
Can we modify properties of object which is in Queue - C# ?

I have used System.Collections.Queue and its object form_elements_queue if (form_elements_queue.Count > 0) queue_element = (RecordQueue)form_elements_queue.Peek(); I'm modifying the queue_element like below, queue_element.Children--; RecordQueue is my custom Type which I Enqueue in form_elements_queue. but its not referenci...

Javascript objects performance

I am unsure how javascript stores objects, and references them. So, I don't know if my plan will cause bad performance. Any insight would be appreciated. I have many divs on a website, and each has a unique id. I have an object constructor: function box_object(box_id){ this.the_box = document.getElementById(box_id); this.rela...

Long lists of pass-by-ref parameters versus wrapper types.

I need to get three objects out of a function, my instinct is to create a new type to return the three refs. Or if the refs were the same type I could use an array. However pass-by-ref is easier: private void Mutate_AddNode_GetGenes(ref NeuronGene newNeuronGene, ref ConnectionGene newConnectionGene1, ref ConnectionGene newConne...

Passing an object from F# into a C# method wich takes it as an out parameter doesn't work?

Hi, One of the libraries I'm using defines this in C#: public ushort GetParameterSet(string name, out ParameterSet parameterSet) I'm trying to call this from F#: let parameterSet = new ParameterSet(); let retVal = currentPanel.GetParameterSet(name, ref parameterSet); However, even though the parameterSet is set to an instance of t...

Pass a string by reference in Javascript

I want to create a string and pass it by reference such that I can change a single variable and have that propagate to any other object that references it. Take this example: function Report(a, b) { this.ShowMe = function() { alert(a + " of " + b); } } var metric = new String("count"); var a = new Report(metric, "a"); var b = new...

C++ and QT4.5 - is passing a const int& overkill? Does pass by reference helps in signals/slots?

Two questions rolled into one here... I have a number of functions which are called multiple times per frame for a real-time video processing application. Taking advice about const and pass by reference, the functions have a signature somewhat like this void processSomething(const int& value); As I keep typing the few extra character...

how to pass by reference a class var to a global var in PHP?

Hi guys, please tell me theres a way around this... $my_var = 'hello'; class Test{ private $my_var; private $my_internal_var = 'if you see this it works!'; function __construct(){ global $my_var; $this->my_var = &$my_var; } function get_my_var(){ return $this->my_var; } function...

PHP architecture, and pass-by-reference vs pass-by-value

Seeking suggestions from PHP architects! I'm not terribly familiar with PHP but have taken over maintenance of a large analytics package written in the language. The architecture is designed to read reported data into large key/value arrays, which are passed through various parsing modules to extract those report parameters known to eac...

C# passing Single as reference

I would like to have a method where the parameter could be Int32 or Single: void myMethod( ref object x ) { //...CodeHere } Since C# does not allow me to pass a specialization of object when using out or ref, the solution I found claimed that assigning the variable to a variable of the type object would be enough: Single s = 1.0...

C Variable Scope Specific Question

Here is a particular scenario that I have been unclear about (in terms of scope) for a long time. consider the code #include <stdio.h> typedef struct _t_t{ int x; int y; } t_t; typedef struct _s_t{ int a; int b; t_t t; }s_t; void test(s_t & s){ t_t x = {502, 100}; s.t = x; } int main(){ s_t s; test(s); printf("value i...

Pass parameter by reference between two Forms

Hello, I have two forms (Form1 and Form2). On Form1 there is a 'public int i' variable, which is set to value 1 in Form1 constructor. Then I open Form2 from Form1 with this code: Form2 f2 = new Form2(ref i); f2.ShowDialog(); The constructor of Form2 looks like this: public int i; public Form2(ref int x) { InitializeComponent(); ...

Java method argument puzzle

Hi. I stumbled upon a very puzzling feature(?) of Java. It seems that using a "new" keyword to replace a method argument kind of shifts that object into a different scope: import java.util.ArrayList; public class Puzzle { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Integer> outer = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ...

Hibernate lost reference after calling save. Do you know why ?

Hi, Take a look at the following classes (UNIdirectional @OneToMany) @Entity public class Team { private Integer id = -1; @Id @GeneratedValue public Integer getId() { return; } private List<Player> playerList; @OneToMany @Cascade(CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE) @JoinColumn(name="TEAM_ID...

In common-lisp, how do I modify part of a list parameter from within a function without changing the original list?

I'm trying to pass a list to a function in Lisp, and change the contents of that list within the function without affecting the original list. I've read that Lisp is pass-by-value, and it's true, but there is something else going on that I don't quite understand. For example, this code works as expected: (defun test () (setf origina...

passing a block of memory from a function

I'm trying to figure out how to allocate a block of memory in a function and pass back a pointer to that block through one of the arguments. This is a C program. I seem to be having some trouble. Here's the code: void foo(char *ptr) { if (!(ptr = malloc(size))) printf("error"); /* code here */ printf("buffer a...

Unexpected behaviour with PHP array references

I'm using references to alter an array: foreach($uNewAppointments as &$newAppointment) { foreach($appointments as &$appointment) { if($appointment == $newAppointment){ $appointment['index'] = $counter; } } $newAppointment['index'] = $counter; $newAppointments[$counter] = $newAppointment; $counter++; } If I print the arra...

PHP/Joomla When to use references

i am reading $db = when do i need to use references? i tried the same thing without reference and it works. i thought objects are passed by reference (probably assignment also)? if i assign by "copy" will there be any difference? maybe dro...

C++ DAL - Return Reference or Populate Passed In Reference

Hi, [EDIT 1 - added third pointer syntax (Thanks Alex)] Which method would you prefer for a DAL and why out of: Car& DAL::loadCar(int id) {} bool DAL::loadCar(int id, Car& car) {} Car* DAL::loadCar(int id) {} If unable to find the car first method returns null, second method returns false. The second method would create a Car objec...

Understanding C# Events use of sender object

I am reasonably new to C# as a language (coming from a C++ background) and I am currently in the process of writing an application that makes use of an event driven API. Primarily this consists of registering event/response handlers and starting event monitors then dealing with these asychronous events/responses. The thing i'm having a...

JNI Pass By Reference, Is it Possible?

Hey, I have a Java program that calls a C++ program to authenticate users. I would like the program to return either true or false, and if false, update a pointer to an error message variable that i then can grab from the Java program. Another explination: The nataive method would look something like this: public native String takeIn...