
What could cause redraw issues on 64-bit vista but not in 32-bit in .NET WInForms?

This happens when compiling for Any Cpu as well as compiling to x86. Sections of the GUI doesn't redraw unless it's resized, for instance if the main form is maximized some of the controls don't resize with it, and others have sections that don't redraw and displays the what was previously there. This works fine on 32-bit machines, bot...

Can I suspend redrawing of a form until I have performed all updates?

Using C# and .Net 2.0, I'm using an irregularly shaped form (TransparencyKey, FormBorderStyle = None, etc...) and want to allow "normal" bordered mode. I change the back colour to default from Lime I change FormBorderStyle to FixedSingle I change the TransparencyKey to Colour.None Unfortuanately this looks a complete mess on screen wi...

WPF Listbox not redrawing

I have a listbox defined in XAML as: <ListBox x:Name="directoryList" MinHeight="100" Grid.Row="0" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=SelectedDirectories}"/> The SelectedDirectories is a property on the lists DataContext of type List<DirectoryInfo> The class which is the datacontext for the ...

Common cause of redraw/repaint problems with jQuery DOM animation

My problem at the moment is specifically related to the jScrollPane scrollbar plugin, but the issue of concern is more general. Graphical artifacts can be a problem with any JS animation. Certain types of positioning and use/abuse of CSS styles can make redrawing much more prone to graphical artifacts, even in the modern browsers. I us...

How can I get a css position change to take effect during a JQuery UI Draggable element's start event handler?

I have an odd situation in which I need to modify the position of a draggable element as soon as the user starts dragging it. So, during the draggable element's start event handler, I'm trying to set the position. It doesn't respond to the position change unless - and this is weird - I do something to cause a javascript error after I cha...

Forcing Flex to update the screen?

This may be a bit of a beginners question, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. I'm using flex to develop a GUI for a large project, specifically a status bar along the bottom. Within my StatusBar class is a ProgressBar, which other classes doing work can tell to update(change bar completion and label) as they progress. The pro...

SWT update / redraw / layout problem

Hello, I know many people experience this problem, but the solutions I found online do not seem to solve mine. I have a composite that has three buttons. What I want is the following : When I click one button, I want some other button to be grayed out ( setEnabled(false) ) and after a while (after a method execution), I want the button ...

Silverlight DataGrid Redraw Issue

I have a Silverlight DataGrid that contains a single template column which displays a user control. The user control has a progress bar to represent processing and when the processing is complete an animation hides the progress bar and shows a finished label. There are two instances in which the datagrid seems not to redraw itself: F...

Glitchy screen redraws in flex application?

I have a flex/actionscript based project. The project has various view stacks and tab navigators and a few popup windows. The whole thing is managed in pureMVC framework. When transitioning between various view states, opening a popup, switching a tab, etc, I find the app to exhibit various redraw glitches. Parts of views will be partia...

Why does CTRL-SHIFT-F redraw several windows on my desktop in Visual Studio?

Hi ! I have a 3 monitor setup and usually have Visual Studio 2008 open and the help on another screen and some other windows. When I press CTRL-SHIFT-F to open the Find and Replace Dialog, my desktop starts to redraw several windows on my desktop. That extremly slows down opening that dialog for me. Btw. this also happens when I open t...

Android: Mangled PreferenceActivity view

I have pretty unassuming preferences screen based on PreferenceActivity. (You can see it in DroidIn app) I'm having some problems with it that I think have to do with redrawing the screen after updates. Here are the symptoms: OnPreferenceChangeListener#onPreferenceChange if I change summary of the preference by doing Preference#setSumm...

TabControl redraws through windows on top

I have a .NET c# form with a tabcontrol on the base form. This tabcontrol is absolutely loaded with sub controls and tabs. If I launch my application and immediately open another window (in my app), I can wait about 3-5 seconds and the tabcontrol in the back of the newly opened window will redraw itself and the areas that get refreshed...

Mac Dev - How to refresh view for 2d game?

If you see my other question, you'll know that I'm starting to try making simple 2d games on mac. There I was deciding which library to use (OpenGL or Quartz), but no matter what I'll have to use Cocoa to make it a nice Mac application, and for the window and the view (with OpenGL, NSOpenGLView). Obviously for a game, the view will have ...

Deeply cloned Panel; controls don't redraw

Hello. I have problems with redrawing child controls of cloned panel. First, I'm not using IClonable. I'm using reflection. My code: public static Panel ClonePanel(Panel panel) { Panel newPanel = (Panel) CloneControl(panel); foreach (Control ctl in panel.Controls) { Control newCtl = CloneControl(ctl); newC...

c# problem with form / tabcontrol redraw on maximize

I have an app / form with a tabcontrol on it. When I maximize my app, I see a redraw-bug - empty parts of the right area on the tabpage arent drawn correctly and show other weird stuff. (It's just the background, the controls on the tabpage are okay) I assume it must be a simple setting somewhere, but I can;t figure out what it is. Any ...

How to draw a picture instead of the slider on Qt QSlider?

I have created a class that inherits from QSlider. I want to draw a picture on the slider (grabber) instead of showing the plain one. How to do it? -- I found an answer and posted after I had received the reply. With due respect to the responder, I will choose that reply. However, I'd like to share code so that anyone with the same iss...

Screen grab of a window

Hi, I've been writing some code to do a screen grab of a window (in Windows). The code works fine, however prior to the screen grab I have to bring the window to the front that I want to capture and force a redraw. I force the redraw with InvalidateRect, I then have to pump some messages from the message loop in order for the WM_PAINT...

How to check if the resize is still in progress with OnResize event?

I need to redraw a control after it was resized and not while it is being resized because it takes a lot of time to redraw a control and it wastes a lot of resources. My control inherits Control class and I'm overriding the OnResize event. PS: OnSizeChanged is absolutely the same ...

Better event-based redraw() of Processing.js when using noLoop()

I am using Processing.js, with jQuery 1.3.2 at my disposal, and targeting Firefox 3.5, Safari 4 and IE 8 (through ExplorerCanvas). The Processing.js website says "Using Explorer Canvas with Processing.js typically results in unusable frame-rates for moderately complex visualizations." Well, in this case, animation is not required, just s...

Tao OpenGL Framework SimpleOpenGLControl - When will it redraw, when won't it?

I think my last question may have been to specific, so ignoring that one all together, I have a new question that is more general: I am using C# with Visual Studio Express 2008. I am also using the Tao Framework OpenGL dlls. What actually causes the SimpleOpenGLControl to redraw when I need it to redraw? When the SimpleOpenGLControl r...