
iPhone:add, update and remove contact programmatically

hi all, i am new to iPhone programming i want to ask that whether i can add, update or remove contact from iPhone contact list. Please suggest or provide me some helpful link. ...

Removing double quotes from variables in batch file creates problems with CMD environment

Can anybody help with effective and safe way of removing quotes from batch variables? I have written a batch file which successfully imports a list of parameters %1, %2, %3 etc. and places them into named variables. Some of these parameters contain multiple words, and therefor are enclosed in double quotes. > "Susie Jo" (%1) > "Smit...

removed my lightbox but the image stopped openning in new window

there was a lightbox on my template i removed it but the images aren’t opened in new windows can you tell me how to fix it please ...

unsetting php reference

So I have this function, and it returns me a reference to a particular point to the array passed in. I want to make a call to unset that will then remove the result from the array/reference, but calling unset only removes the reference, not the data from the original array. Any thoughts? ...

Removing version from xml file

I am creating a Xml like format using XmlWriter. But in the output there is version information also. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> I don't need this in my file. How can I do that? Is there any way to remove it by code? ...

php remove button keeps retreiving posted information

Hi every1! im quickly finding im quite the beginner to php, so please bare with me! I have a quick problem, I have a remove button for a shopping cart and the code works for it everytime except for the last product thats in the cart. If a person pushes the addtoCart button the URL is reloaded with ?buyproduct=$productNumber and when the...

Remove lines which are between given patterns from a file (using Unix tools)

I have a text file (more correctly, a German style CSV file, i.e. semicolon-separated, decimal comma) which has a date and the value of a measurement on each line. There are stretches of faulty values which I want to remove before further work. I'd like to store these cuts in some script so that my corrections are documented and I can r...

Publishing partial git history

I would like to publish my git history to a public repository but would like to remove older commits. All the ways I have seen to do this alter the newer commit's SHA1s, which is not an option since I want to be able to push to the modified repo. Is there anyway to do this ? ...

How to remove a user from all rosters in Ejabberd

Hi, I want to delete a chat account and at the same time : Delete his roster Delete him from all of his friends rosters How can i do this? I have tried the various options of ejabberdctl. I can unregister a user, and even purge his roster, but i cant find a way to remove him from other rosters. PS : All my users are currently on o...

Hashmap.keySet(), foreach, and remove

I know that it's typically a big no-no to remove from a list using java's "foreach" and that one should use iterator.remove(). But is it safe to remove() if I'm looping over a HashMap's keySet()? Like this: for(String key : map.keySet()) { Node n = map.get(key).optimize(); if(n == null) { map.remove(key); } else { map.put(...

How can I add and remove a class on links using jQuery?

Let me give a better description of exactly what I'm wanting to do here. I'm using Wikispaces, and by default, when a user adds a new page link to the side navigation bar, wikispaces inserts either one of two classes: wiki_link or wiki_link_new. Here's what it looks like... <a href="/Map+Page" class="wiki_link">Map Page</a><br/> <a hr...

How Can I Remove a Surrounding DIV with jQuery?

In Wikispaces, when you add a Table of Contents to the Main Content area, any heading (h1-h6) you use within that main content area is automatically placed within the table of contents, and serves as an anchor link that when clicked on, takes you down the page to the heading referenced from the table of contents. By default, wikispaces ...

How to efficiently (performance) remove many items from List in Java?

I have quite large List named items (>= 1,000,000 items) and some condition denoted by <cond> that selects items to be deleted and <cond> is true for many (maybe half) of items on my list. My goal is to efficiently remove items selected by <cond> and retain all other items, source list may be modified, new list may be created - best way...

AS3: Splice two items in different places?

If I have an array private var temp:Array = [item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7...etc]; and two variables for items in the array: private var firstPosition; private var secondPosition; Is there a way to remove BOTH items at once? Say, if firstPosition = item4, and secondPosition = item7...then firstPosition = temp[3...

Resolving Problems with jQuery and Unordered List Loading

I'm building a very simplistic unordered list tree in XHTML with multiple levels deep. The way it works is that you click a parent node, and it uses the jQuery .load() API to make an AJAX call back to the server to see if this node has children. If it does, it inserts those nodes inside. When you click the parent link again, it does a .r...

str_replace string in array number auto increasing

Hi All, what we can do to remove page=2& From: "page=2&param1=value1&param2=value2" or "param1=value1&page=2&param2=value2". become: "param1=value1&param2=value2" or "param1=value1&param2=value2". in case of page=2, 2 is any natural no. i.e. (0 to 32000). Regards, ...

Actionscript3: add and remove EventListeners (with dynamic name and dynamic variables)

picture: Hey all! I am making a boardgame in flash Action Script 3 each position on the board is a buttons like this: button_1_1, button_1_2 etc. Whenever a character is selected you want to move it so the script has to add event listeners for positions around the selected unit // This f...

How Can You Remove Unnecessary HTML elements with jQuery?

In wikispaces, they use one of two HTML elements as buttons in a wikispace. Here they are... <button name="lock" type="submit" class="btn"><span><span>Lock Topic</span></span></button> Or... <a onclick="jQuery(this).parents('form').submit();" class="btn"><span><span>Search Posts</span></span></a> <a class="btn primary" id="newPostT...

Empty textbox using Jquery

I'm able to hide the 'tr' when 'Remove' is clicked. with the following code. $("a#minus").bind("click", function(e){ $(this).closest('tr').hide(); }); But I also want to clear the content of the 2 text boxes (id of the textbox's are dynamic [frm_Expense_expensesVO_*__strAmount and frm_Expense_expensesVO_*__memo] here '*' goes from...

Removing a border line in Silverlight Border control (kind of like border-style-bottom:none in css)??

Hi, I'd like the ability to have something that looks like a border but I don't want the bottom to show. in CSS I could accomplish this by going border-style-bottom:none I'm wondering if Silverlight has a similar functionality for the Border control. If not, I'm wondering what other control I can use to accomplish this? thanks ...