
Use only alpha channel of texture in OpenGL?

Hey, I'm trying to draw a constant color to the framebuffer and blend it using the alpha channel from an RGBA texture. I've been looking at glBlendFunc and glBlendColor, but can't seem to figure out a way to ignore the RGB values from the texture. I'm thinking I'll have to pull out the alpha values myself and make a second texture with G...

wxOSX/Carbon: wxGLCanvas mouse offset in non-floating window classes

Hi All, I mainly program plugins using wxWidgets within a Carbon bundle which is loaded at runtime. The host-applications where my plugins are running in provide a native window handle (WindowRef), which I can use to add my custom, wxWidgets-based GUI-classes. To use the native window handle with wxWidgets classes I had to write a wxTo...

OpenGL true coordinates and glutTimerFunc() problem C++

HI I am starting to learn openGl for C++.but at stating point I stucked. I have 2 question that is the coordinates for drawing some objects? I mean where is X, Y and Z? Second one I am making tutorial from some sites. and I am trying to animate my triangle.In tutorial it works but on my computer not.I Also downloaded source codes b...

OpenGL: Disable texture colors?

Is it possible to disable texture colors, and use only white as the color? It would still read the texture, so i cant use glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) because i want to render the alpha channels too. All i can think of now is to make new texture where all color data is white, remaining alpha as it is. I need to do this without shaders, so ...

Problem cube mapping in OpenGL using DDS compressed images

Hi All, I am having trouble cube mapping when using a DDS cube map, I'm just getting a black cube which leads me to believe I have missing something simple, here's the code so far: DDS_IMAGE_DATA *pDDSImageData = LoadDDSFile(filename); //compressedTexture = -1; if(pDDSImageData != NULL) { int height = pDDSImageData->height; i...

Vertex Buffer Object not drawing in SDL window

I'm just using the opengl SDL template with Xcode, and everything runs fine. I removed the Atlantis code, and changed the main extension to .mm, then added some testing code to drawGL. Drawing a simple triangle (using immediate mode) at this point inside drawGL gives me a white triangle, but when I add the code to draw using a vertex buf...

What is the simplest algorithm for mesh generation of an arbitrary quadrilateral?

What is the simplest algorithm for decomposing a quadrilateral into an arbitrary number of triangles? ...

Frame Buffers wont work with pyglet.

I have this code: def setup_framebuffer(surface): #Create texture if not done already if surface.texture is None: create_texture(surface) #Render child to parent if surface.frame_buffer is None: surface.frame_buffer = glGenFramebuffersEXT(1) glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, surface.frame_buffer) glFramebufferTexture2DEX...

How to pass a class method as an argument for another function in C++ and openGL?

I know this thing works: void myDisplay() { ... } int main() { ... glutDisplayFunc(myDisplay) ... } so I tried to include myDisplay() function to a class that I made. Because I want to overload it in the future with a different class. However, the compiler complains that argument of type 'void (ClassBlah::)()' does not match 'void(*...

ubuntu "man glRotate" ?

When on MacOSX, "man glRotate" brings up the glRotate manpage. On ubuntu, with manpages-dev and manpages-posix-dev insatlled, "man glRotate" doesn't bring up the glRotate manpage (though I can build and compile gl apps). What am I missing? How do I setup this up? Thanks ...

Android, Transparent sub-GLSurfaceView in layout?

I'd like to display some 3d object on top of the normal 2d ui layout screen. The 2d ui screen has background image, and GLSurfaceView is child of the content layout. I tried the same technique of the Translucent GLSurfaceView in ApiDemos sample, but GLSurfaceView clears all and shows black background. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="...

How can I use GLUT with CUDA on MACOSX?

Hi, I'm having problems compiling a CUDA program that uses GLUT on MacOsX. Here is the command line I use to compile the source: nvcc main.c -o main -Xlinker "-L/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries -lGL -lGLU" "-L/System/Library/Frameworks/GLUT.framework" And here is the errors I get: Undefined symbols: "_glutInitW...

Implementing pyglet breaks my once working framebuffer OpenGL code.

This question repeats my earlier one but my earlier one was a failure because I didn't copy some vital information correctly, so I have to redo it. I'm getting an error with a call to an OpenGL function. Maybe pyglet isn't initialising OpenGL correctly? The error happens with a simple function that worked before: def setup_framebuffer...

How to install X library for use with VC++?

Hi, i have uptill now worked on linux where its very easy to install opensource libraries using simple configure;make;make install commands.. now i need to use MSVC++ to run some opengl code that includes the standard opengl headers.. but defaultly they arent present.. i downloaded the tar file from freeglut site,it has VisualStudio20...

How to debug a GLSL shader ?

I need to debug a GLSL program but I don't know how to output intermediate result. Is it possible to make some debug traces (like with printf) with GLSL ? ...

Using glRotate and glTranslate with collision detection.

Hey guys, Say I use glRotate to translate the current view based on some arbitrary user input (i.e, if key left is pressed then rtri+=2.5f) glRotatef(rtri,0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); Then I draw the triangle in the rotated position: glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); // Drawing Using Triangles glVertex3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Top glVertex3f(-1....

How to update a uniform variable in GLSL

Hi All, I am trying to get update the eye position in my shader from my appliaction but I keep getting error 1281 when I attempt this. I have no problems after the initialization just when i subsequently try to update the values. Here is my code: void GraphicsObject::SendShadersDDS(char vertFile [], char fragFile [], ...

OpenGL coordinates question

Hey, I have a simple OpenGL drawing. When the user changes the window's size, I want the drawing to maintain it's aspect ration. I accomplished that by setting the glViewport to the maximum rectangle with the appropriate aspect ration whenever the reshape method is called. My problem is that I want to draw a square that will always rem...

Java OpenGL saving depth buffer

I'm not entirely sure if I can do what I want here, but I have a bunch of objects being rendered in OpenGL (using JOGL). For one group of objects, I want to ensure that certain objects in that group are rendered in front of other objects in that group. I've tried clearing the depth buffer bit and rendering the "front" objects last, and t...

Why can't I render objects to texture properly using FBO?

Hello, I'm trying to implement a simple program using 3 FBO's to render a scene to a texture and display a textured quad. I've successfully done this previously using fragment shaders before projecting to the textured quad but can't get it to work without a shader. What could be wrong? First I set up my textures glGenTextures(3, renderT...