
Rotate image in Quartz? Image is upside down! (iPhone)

I don't want to transform the ENTIRE context. I'm making a game with Quartz, and I'm drawing my player with lines, rects and ellipses. And then I have diamong.png which I rendered at 0,0 in the top left of the screen. Problem is... It renders upside down! How would I rotate it 180 degrees? Here's some of my code: CGImageRef diam...

Horizontal lines and PDF drawing on iPhone/iPad Quartz 2D

I'm trying to display a PDF of music using the Quartz 2D calls: CGPDFDocumentGetPage and CGPDFPageGetDrawingTransform The problem is that some horizontal lines in the PDF get drawn thicker than others. The biggest problem is that I notice this in Preview on the Mac and on iPhone/iPad. Even when viewing this PDF in the iPhone/iPad mail,...

Using Quartz to draw every second via NSTimer (iPhone)

Hi, I'm relatively new to Objective-C + Quartz and am running into what is probably a very simple issue. I have a custom UIView sub class which I am using to draw simple rectangles via Quartz. However I am trying to hook up an NSTimer so that it draws a new object every second, the below code will draw the first rectangle but will never...

Non-deprecated replacement for NSCalibratedBlackColorSpace?

I'm implementing my own NSBitmapImageRep (to draw PBM image files). To draw them, I'm using NSDrawBitmap() and passing it the NSCalibratedBlackColorSpace (as the bits are 1 for black, 0 for white). Trouble is, I get the following warning: warning: 'NSCalibratedBlackColorSpace' is deprecated However, I couldn't find a good replacement...

Solving iPhone/iPad out of memory issues

I have a strange issue where I'm scrolling through a paged UIScrollView which displays the pages of a PDF document (using Quartz 2D and CATiledLayer). When I page through memory allocation looks fine with it going up with a few initial pages and then keeping it steady as it obviously releases the memory kept for earlier pages. Upon hitti...

Clipping different parts of an image with path

I've recently asked a question about clipping an image via path at view's drawRect method. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2570653/iphone-clip-image-with-path Krasnyk's code is copied below. - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable(); /...

Does mixing Quartz and OpenGL-ES cause big performance degrade??

I have a plan to make a game using OpenGL for 3D world view, and CALayer(or UIView) for HUD UI. It's easy to imagine performance degrade from mixing them, but the document which mention this impact disappeared: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/technotes/tn2008/tn2230.html I cannot find the document on current version of SDK refe...

Copying the bitmap contents of a UIView's context to that of another UIView

Basically what I want to do is copy the already rendered content (a PDF drawn into the UIView's graphics context using CGContextDrawPDFPage()) onto a similar UIView, without having to re render the PDF. The idea is, that I'd then be able to perform an animated transform on the UIView and later re render the PDF with more accuracy. For bo...

Add Quartz.net job without starting the scheduler

Is there any way of adding jobs to Quartz.Net jobstore without starting up a scheduler instance? ...

Is there a way to initialize ImageKit's IKSaveOptions to default to TIFF with LZW compression?

I'm using Mac OS X 10.6 SDK ImageKit's IKSaveOptions to add the file format accessory to an NSSavePanel using: - (id)initWithImageProperties:(NSDictionary *)imageProperties imageUTType:(NSString *)imageUTType; and - (void)addSaveOptionsAccessoryViewToSavePanel:(NSSavePanel *)savePanel; I have tried creating an NSDictionary to speci...

Apply a Quartz filter while saving PDF under Mac OS X 10.6.3

Using Mac OS X API, I'm trying to save a PDF file with a Quartz filter applied, just like it is possible from the "Save As" dialog in the Preview application. So far I've written the following code (using Python and pyObjC, but it isn't important for me): -- filter-pdf.py: begin from Foundation import * from Quartz import * import objc...

Rotate using a transform, then change frame origin, and view expands??

This is quite the iPhone quandry. I am working on a library, but have narrowed down my problem to very simple code. What this code does is create a 50x50 view, applies a rotation transform of a few degrees, then shifts the frame down a few times. The result is the 50x50 view is now much larger looking. Here's the code: // a simple 5...

JDBC CommunicationsException with MySQL Database

I'm having a little trouble with my MySQL- Connection- Pooling. This is the case: Different jobs are scheduled via Quartz. All jobs connect to different databases which works fine the whole day while the nightly scheduled jobs fail with a CommunicationsException... Quartz-Jobs: Job1 runs 0 0 6,10,14,18 * * ? Job2 runs 0 30 10,18 * * ?...

Why should I use floats?

I mean, for pixel position, sizes, etc. It's not like I'll be making a rectangle that's 100 and a half pixels high. These might as well be integers. ...

Basic drawing with Quartz 2D on iPhone

My goal is to make a program that will draw points whenever the screen is touched. This is what I have so far: The header file: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ElSimView : UIView { CGPoint firstTouch; CGPoint lastTouch; UIColor *pointColor; CGRect *points; int npoints; } @property CGPoint firstTouch; @property CGPoint ...

Smooth arcs in quartz?

While developing a rounded rectangle widget I encountered the following problem: path built with arcs looks ugly when stroked. How to make the stroked arcs look nicer? ...

Drawing single pixel in Quartz

I have an array of CGPoints, and I'd like to fill the whole screen with colours, the colour of each pixel depending on the total distance to each of the points in the array. The natural way to do this is to, for each pixel, compute the total distance, and turn that into a colour. Questions follow: 1) How can I colour a single pixel in Q...

Mac event tap just delays discarded events

I'm trying to write some code that discards all keyboard and mouse events when enabled on Mac OSX 10.6. My code runs as the root user. The approach I'm taking is to create an event tap that discards all events passed to it (while enabled). The event tap callback function looks like this: CGEventRef MyTapCallback(CGEventTapProxy proxy, ...

Autorelease for CGMutablePathRef?

Hi, I am developing for iphone. I want to creating a mutable path via CGPathCreateMutable(), and I want to return it out of the function which creates it. I'm suppose to call a CGPathRelease() when I'm done with it. But since I'm returning it I wish to autorelease it. Since Quartz path is a C code (and doesn't look like an objective C o...

Background Image w/Quartz Drawing

I'm using Quartz to do some basic drawing. I recently decided I wanted a background image for my app. So I went into my XIB file and added a UIImageView and set the background, looks good. However, when I run it, the Z-Index of the image is above my drawing. I googled a bit and found that you can do Layout > Send to Back in IB...but ...