
iPhone Quartz - Open GL

Hi all, Does anyone have an idea what do the mind mapping applications use for drawing: Quartz 2D or Open GL? What would be the best way to implement this kind of application? Any advice is welcomed! Thanks! ...

Erase operation in quartz 2D

Any suggestions on how to perform erase operations in Quartz 2D? ...

Ownership regarding to returned Quartz objects

I have recently asked about autoreleasing a returned quartz object: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2819548/autorelease-for-cgmutablepathref Dave DeLong answered my question that there is no autorelease for quartz (or any NS foundation objects) and I should use the Create Rule. However the naming convention on the document says, ...

iPhone OS 3.2; PDF rendering; User Interaction

Hello! I'd need to create a iPad-app which would be rendering multiple PDF-Files (one file contains one page). Each page should be scrollable, zoomable and if the user taps on a part of the PDF a website or photo gallery should popup. Currently i think i could do that either with: A. UIWebView Displays the pdf's nicely, scrolling and...

Quartz Window Services equivalent for Windows and X11?

What is the equivalent of Quartz Window Services for Windows and X11? I want to be able to capture individual windows with their decorations, shadows, etc., completely independent from each other. Basically what the Son of Grab example is able to do. http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/samplecode/SonOfGrab/Introduction/Intro.html Als...

How to maintain a job history using Quartz scheduler

I'd like to maintain a history of jobs that were scheduled by a Quartz scheduler containing the following properties: 'start time', 'end time', 'success', 'error'. There are two interfaces available for this: ITriggerListener and IJobListener (I'm using the C# naming convention for interfaces because I'm using Quartz.NET but the same qu...

Using CATransition in a viewController

Hi I'm trying to implement the ViewTransitions code sample from Apple, but putting all the logic in my viewController instead of my applicationDelegate class. I'm getting a bizarre error when I try to compile. _kCATransitionFade", referenced from: _kCATransitionFade$non_lazy_ptr in ViewTransitionsAsViewControllerViewController.o (...

quartz cron expression help (daily trigger)

Hi, i want to run a cron trigger every 5th day starting from the 16th of every month. so it should execute on every: 16th, 21st, 26th, 31st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and so on i tried "0 0 1 16/5 * ?" but this gets execute on 16th, 21st, 26th, 31st, 16th, 21st.... It skips anything between 1st and 15th. Please help. thanks ...

Problem importing Quartz framework

I have added the Quartz framework to my project, but when I compile I get the following errors: ld: framework not found Quartz Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 ...

Obj C - how to customise the interval between slides with IKSlideShow

I'm very new to Objective-C and Cocoa but I've made a simple app which uses ImageKit to present a slideshow using the IKSlideShow class. However I've got a bit stuck with something I thought would be simple. I want to increase the time photos are displayed on screen when the slideshow is playing, but I can't see how to do it effectively....

Writing a PDF to filesystem iPhone

I am am opening a PDF document using Quartz2D in core graphics, resizing it, and attempting to re-save it to the file system of an iPhone. Problem is I cannot figure out how to write a PDF to the file system. Has anyone had luck with such a problem. ...

How to draw dotted lines using Quartz on iPhone.

I am new to iPhone development. I am developing an application in which I need to draw dotted lines between a couple of points. I know I have to use CGContextSetLineCap(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), kCGLineCapRound) and also CGContextSetLineDash(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), 0, lengths, LENGTH_OF_ARRAY). But everytime I try this, I can...

DRAW (print - not the graph) an equation in Quartz (iPhone SDK)

I'm trying to draw equations to the screen. Not the graphs or sth just the equation, but in a "pretty" way (f.e. like they look on wikipedia ). I've done some research but could find a "build-in-way", but maybe i overlooked something?!? So i've decided to draw them by myself. I'm not very experienced, so don't blaim me if my idea is com...

Where can I find a list of Mac virtual key codes?

I'm using CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent and need to know what value to use for the CGKeyCode. Specifically, I am after the key code for the Command key (either of them will do). The docs give examples: 'z' is 6, shift is 56. There must be a list somewhere? ...

Quartz.NET, "Error communicating with remote scheduler."

Hi all, I'm having trouble getting a client/server implementation of Quartz.NET working. I have a SQL Server on ServerA, a server running Quartz as a service (ServerB) and a server which hosts an ASP.NET application (ServerC). I have followed all the tutorials and delved into the code a fair amount but I can't see what I'm doing wrong...

Writing a "Brushes" quality drawing app, need book and resource recommendations

I've spent about a week reading all the freely available information on iPhone drawing, animation, and OpenGL. Using the available iOS drawing examples like Apple's GLPaint and Quartz sample apps I've written a few versions of a painting tool, but I've hit many limitations which I think is due to "not knowing what I don't know." Quartz ...

Quartz.Net jobs not always running - can't find any reason why

We're using Quartz.Net to schedule about two hundred repeating jobs. Each job uses the same IJob implementing class, but they can have different schedules. In practice, they end up having the same schedule, so we have about two hundred job details, each with their own (identical) repeating/simple trigger, scheduled. The interval is on...

Best way to make a UIVIew look like a UIView in IB?

Hi, I'm trying to make resizable UIViews of which users can resize (code is done for that) and drag it around. Now I need to make it look like what it looks like in IB, with circles at its corners to drag, and dotted lines as borders of the UIView. How do you think I should go about doing this? Many thanks. ...

Getting resolution from a CGImageRef

I'm creating a CGImageRef out of, in one case, a TIFF file, through a CGImageSource, in another case raw bitmap data via a CGDataProvider and in another case, from a PDFPage via an NSImage. I need to know the resolution of the CGImage. Is there an easy way to find this out? in the PDFPage case, I should be able to get the pixelwidth and...

resolution from a PDFPage?

I have a PDF document that is created by creating NSImages with size in 72dpi pts, each has a single representation which is measured in pixels. I then put these images into PDFPages with initWithImage, and then save the document. When I open the document, I need the resolution of the original image. However, all of the rectangles that ...