
C# and .NET 3.5 - How to launch a process using different credentials, with a hidden window, and being able to capture standard output and exit code?

I have a Windows Service developed in C# and .NET 3.5 to perform various administrative tasks throughout our 3 domains. I've got an admin account in each domain that has the necessary rights/permissions for what this service is doing. For all the AD interactions, I can bind to AD using the correct username/password for the domain and al...

CreateProcess suspended cant resume

the code: bool success=CreateProcess(m_Process, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS||CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &suInfo, &procInfo); if(!success){ MessageBoxA(0,"Could not create process...","ERROR",MB...

controlling execution of another process through c#

i have written a c program to which i pass in a script like code and it executes it and prints the results for me. some thing like if i send for i in 1 to 10 print i it'd create and run code which would essentially print values from 1 to 10. however i wanted to integrate step wise running of the code for which i added a functionality ...

How can you break on handle creation?

I have an application that spawns multiple child processes. Before launching a child, I create stdOut and stdErr handles to a log file (for example, if I am about to launch procA, i create handles to logA.log). I set these handles on the child processes. By looking with ProcExplorer, I can see that each child process has handles to eac...

.NET - Calling methods inside the running process

Is there a way to call method inside a running .NET assembly. The problem is that I have a .NET application that is run on system startup and puts itself in the system tray. The user can open the application dialog by double-clicking on the tray icon but I want to show the form even when the user start the application again (and its alr...

Implement wait between processes in Java?

I would like some help understanding and implementing a 'wait until process complete' between the various processes in my application, which need to proceed in a step-wise fashion. My java file runs a batch file which then runs a script. At the conclusion of this there are series of commands that I need to run (through the command line) ...

Python process management

Is there any way python is natively, or through some code available online (preferably under the GPL), capable of doing process management. The goal is similar to the functionality of ps, but preferably in arrays, lists, and/or dicts. ...

Who's responsible for deployment?

Hi, I work as an in-house developer for a manufacturing company. We make software for the manufacturing process, not really control software, more like process flow. We are using a Scrum process to develop the software, albeit tailored to fit with our team and environment, and this is working quite well. We're coming to the end of a s...

End-to-end software development cycle on a web-based application?

We are looking for ways to further improve our software development process through proper documentation. However, being a document, these documentation/specification are only available whenever we open and read it. For example, URS, SRS, ERD, DB Diagram, Class Diagram, Use Case, Test Scripts, User Manual and Training materials usually...

Web Application Development Process - Version Control, Bug Tracking, Unit Testing, Deployment

Describe the process you use to develop web applications at a not-so-high level, focusing on VC, bug tracking, QA, unit testing, deployment and anything else similar (minus the planning/client communication side of things). I'm new in this area, so my rough example (read: haven't used this process) is no doubt abit off, so to speak - po...

programatically run cmd.exe as adminstrator in vista, c#

I have a visual studio setup and deployment project. I've added a .cmd script in it. The script would need administrator privilages to run. When user clicks on the setup.exe, UAC prompts the user for Admin permissions. So i assumed that all processes created and called within setup.exe will run in admin capacity. So i made the setup call...

How to reload a crashed process on Windows

How to reload a crashed process on Windows? Of course, I can run a custom monitoring Win service process. But, for example, Firefox: it doesn't seem to install such a thing, but still it can restart itself when it crashes. ...

Process.Close() is not terminating created process,c#

I've written a C# application which uses System.Diagnostics.Process class to create a process, using Process P1 = new Process(); P1.FileName = "myexe.exe"; and other proper settings. I've linked it to an exe file which runs for about 10 minutes. (I'm writing program to measurer runtime of programs). Now in between i want to abort ...

How to handle a crash in a process launched via System.Diagnostics.Process?

I'm launching an external process with System.Diagnostics.Process. This is part of a batch job, so if one process crashes, I'd like to handle it and let the rest continue. What currently happens is Windows pops up a dialog telling me that the program has crashed, and only once I've dismissed that manually does the process exit. Accordi...

Is it possible for Eclipse to terminate gently instead of using SIGKILL?

I'm using Eclipse on Windows, with the PyDev plugin for Python development. When I use 'Run' to start my application, it spawns a new Python (CPython) instance. When I use the 'terminate' button (red square), it kills the process. However, it appears to do a SIGKILL, so my shutdown handler is unable to clean up. Is there any way to g...

Low level programming: How to find data in a memory of another running process?

I am trying to write a statistics tool for a game by extracting values from game's process memory (as there is no other way). The biggest challenge is to find out required addresses that store data I am interested. What makes it even more harder is dynamic memory allocation - I need to find not only addresses that store data but also poi...

Executing command line programs from Java

I have to execute several command line executables in Windows through Java. Rather than using Runtime.exec, I thought of using Ant Tasks to do these invocations, hoping it would be a better way. Is there any other better approach or any popular library to do this? ...

What is your or your company's programming process?

I'm looking for process suggestions, and I've seen a few around the site. What I'd love to hear is what you specifically use at your company, or just you and your hobby projects. Any links to other websites talking about these topics is certainly welcome! Some questions to base an answer off of: How do users report bugs/feature reques...

Biztalk alternative for systems management automation?

Hi, I am working with a small hosting provider looking for a "motor" to be the central hub for automation their IT-related processes (and possibly other processes as well. An example of this could be a customer ordering a custom virtual server from their website. This server would need to pass through an approval chain (if it's a new cu...

What is the best way to monitor (java) process deaths on a Windows box?

We have a curious problem with our java processes dying. The application doesn't stacktrace, or write anything to the logs, the process just randomly dies. It's a heavily used application, but the problem only appears about once a month. We're currently looking into using Process Monitor but any other suggestions would be welcome. Edi...