
How can I set the window size of a plot window?

Is it possible to set the window size / position of a plot window (figure)? plot(0:20, sin(0:20)) Or is there any other possibility to change the size of the print() command? print('aa.png', '-dpng') Because the -Sxsize,ysize parameter doesn't change anything. The size of the written picture (aa.png) has always the same size as the...

Fast pixel plotting using SWT?

I'm looking for a fast and easy way to plot arbitrarily colored pixels in an SWT Canvas. So far I'm using something like that: // initialization: GC gc = new GC(canvas); // inside the drawing loop: Color cc = new Color(display, r, g, b); gc.setForeground(cc); gc.drawPoint(x, y); cc.dispose(); This is horribly horribly slow. it takes ...

Library/tool for drawing ternary/triangle plots

I need to draw ternary/triangle plots representing mole fractions (x, y, z) of various substances/mixtures (x + y + z = 1). Each plot represents iso-valued substances, e.g. substances which have the same melting point. The plots need to be drawn on the same triangle with different colors/symbols and it would be nice if I could also conne...

Graphics module for python

Hi everybody, I'm pretty new on python and I'm looking for a good graphics module, especially to draw histograms, pie charts and stuff like that. What would you recommend to me ? ...

Scientific Plotting in Python

I have a large data set of tuples containing (time of event, latitude, longitude) that I need to visualize. I was hoping to generate a 'movie'-like xy-plot, but was wondering if anyone has a better idea or if there is an easy way to do this in Python? Thanks in advance for the help, --Leo ...

barchart (o plot) 3D in python

I need to plot some data in various forms. Currently I'm using matplotlib and I'm fairly happy with the plots I'm able to produce. This question is on how to plot the last one. The data is similar to the "distance table", like this (just bigger, my table is 128x128 and still have 3 or more number per element) Now, my data is much bette...

How do I plot the output from a C++ Win32 console app?

I have a small Win32 console application which is essentially a test harness. I read data in, do some processing on it and currently just output some of the numbers to the console. This isn't a huge problem - I can get an idea of what the data looks like, but it would be much easier to analyse if there was a way of getting that informati...

Plotting Simple Data in R

I have a comma separated file named foo.csv containing the following data: scale, serial, spawn, for, worker 5, 0.000178, 0.000288, 0.000292, 0.000300 10, 0.156986, 0.297926, 0.064509, 0.066297 12, 2.658998, 6.059502, 0.912733, 0.923606 15, 188.023411, 719.463264, 164.111459, 161.687982 I essentially have two questions: 1) How do I p...

Haskell graph drawing on Windows

Hi I'm using the Haskell platform on Windows and I'd like to write a small program which can draw graphs. The graph should be exported to any image format (or even PDF). What is the easiest way to accomplish this? (By graph I mean plot.) ...

plot line at particular angle and offset

I'm attempting to plot a particular line over an original image (an array) that i have. Basically, I have an angle and offset (measured from the center of the image) that I want to plot the line over. The problem is, I'm not exactly sure how to do this. I can write a really complicated piece of code to do this, but I'm wondering if there...

Looks like a simple graphing problem

At present I have a control to which I need to add the facility to apply various acuteness (or sensitivity). The problem is best illustrated as an image: As you can see, I have X and Y axess that both have arbitrary limits of 100 - that should suffice for this explanation. At present, my control is the red line (linear behaviour), but...

MATLAB - add a plot to a hist

I'd like to represent on a distribution the plot that fit to it. I can't find how to do it (I'm a MATLAB beginner). Thanks for any help! ...

cobertura graph in hudson

is there a way to have the cobertura test coverage graph be shown on the front page of a project, similar to the test trend graph? I'd like to have that displayed next to the coverage graph. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. ...

Moving an R Plot header

Hi, I was trying to create a graph in R Plot and was just wondering if there was any way to move the side header lable closer to the graph. I've made the font smaller and put the lable into two lines, but when I put it into two lines the top line falls off the screen and the bottom line is rather far away from the numbered Y-Axis of ...

How to plot implicit equations

Hello. What is the usual method or algorithm used to plot implicit equations of 2 variables? I am talking about equations such as, sin(x*y)*y = 20 x*x - y*y = 1 Etc. Does anyone know how Maple or Matlab do this? My target language is C#. Many thanks! ...

Can you use R terminal commands on a Mac computer?

Hi, I wrote some code in school to basically bring up different graphs from R and I had wanted to use it on a mac computer. Is there are way to use R terminal commands on a mac computer and is there a place where I could get more information about these mac R Terminal commands? Thanks so much! ...

Plot data reconstruction reading pixel colors from image files

Hi, How can I open and read colors of specific pixels of an image file in Haskell? Which packages, functions do you recommend? You can have a look at the quoted plot and the reconstructed data below for an idea on what I would like to automate. I had my way with this particular figure using Gimp and marking the points on lines manually...

Perl: recomended method to plot(x,y) pixels to a monochrome bitmap

For a home project I need to plot (x,y) coordinates onto a 400x400 black and white-bitmap. What perl module would you recoment and what image format (GIF?, PNG? other?) would be easiest to handle on OS X, Windows, Linux? EDIT My solution, based on GD, as recomended by Brian Agnew use strict; use warnings; use GD; my $BitMap = GD:...

Plot time data in R to various resolutions (to the minute, to the hour, to the second, etc.)

I have some data in CSV like: "Timestamp", "Count" "2009-07-20 16:30:45", 10 "2009-07-20 16:30:45", 15 "2009-07-20 16:30:46", 8 "2009-07-20 16:30:46", 6 "2009-07-20 16:30:46", 8 "2009-07-20 16:30:47", 20 I can read it into R using read.cvs. I'd like to plot: Number of entries per second, so: "2009-07-20 16:30:45", 2 "2009-07-20 16:...

how plot a matrix on a wxframe?

Dear all, I am starting on wx, and I need to plot a matrix (like a grid) that is stored on a list of lists on wx Frame. My matrix have to values, and I would like to set different colors for each values. mymatrix=[[100,200,200,200,100,200,200,200,100,100], [200,200,100,100,100,100,200,200,100,200], [100,10...