
Redrawing control behind composite with SWT.NO_BACKGROUND

Hello Experts Original goal: I have a TreeMenu that i use to display my Menu. In this tree, a user can select different items. I would like to disable the tree, so that a user cannot select a new item after choosing the first. The catch is, we cannot use setEnabled, because we are not allowed to use the greyed out look. The look/color...

iPhone Simulator Refresh/Redraw View when debugging?

Hi, anyone does knows how redraw a view when debugging code? When Xcode is in the debugger mode, doesn't refresh the screen. If I add a view or a button, nothing is show on the screen! ...

Difference between InvalidateRect and RedrawWindow

When I want to redraw a window, is there any preferred function to call between InvalidateRect and RedrawWindow? For instance, are these two calls equal: (win would be a HWND) RedrawWindow(win, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); InvalidateRect(win, NULL, NULL); The main question(s): When should I use one or the other? Are there any differ...

repaint problem with JPanel inside a JPanel

I'm drawing shapes inside this JPanel, which is also inside another main JPanel. At repaint() it only draws the shapes for one millisecond and then they disappear. They don't stay painted, why? my paintComponent method is something like this @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); for (in...

Make parent control draw over child

Is there a way to make the parent control draw over the children controls when it is invalidated? ...

SWT TabFolder: Weird Drawing Behaviour

Hello StackOverflow Experts Description I have an SWT Page with a TabFolder with a number of dynamically created TabItems. On each TabItem i crate a Composite and set the TabItem.setControl() to the Composite. I then use this Composite as the page on which i draw my items. I draw a set of Controls, including Textbox's and Labels. For...

How to redraw the picture while moving windows in openGL?

I have drawn a picture with openGL on my windows. Now whenever I hold the mouse button on the windows and move it, my picture always got distorted. I don't know what function in openGL that can help me redraw the picture while the windows is moved. Anybody could help? I tried this but seems not work: void myDisplay() { ..... } void...

Is there a redraw-event for HTML5's canvas element?

As the title says, I need a notification when the content of a canvas element was redrawn. Is this possible? If not, a notification when the whole page was redrawn would also be ok (reDRAWN not reLOADED!). The reason why I need this is that I want to get the current FPS of an animation running inside a canvas. ...

Redraw balloon tip and tooltip in C#?

I wrote a C# application that is a simple countdown timer. I use it myself to keep track of cooking time (not to forget about boiling pasta) and other purposes. It works in the tray. When hovering the icon it shows remaining time as a tooltip. When clicked it shows remaining time in a balloon tip. I would like displayed time to be "tick...

Trying to force redraw of UITableViewCell

I found this post on Beveled UITableViewCells from I'm using the technique to reduce the width of the cells, and for the most part it works great. However, I have a small problem. Sometimes the cells are not redrawn properly. For example, even though a cell is supposed to be ...

jcarousel not getting drawn inside a hidden div

I am struggling since hrs on this one now. I am using a div to populate a ul/li list and then draw a jcarousel out of it. So this works fine $('#mycarousel').jcarousel(); everything works fine as expected... but here is the scenario. the div inside which I have ul/li items could be hidden by the click of another button. When ...

How to keep Java Frame from waiting?

I am writing a genetic algorithm that approximates an image with a polygon. While going through the different generations, I'd like to output the progress to a JFrame. However, it seems like the JFrame waits until the GA's while loop finishes to display something. I don't believe it's a problem like repainting, since it eventually does d...

WPF - Redrawing a Context Menu when Items change?

I have a ItemsControl in a ScrollViewer, and when the items exceed the width of the ScrollViewer they are put into a ContextMenu and shown as a DropDown instead. My problem is that when the Context Menu is first loaded, it saves the saves the size of the Menu and does not redraw when more commands get added/removed. For example, a panel...

Prevent controls from being redrawn in C#?

I have a form that contains a lot of runtime generated controls (image, button, panel,...), about 100 controls (I'm making a card matching game so there is a lot of controls in the form). I place the generating code into the constructor and each time the app starts, it took about 3-5s to load all the controls completely. If I bring an...

iPhone: Force UIButton to redraw itself

Hi, I have a little problem and I would be gratefull if someone could help me. I got 5 UIButtons placed next to each other and what I wanna do is set image on first button, redraw it so it, wait for 1 second, then set some other image on second button, redraw second button and so on. I tried to set image on button, then call function sle...

Forcing windows to redraw the entire screen

I am currently drawing graphics with GDI but I need to be able to redraw the entire desktop/screen. My graphics are drawn on the screen but when I would move a plotted pixel it would become a line because I am not redrawing the screen ( well windows isn't ). I need something to force it to redraw the entire screen, I've tried the followi...

NSView Not updating?

Hello, Im working on a drag n' drop view and found some handlers for drag and drop actions on the web. I want to make it so it turns blue when the user drags a file over the drag and drop area and gray again when they exit the drag and drop area. The issues is its not updating when you drag your mouse over it or exit it. Heres some of t...

Changing TreeNode.BackColor causes full TreeView redraw

I set the BackColor of specific TreeNodes in a TreeView as a hint to the user that something interesting has happened to the node while they are using the application. However, when I set BackColor, it causes the entire parent TreeView control to redraw rather than just the label area of the specific TreeNode that has been changed. I a...

Updating WPF control in "real time"

I'm writing an application which will display the current image seen by a camera and it needs to update the shown image in real time, or close to it. Essentially, I have a camera with which I can capture images and I need to capture one every, say, 1 second and display that image to the screen. Currently, my application has an Image co...

Why expose event of my GTK+ widget will be freezed after a long time? Is it a GTK+ bug?

Hello... Here is my code: #include <gtk/gtk.h> static int counter = 0; static PangoLayout* layout; static GdkGC* gc1; static GdkGC* gc2; //**/static GMutex* mu; static gboolean on_expose_event(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event) { gchar the_string[20]; //**/g_mutex_lock(mu); gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(widget->...