
Scrum metrics for quality

What is the best way to measure QA in scrum? We have members who typically test and they are measured against how many bugs they find. If they don't find any bugs then they are considered to be doing a bad job. However, it is my understanding that the developers and quality people are considered one in the same. I would think that th...

Asked to fix bugs in a program, you find over 100 instances of...

catch(Exception ex) { } What's the best way to proceed? Rip them all out and let it crash? Add logging code? Message boxes? This is in C#. ...

unit testing of installer

What is the best process where code is checkedin by developers, installer is created by build engineer and release to QA to test the installer. Should the installer be release to QA without unit testing by Dev. If dev do some changes then they should wait until QA to report bugs.Or if installer first given to dev for unit testing and on...

Testing your code before releasing to QA

I have heard developers say that people who write code should not be the ones testing it. I am looking for peoples experience in this situation. Many times I have done my share of development, then released to the QA dept and had the code sent back to me becuase some aspect of the application was broken due to my coding, regardless of ho...

24/7/365 support team

Hey everyone, we are building an app for one of our clients, the app is fairly straight forward but it is database driven and is user facing (lives on the web). Clients require 24/7 support. How do you go about doing that? Does anyone have experience in building an app and supporting in 24/7? Previously my team of programers would simply...

How are QA personnel supposed to accurately produce estimates?

In my last job I was working with a company that was going from NO methodology to utilizing a Scrum/Agile method. Many problems were encountered, including the fact that the Scrum "expert" really didn't know how to implement Scrum effectively. The plan they used was relatively simple: 1. Start Sprint Planning meetings where the estima...

Documentation in a Scrum Environment - how do we filter information to people not involved in the Sprint?

So my company is building an extensive piece of medical software, where there's a lot of moving parts and things selected on one screen may need to be displayed on as many as 5 others. The issue here is that when the Development Teams work with the Product Designer, they get a clear understanding of how to code the software properly, bu...

Free Automatic software test infrastructure

Hey, Do you know of a good free/open source test automation infrastructure? I'm looking for infrastructure (python is preferred) which has features like: connecting to a remote computer. running python scripts on a remote computer. Identification of UI components watch dog. test report summery generation anything else useful (: Thx,...

How to set up a QA dept. ?

I am senior member of a small team (2 other programmers). We are all new to the company, and I have been setting up all of the dev infrastructure. So far, I have an excellent version control system (Git), an excellent issue tracking system (Redmine), and I am about to set up a build environment (Hudson). I am now looking into setting up ...

Does anyone know of a tool for setting up a database for QA? And then resetting it?

Here is what I am looking for. I would love to have a tool that can be used to populate a database, allow us to do some interactive testing, and then reset the database to where it was before we started using it. Kind of like a DB fixture for unit testing, but for a user to use instead of an automated test suite. Does something like t...

Blogs about software QA and/or testing?

There are lots of well known programming and development blogs, but could someone recommend some refference blogs about software quality assurance and/or testing? ...

Tips for Black Box QA Testing

Are there any good resources for learning to do black box QA testing? I applied for what looked like a technical testing position, but discovered in the interview that it was black box QA (I really don't know a great deal more than that at the moment). I'm still going to go for it, for the experience and since I need the cash. Any tips ...

How to *automatically* test CSS rendering in different browsers (included Safari Mobile and Android Browser) ?

I'd like to know if there's programmatic, automatic, BDD-aware way to test how CSS is rendered in different browsers, just like Selenium can automatically test HTML and Javascript in different browsers. Integrating it with a BDD framework would be ideal. ...

Is there any free open source PHP framework used to create cooperative question and answers sites?

Basically, I'm looking for a PHP framework which can help me to build a site similar to Stackoverflow. Is there any? A website which can: Let people post and answer questions Let them vote Let them choose the best answer ...

What tools do you use to see where your users are struggling/seeing errors w/ your site?

I'm working on a site and am getting feedback from a lot of well-meaning users along the lines of: "It's not working for me". I'd like to be able to get detailed feedback from them on what they were doing, where, with what browser, etc. These aren't QA folks, and are really just doing me a favor by trying things out. I want to get as ...

QA vs. Development positions

This isn't a coding question, but a career question that I am stumped on. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I graduated college this past spring and since then have worked in the QA department for a large e-commerce website for the past three months. My duties including running automation and manual tests, writing test scripts, writin...

How to work as a "QA Engineer" on a project as opposed to a member of a "Test Driven Development Team" ?

Sincerest apologies if I'm asking this question in the wrong place. (possibly one of the mini-stack overflows specific to career advice and QA) I've spent a significant amount of time recently learning about and implementing unit testing frameworks for our projects. Prior to the introduction of a unit testing framework, our method was ...

How can I enable anonymous posting question and answer in OSQA?

Hi all, I am wondering about how to enable anonymous posting question and answer in OSQA website, like does. If the OSQA does not support this feature yet, can you please give me a short brief on how can I implement a such feature like that. Thanks and best regards. ...

Code review / Commit review. Looking for process and tool feedback

Let me start by describing what our current 'process' is and then ask you how we should improve on it and what, if any, tools you would suggest. What we are doing currently Every time someone makes a commit to our svn (or pushes git changes into 'trunk') it ends up in an email in one persons inbox. That person is responsible for glanci...

Iphone Ipad QA testing process

I'm curious about how people test their apps In general. I recently uploaded an app and wanted to reach as many iOS' as possible so i targeted it to 3.0. I did test on iphone 3, iphone 4 and 3GS but found out that there was an obscure sizing of a button image on a specific ios version. In general how do you guys test for different ver...