendering with openGL: Can't rotate text, positioning not working properly

Hey, This is my scenario: Using visual studio 2008. Project is in c# Using Tao framework along with ISE.FreeType to render text. The font is already loaded and converted to texture bitmap: //Creamos la fuente fuenteActual = new FTFont(fuentes.FontMap[fuente], out ultimoError); //Convierte la fuente a...

WPF/Windows Forms Host on Windows7

I have a crash that's happening on Windows7 but not on XP, and was hoping for some insight. The application has an OpenGL Windows Form control used to display 16 bit grayscale images. This control works well under XP, and has been wrapped with a WindowsFormHost to run under WPF. When I start the application in Windows 7, the applicati...

AVI or any Video file playback in background of opengl

How I can play video in background of opengl window. Like If I make openGL objects transperent and play video in back of them. I am making plan to develop opengl application but before want to make sure about this feature as it much needed in validation of real objects vs 3D objects. ...

16 bit grayscale image display in WPF

I am developing an application that displays 16 bit grayscale images. The UI for the application was originally created using Win Forms and since Win Forms does not support 16 bit grayscale I wrote a custom openGL control to display the image. Within the last few months we have convert the UI to WPF, but continued to use the openGL image...

OpenGl Star drawing

Hi guys, I'm really new to OpenGL, which is a really bad thing to me :| I need to draw a star(sort of) with openGl but I'm not really sure where I should start. The results should be something like this: Is there an easy way to do this ? Thank you ! ...

Porting .NET C++ standalone to Mac

I need to give an estimate for porting a standalone program to a Mac from a .NET platform. I have all the source code which is in C++ and is both code I wrote and a modified version of GLUT/GLUI because the program uses OpenGL and GLUT/GLUI as a UI. I don't think the C++ code will be a problem or the OpenGL environment, please tell me ...

How do I destruct data associated with an object after the object no longer exists?

I'm creating a class (say, C) that associates data (say, D) with an object (say, O). When O is destructed, O will notify C that it soon will no longer exist :( ... Later, when C feels it is the right time, C will let go of what belonged to O, namely D. If D can be any type of object, what's the best way for C to be able to execute "dele...

What options are there for GLSL shader development on OS X?

Apple's Shader Builder is not terribly advanced. I was wondering if there are any better choices for OS X other than running something under bootcamp. ...

Windows not drawing above OpenGL windows

I have an app with an OpenGL window as a child window of the main window. When I display a dialog box above the OpenGL window, it doesn't get drawn. It's like it's not getting WM_PAINT messages. If I can guess the title bar position of the dialog box, I can drag it and it's still responsive. I realise this might be a vague question, b...

C++ OpenGL Window and Context creation framework / library

I'm searching for an multi platform OpenGL framework that abstracts the creation of windows and gl contexts in C++. I'd like to have an OO representation of Window, Context & co where i can instantiate a Window, create a Context and maybe later set the window to fullscreen. I'm thinking about implementing this myself for xgl, wgl and ag...

Need help with YUV display in OpenGl

I am having trouble displaying a raw YUV file that it is in NV12 format. I can display a selected frame, however, it is still mainly in black and white with certain shades of pink and green. Here is how my output looks like Anyways, here is how my program works. (This is done in cocoa/objective-c, but I need your expert advice on pro...

how to link OpenGL with VC++

Hi to all, I am developing one game where I want to add OpenGL framework with VC++ 2005 express edition. But I dont know how to add OpenGL framework with VC++. So can any one guide me for this. Please explain me in detail. Thanks in advance ...

Is 0 a valid OpenGL texture ID?

Well, the title says it all... glGenTextures(1, &textureid); Assuming that the texture was created succesfully, could textureid be 0? ...

Multiple texture images blended together onto 3D ground

How do computer games render their ground? I will be using a heightmap for geometry (though I will later optimize it) but I am wondering what the best technique is, for example, to 'paint' my ground; grass most everywhere, dirt paths here and there, gravel inside towns, and smooth transitions between each type of material. Do I just use...

calling Qt's QGraphicsView::setViewport with a custom QGLWidget

I've derived from QGLWidget before, like so: class MyGLWidget : public QGLWidget { public: // stuff... virtual void initializeGL() { /* my custom OpenGL initialization routine */ } // more stuff... }; However, I find that if I try to initialize a QGraphicsView with my custom QGLWidget as the viewport, initializeGL doesn't g...

How to use shader uniforms in general?

Shaders can have lots of different uniform names + attributes. How can I make a system which works in general case so that I do not have to know each shader uniform's name beforehand and hardcode it to code to get its location. I use OpenGL. ...